Hair biochemistry: before and after photos, reviews

Curly straighten, and straight curls - this is the principle of many girls. However, curls often refresh the face and make its features more romantic and tender. Those who by nature do not curl their hair are offered to make hair biochemistry. Photos before and after, as well as features of the process can be found in our article.

Composition of drugs

Biochemical perm is a special type of hair styling. After the procedure, the hair remains wavy from several weeks to six months. Unlike the usual perm wave, this option has a more gentle effect on the hair. The composition of hair biochemistry products includes more gentle and natural components:

  • Cysteamine. This is a natural protein that is an integral part of the hair.
  • Glycolic acid. It is a fruit acid that stops the alkaline curling process.

Of course, other elements are included. But among them there is no familiar ammonia, thioglycolic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Often in the composition you can find those elements that are even used to treat hair.

About the procedure

The procedure itself is not much different from what was done before. As before, the hair is thoroughly washed and dried with a towel. This allows you to get rid of sebum, which settles on the hair and, as a result, prevents the drug from evenly lying down on curls.

The master divides the hair into sectors and, depending on the desired result, carries out cheating. In order to avoid ugly creases and sloppy strands, everything is done in stages and in a row. The master must ensure not only that the bobbins lie according to the pattern, but also that they have the same thickness and tension. This is called physical exposure.

how to do biochemical perm

Next, it is time to apply the first drug. It softens the structure of the hair and bends it chemically. Now the hair is the most vulnerable and need a tool that stops the reaction and ensures the hardening of curls.

To make everything go perfectly, the master thoroughly rinses the untwisted hair under running water, getting rid of the first remedy. After using a towel to get rid of excess water, a second preparation is applied. Often it needs to be foamed so that the effect is as soft and deep as possible.

After a short amount of time, the curlers are removed and the hair is washed again with water. Then they need to be processed with nutrients. What will happen next is already decided by the master with the client. Usually the finale is styling. But the haircut that was done on straight hair may not be suitable for bright waves. Then the master offers the client to make another haircut.


Often reviews of hair biochemistry are negative, due to the fact that contraindications were not taken into account when performing this procedure. Among them:

  • Inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Broken skin integrity.
  • Diseases of the scalp.

Of course, such a wave is much easier to carry than a chemical wave. But at the same time, all contraindications should be taken into account so as not to experience disappointment.

Biochemistry for medium hair

What are the curls

Before doing biochemistry of hair, you need to carefully analyze what is right for you. The main rule: the larger the face, the larger the curl should be. Determine what your face shape is and act accordingly.

There are several types of curls:

  • Small curls.
  • Middle curl.
  • Large curls.

All of them look interesting on different hairs. But not everyone will like the result.

Large curls

The peculiarity of such hair biochemistry is that only a master with experience and high qualifications can do it. In order for the curl to be sufficiently elastic and hold for a long time, an accurate calculation of the preparations and the exposure time is necessary. The term "long" means a period of three months. The longer and thicker the hair, the less curl will last. Such biochemistry is suitable for medium hair with any haircut and style of both clothes and life. With large curls, a variety of hair decor elements are perfectly combined - from a simple elastic band to luxurious headbands and fresh flowers.

large curls

Small curls

This curl is often done on short hair. Based on the client’s desire, the master makes either a middle curl or a strong one. Such curls easily fly apart, and thanks to this, a new bright volume is formed. It is especially based in the crown area. Depending on how the master puts the bobbins, a different effect will result. It is believed that it is such curls that change the face contour most strongly. Very often it is a small curl that emphasizes the delicate skin color. Of course, not all jewelry will fit such a hairstyle. But taking care of her will not be difficult for both young people and those who have long celebrated adulthood.

Medium curl

Such biochemistry is recommended for medium hair. Photos of those who have already tried it on themselves prove the veracity of this statement. Those who used to wear hair of the same length understand that the average curl on this haircut will look untidy. That is why it is often advised to do something in cascading form. Fixation in such chemistry is average. Therefore, do not hope that the hairstyle will last a long time. On average, craftsmen guarantee three months, but usually styling lasts longer. Now let's talk in principle about fashion trends in curling issues.

biochemistry for long hair

For a short haircut

Earlier, short curls were made on the shortest hair. It looked like a dandelion and did not suit everyone. But recently, fashion has changed. As well as the approach to biochemistry for short hair. So, now in fashion "curls of an angel." This is a light curl that is suitable for visually weak hair. Curls look gentle and soft. She makes facial features more sophisticated and pretty.

For short hair, you can make curls with the effect of wet hair. Such a base for styling is ideal for busy girls, because laying it is a matter of several minutes. A photo of biochemistry for short hair is the best proof of this.

Now it’s fashionable to make numerous “afro” curls. Owners of chubby lips and those who are not afraid of experiments can afford such a hairstyle. Remember that curled hair will visually become much shorter. If this does not scare you, then you are ready to impress those around you with short hair curling!

Biochemistry for long hair

The longer the hair, the more difficult it is to curl it, but the result is worth it. Perm on long hair will give them volume and airiness. If the hair is not thick, you can experiment with any type of curl. This is especially true for those who want to emphasize the beauty of their hair. For example, you can improve your hairstyle and make an easy cascade.

For thick hair is not recommended to use too small curls. This will make the head disproportionate and create the effect of a trapezoid, which will only be an occasion to smile, and not admire the beauty of the hair.

To make the biowave look beautiful, it is important to consider several factors. First of all, the hair must be healthy. It is better that they are not painted and do not know the curls up to this point. Moreover, the selection of a good master is important. Only a specialist in his field knows how to make curls uniform and persistent, without violating the health of the hair.

biochemistry for luxurious hair

Medium length hair

Perhaps this is the optimal length for gentle and light curls. This hairstyle looks elegant and gentle. If the hair is not heavy, then the curls will start from the root itself, and end with a light and gentle wave. When making a curl, remember that the curl’s coolness is not so important as what hairstyle it will be in. What biochemistry looks like on medium hair before and after the procedure is the best evidence of this statement.

Boost up

There is another interesting option for biochemistry of hair. This is an ideal base for those who regularly do styling using a pile. Boost up is called a root wave, which is performed according to the latest techniques and affects only the hair roots. The resulting result resembles the effect of a curling iron. Previously, such a curl was made a classic remedy. But it had a negative effect on the basal zone and bulbs. So with the advent of biochemistry, the opportunity to always be with raised roots became open to all.

Why do curls

Some are perplexed why to make biochemistry of hair, the photo of which does not always look attractive, if you can just do yourself styling with a curling iron and a hairdryer. There are actually quite a few reasons:

  • A curling iron fills hair constantly and is much stronger than biochemistry.
  • Stacking even with the lightest curl lasts at least 6 weeks.
  • After curling, styling takes very little time.
  • You can choose the elasticity and coolness of the curl.
  • Luxurious hairstyle under any circumstances.

This is especially pleasant in light of the fact that the hair has a gentle effect. But not everything is as great as it might seem.

styling of a biochemical wave


In any case, albeit with natural preparations, this is an effect on the skin. Therefore, after curling, the hair dries. This is good for those who suffer from fatty roots. However, those who experience dryness can cause significant harm to the skin. At first, the hair will smell just disgusting. This is especially annoying in the light of the fact that you can’t wash your hair after the procedure for at least three days. And when you wash them, your hair will not stop “fragrant” for at least another two weeks.

You can remove the curl in only one way - to cut it off. For those who want to let go of their long hair, this idea will help to soberly weigh their desire to do bio-curling. Such styling needs constant care. Previous funds may not be suitable, therefore, in addition to embezzlement, you will have to spend on additional curls directly on additional materials.

Care Rules

When styling is looked after, even after a few weeks, biochemistry on the hair looks good. Photos confirm this. But what are the rules for caring for such curls?

Start by revising your hair cosmetics. Everything that dries in one way or another is no longer suitable for you. If before washing, you washed your hair with shampoo and did not use any more products, it is time to purchase restoring masks and balms. Many note the positive effects of peach and other essential oils. But remember that holding funds on your hair for a long time is also harmful. Be reasonable.

biochemistry for short hair

Change the comb. Most people use classic combs, but if you have biochemistry done, you need to buy a brush with rare teeth. At first it’s worth combing your hair with your fingers. After washing your hair, do not rub your hair. This is harmful in principle, but for hair that has been affected by chemistry, it is completely dangerous. Thus, you can greatly confuse and break them. Just pat your hair with a soft towel.

A hair dryer should buy a diffuser. This is a special nozzle that facilitates styling, creating the effect of wet hair. Dry your hair and do the styling by tilting your head forward. This will allow you not to break the roots and evenly apply styling products on them.

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