Geisha diet: reviews and results. How to use a geisha diet?

Not every person on the planet is satisfied with the appearance of his body, especially for women. And if the lack of a figure is overweight, then in the fight against extra pounds, a variety of methods are used, ranging from intense physical exertion to fasting. And today, the geisha diet is becoming increasingly popular. How much can you lose weight with this technique? What products are on the menu? What rules should be observed? These questions interest many.

When did the geisha diet appear?

japanese geisha pics
Some historical sources indicate that such diets were indeed quite often used by some eastern women. After all, Japanese geisha (the photo can be seen on the left) should always remain in perfect shape and delight the man’s eye with gentle bends of the body.

Nevertheless, the geisha diet was used more likely to rejuvenate the body than to fight extra pounds. It was believed that a short restriction in the amount of food helped to cleanse the body. This helped to give lightness to the body, raise the mood, find harmony and a sense of self-confidence.

By the way, the geisha diet was included in the so-called rejuvenation course along with other procedures. In particular, during such a peculiar fasting, women were engaged in meditation and moderate physical activity. Rejuvenation also included several sessions of relaxing massage, various cosmetic procedures and cleansing baths. Therefore, if you have time, then it is worth observing the basic rules of rejuvenation in Japanese - this will affect not only the state of the body, but also well-being.

Proper diet preparation is the key to success

It is immediately worth noting that a five-day geisha diet can be a real stress for the body. And in order to avoid possible complications and reduce the feeling of hunger, it is worth preparing for it correctly.

At least a week try to reduce the amount or calorie content of food - adjust the diet, include salads, fresh fruits and other healthy products. Reducing the amount of food consumed will help the body adapt, so switching to a diet will not be so painful and difficult.

By the way, you need to leave the diet according to the same principle - you should not immediately pounce on high-calorie foods immediately after its completion, since lost kilograms can go back.

5 day geisha diet: menu and basic rules

geisha diet
It is immediately worth noting that this option of losing weight is rather complicated, although it has a number of undeniable advantages. So what are the main foods a geisha diet includes? Wild rice is your main food for the next few days. The menu will look something like this:

  • Breakfast in this case consists of green tea with milk - you need to mix 250 ml of tea with the same amount of milk.
  • For lunch, you are allowed to eat a portion of boiled brown rice and drink a glass of warm (necessarily warm!) Milk.
  • Dinner consists of brown rice and a glass of tea with milk (diluted in a ratio of 1: 1).

The menu, of course, is very simple, but most people say that due to brown rice there is a feeling of fullness almost all day - hunger does not torment as much as with other strict diets.

Other products at the time of compliance with this food scheme are strictly prohibited. By the way, rice cannot be salted, and sugar is forbidden to be added to tea. It is necessary to observe the water regimen - drink as much pure plain water as possible. Juices, soda, coffee are prohibited.

You can follow a diet for no more than 5 days, but it can be repeated after 7-10 days. Some experts say that during the first "entry" the body is cleansed of excess fluid and toxins, but the repetition of the diet contributes to more active burning of fats.

Despite the fact that brown rice and milk are extremely useful for the body, during such a sharp restriction in nutrition, a deficiency of vitamins and minerals appears, so it is best to take vitamin preparations at this time.

Contraindications to the diet of a geisha

Of course, a strict mono-diet is a heavy blow to the body. That is why such a power scheme is not allowed for everyone. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should immediately abandon such an undertaking - a sharp restriction of nutrition (even for five days) can adversely affect the development, growth and health status of the child.

In addition, the diet of Japanese geishas is contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa), peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. If you have any kind of chronic disease (this especially applies to diseases of the digestive tract and metabolic disorders), then you should definitely consult a doctor before starting.

Geisha diet: reviews, results

geisha diet results
How effective can this method be? What difficulties is weight loss associated with? These questions are asked most frequently. It is immediately worth noting that there are many people who really like the geisha diet - its results are very impressive.

Reviews indicate that in just five days you can lose from four to seven kilograms. In order to consolidate the result, in the next two weeks it is worth gradually introducing new products into the diet and monitoring their calorie content. The same women who dared to repeat the diet 10 days later, note that for the second approach they managed to get rid of another 7-16 kg of excess weight. Although it is immediately worth noting that everything here depends on the number of excess kilograms - the more it is, the faster the weight will decrease.

On the other hand, not everyone is given an easy geisha diet . Reviews also confirm that this scheme is often associated with fatigue and increased fatigue. Some people also note that by the end of the third day there is a strong feeling of hunger. If during the diet you are tormented by abdominal pain (especially in the epigastric region) or migraine, it is worth stopping its observance, as this can be harmful to health.

Diet for true geishas: a lightweight option

diet japanese geisha
If a five-day strict dietary restriction is not suitable for you, then you can try the second version of the diet of Japanese beauties. The duration of such a diet is a month, but the diet in this case is more diverse.

So, rice with pickles and garlic is a must for every day. You can eat other products, in particular boiled, stewed and baked vegetables, seafood, a small amount of boiled fish.

In any case, at least twice a day, your menu should have boiled rice, to which you can add chopped pickles. But when you eat rice, pick up the pieces of cucumber by the cheek and do not swallow until the last. This will help increase the secretion of digestive enzymes and, accordingly, normalize the processes of digestion and metabolism. After you have eaten all the rice, you can chew and swallow a cucumber, and then a clove of garlic.

You can drink green tea without sugar with non-fat milk, as well as clean still water. Salt, sugar, butter, meat, fats, bread, flour products, sweets are prohibited products.

What foods are best for dieting?

geisha diet wild rice
In many respects, the success of the diet depends on how high quality products you have used. Ideally, brown rice should be the basis of nutrition. This product contains a large amount of fiber, which stimulates intestinal motility. It also acts as a sponge, adsorbing and removing toxins and other harmful substances from the body. By the way, brown rice is rich in useful components such as amino acids, B vitamins, as well as carotene and vitamin E.

It is best to choose milk nonfat (1.5 - 2.5% fat). By the way, low-fat dairy products are not suitable for this diet, since it is already low-calorie.

In the absence of brown rice, marine or long-grain can be used instead.

Monthly Diet Results

This diet does not require such a sharp restriction on the amount of food consumed, however, its results are also quite good. On average, you can lose from 7 to 16 kilograms per month, which is not bad at all. After all, a monthly diet is not associated with side effects such as vitamin deficiency, a strong feeling of hunger, constant weakness and dizziness.

The basic principles of nutrition of geishas

geisha diet reviews results
It's no secret that at least half of the lost weight comes back in the next few months. And in order to preserve the result for a long time, it is worth observing some rules of geishas:

  • Always try to eat small meals.
  • Cook with a double boiler - this way more useful substances remain in the products.
  • Japanese geisha never try a dish until it is completely ready.
  • It is important not only the taste and composition of the food, but also its appearance - serving and decoration of food is considered a kind of art.
  • Be sure to include fish, seafood, vegetables, seaweed, rice and green tea in your diet. These products saturate the body with nutrients, contribute to weight loss and tissue rejuvenation.

Some helpful suggestions

5 day geisha diet
It is immediately worth noting that any mono-diets to one degree or another are a threat to health. Therefore, resorting to them too often is strictly prohibited. A geisha diet is suitable if you need to urgently lose a few pounds. The rest of the time should be devoted to proper nutrition and physical activity.

It should also be understood that during a strict diet , intense physical activity is prohibited, since the body is already very depleted. But after leaving the diet, it is worth spending more time in the gym. After all, physical activity is one of the few methods to eliminate subcutaneous fat deposits and strengthen muscles. By the way, muscle mass is much heavier than fat mass, so if you lose weight through training, it is best to note the results in terms of lost volumes, not weight.

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