How to get rid of oily sheen on the face: tips and tricks

Fat unattractive face gloss is the main problem for owners of combined skin types. This is not only an aesthetic flaw, but also a serious problem for the skin, as excess sebum clogs the pores and provokes inflammation. How to get rid of oily shine on the face? Before answering the question, it is necessary to understand the causes of such a shortcoming.

how to get rid of oily shine on the face
The main reasons for the appearance of shine on the face

Most often, this problem indicates a violation of the normal functioning of internal systems and organs. Therefore, before you begin any action to eliminate it, you must undergo a medical examination. Based on the test results, the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment and care program that will help get rid of the oily sheen of the face.

Common causes of the problem:

  • hormonal disorders;

  • avitaminosis;

  • dysbiosis;

  • dermatological diseases;

  • stress

  • malnutrition.

How to get rid of oily shine on the face: rules of care

  1. Perform quality daily skin care. Use special pH neutral cleaners. Do not use too hot water for washing.

  2. Choose care products suitable for your skin type. Use matting lotions, wipes, creams. They normalize the production of sebum, which makes the gloss on the skin almost invisible.

  3. Exfoliate dead skin particles regularly with a soft scrub. This procedure will not only relieve blackheads and blackheads, but also help remove greasy shine from the face.

    get rid of oily face shine

  4. Moisturize your skin. Due to lack of moisture, increased production of sebum may occur. Give preference to light creams with a gel-like consistency.

  5. When buying a foundation, opt for a product with a light texture. They do not clog pores, mattify well and make the skin look healthier.

  6. Limit your intake of fatty, fried, smoked, spicy and sweet foods. Perhaps the wrong diet is the main reason for this cosmetic defect.

How to get rid of oily sheen on the face with improvised means: use natural

Broths of medicinal herbs perfectly tone and soothe inflamed skin: calendula, succession, chamomile. They can be used for washing, or you can make ice and wipe the skin in the morning.

remove oily shine from the face
Homemade masks made from natural ingredients, such as egg white, yeast, lemon juice, dairy products, have a good effect.

The sebaceous glands can be normalized using variable compresses. To do this, wet a towel in hot water or a herbal broth and put it on your face for 5 minutes. Then immediately put on a steamed skin a towel soaked in cold water. This procedure should be done several times, after which moisturize the skin with cream.

After reading this article, you learned how to get rid of oily sheen on the face. Following these recommendations and taking care of your skin regularly, you can very soon achieve the desired result.

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