How to remove connecting rods from a bicycle without a puller - useful tips

The question of how to remove the connecting rods from a bicycle without a puller arises in situations where it is necessary to dismantle the specified part for replacement and maintenance. To remove the nodal element in a professional environment, specialized pullers are used. However, if you wish, you can do without it. Let's figure out how to remove the bicycle rods without using a puller.

What are connecting rods?

A connecting rod is a part that has one of the most significant loads during movement. There are blocks of front stars that are connected to the connecting rod motionless. In this case, if breakdowns occur, both rods must be replaced. On bikes of the upper price category, stars can be changed by disconnecting from the connecting rod as it wears out.

how to remove connecting rods from a bicycle without a puller

Questions regarding how to remove the connecting rods from a bicycle without a puller begin to worry bike owners in the event of damage to these parts. It is necessary to dismantle the element in order to gain free access to the carriage when adjusting it.

Types of connecting rods

remove the connecting rods from the bike without a puller
Before you figure out how to remove the connecting rods without a puller, you need to consider their varieties and how to connect with the rest of the details:

  1. One-component - are presented in the form of a monolithic structure, where the left and right elements are stationary on the axis. The advantage of this solution is high reliability, ease of maintenance and low weight due to lack of fasteners.
  2. Two-component - the axis, the right connecting rod and the drive star are connected in a single design. The left connecting rod is connected to the system due to nut seating.
  3. Three-part - the most common option. It is presented in the form of a separate axis, as well as a right and left connecting rod connected to an asterisk.

Materials of manufacture

During movement, the cranks have the highest load. Therefore, solid steel is most often used as the material for their manufacture. Recently, products made from aluminum alloys have been in high demand. Most often, such solutions are used to complete sports bikes, where the reduction in total weight plays a decisive role.

Types of Mounts

To understand how to remove the connecting rods from a bicycle without a puller, it is important to understand the types of mounts that are used to connect the part to the stars. Modern products can be installed using nuts, slots or fasteners made in the form of specific squares. A rotary connection method is also available today.

remove the connecting rods from the bike without a puller

In what situations may the connecting rod need to be dismantled?

A connecting rod is a fairly simple part that does not require special maintenance and care. Component replacement is most often done due to mechanical damage. The need for removal may also arise when it is necessary to gain free access to the carriage, to perform adjustment or flushing the system.

Often, after riding in rainy weather, unpleasant creaks occur in the area of ​​the carriage, caused by the ingress of sand and dirt into the nodal mechanism. In this case, it may be necessary to remove the connecting rod to clean the seat.

In general, the connecting rod itself is not dismantled. To do this, resort to the operation of a special puller or the use of improvised methods, which will be discussed later.

Remove the connecting rods from the bike without a puller

In cases where the cyclist does not have access to a specialized tool, there are relatively few options for implementing the task. To remove the connecting rods from the bike without a puller, you can resort to the following solutions:

  1. Try to dismantle the connecting rod by force. Of course, in the case of the use of a sledgehammer, there is a high probability of causing irreparable damage to the bearings and carriage. Although the idea may bring the desired results, it may be due to your own laziness that you will have to resort to the additional costs of repairing other parts.
  2. The second option involves abundant treatment of the compounds with lubricants, followed by unscrewing the bolts. With unfastened fasteners, it is enough to ride a bicycle several hundred meters, exerting maximum pressure on the connecting rods.
    how to remove bicycle rods without using a puller
  3. The next solution, which will allow you to figure out how to remove the connecting rods from a bicycle without a puller, involves the use of a grinder. With the help of a tool, a neat file is made on the sleeve. Then, with a hammer and breakdown, the part is finally dismantled. The main disadvantage of this method is the need for subsequent replacement of the old connecting rod.

Connecting Rod Installation

After dismantling the part and performing all the planned manipulations, it is necessary to return the structural element to its original place. Before carrying out the work, it is desirable to clean all surfaces and joints, and then carry out their processing with a thick lubricant. Such an approach will allow to install the connecting rod evenly and will significantly facilitate the work if it is necessary to dismantle it again.

how to remove connecting rods without a puller

During installation, it is necessary to perform a deep fit of the part on the shaft. This will avoid the appearance of backlash during movement. If the connecting rod is not tight enough, the nest will gradually become unusable. For reliable fixing of the part, application of a force of the order of 50-70 Nm is sufficient.

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