"Sasha and Masha" - actors and features of the series

Today we will discuss the series "Sasha and Masha." Actors and roles will be presented later. This comedy series is the Russian version of the international French-Canadian television project called Un gars, une fille, which was implemented in 29 countries. Broadcasting took place in the Russian Federation from 2003 to 2005, on the TNT channel. A total of 5 seasons of the project came out.


actors of the series Sasha Masha

To begin, discuss the plot of the film "Sasha + Masha." The actors are named in the following sections of this material. The main characters of the series are a couple of lovers. He is the head of a small IT company. She is a manager, then turns into a student, wanting to get a second higher education. The heroes are a little over 30. They live together for quite some time, but are not married.

Each series contains short interludes in which the main characters, and sometimes minor characters, participate. The topics of sketches are taken from life, it can be going to the cinema or shopping, buying an apartment, a tourist trip, the appearance of guests, but in any situation with a young family there are instructive and funny cases.

Main participants

sitcom sasha masha

Actors of the series "Sasha + Masha" - George Dronov and Elena Biryukova, they played the main characters. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Georgy Dronov - Russian film and theater actor, director. Known for his participation in the series "Phoenix Syndrome" and "Voronin." George in the film "Night Watch" played Tolika. He was born in Moscow, graduated from the Institute of Culture, studied at the faculty of directing. Then George became a student at the Shchepkin Theater School. I chose the acting department and got into the workshop of V. Korshunov.

Elena Biryukova is a Russian, as well as Belarusian and Ukrainian film and theater actress. She comes from a family of employees. Father, Valery Antonovich, and mother, Irina Alekseevna, engineers. Sister is the head of the personnel department. Elena was educated at the RATI, in the workshop of L. Kheifets. She played on the stage of the Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theater.

Other heroes

The doctor and mother-in-law were well remembered by the audience of the series "Sasha + Masha." Actors Timur Batrutdinov and Irina Znamenshchikova embodied the images of these heroes on the screen. Further we will talk about them.

Timur Batrutdinov is a comedian, as well as a TV presenter. He was born in the village of Voronovo (Moscow region). Timur’s childhood passed in Baltiysk. Father - engineer Takhir Khusainovich, mother - economist Natalia Evgenievna. Timur became a student at St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. After he was drafted into the military forces for military service.

Irina Znamenshchikova played in the films: β€œThe Perfect Couple”, β€œGulchatay. For the sake of love ”,β€œ B / W ”,β€œ Give me Sunday ”,β€œ Kiss of fate ”,β€œ Farewell of the Slav ”,β€œ Vow of silence ”,β€œ Black mark ”,β€œ Once upon a time there was a woman ”,β€œ Trumpet ”,β€œ Further - love ”,β€œ Margosha ”,β€œ Return for further investigation ”,β€œ I am flying ”,β€œ Summer resident ”.

The loader and Ksenia also appear in the plot of the series "Sasha + Masha." Actors Pavel Kostik and Daria Barskaya embodied these images. We will also talk about these people.

Pavel Kostik played in the films: Vanechka, Life is a Field for Hunting, Gorynych and Victoria, Brezhnev. Participates in paintings of such genres as crime tape, melodrama.

Daria Barskaya played in the films Lave, Matchmaker, 20 Cigarettes, Soldiers 7, You Do Not Leave Me, Happy Together, Juncker, Doomed to Become a Star. Participates in paintings of such genres as comedy and melodrama.

Irina Barskaya played Luda. This actress was born in Moscow. She graduated from music school, class of violin and piano. He is a candidate for master of sports, is engaged in table tennis. Irina is fond of figure skating and swimming. He speaks German and English. Member of the Guild of Actors of Russia.

Interesting Facts

frame from the series Sasha and Masha

Next, we give some interesting information about the series "Sasha + Masha." Actors are already known to you. In 2010, the continuation of the series was planned, Georgy Dronov announced this, however, due to employment, he and Elena Biryukova refused to shoot.

The project became one of the TNT channel rating products. In each country, the sitcom adapts to local conditions. At the same time, they change the names of the characters, the name, and also add the national flavor, rewrite the jokes, introduce characteristic details.

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