Blood for MPA: where it comes from, the timing of obtaining results, decoding, norms and deviations

Every person knows the general and biochemical blood tests, therefore, when the doctor sends the patient for their delivery, absolutely no questions arise. But taking a referral from a doctor for a specific study, many are wondering: blood for MPA, what kind of analysis it is.

different analyzes

MPA analysis, transcript

Only if there is a suspicion of such a dangerous disease as syphilis, the doctor prescribes a full examination of the patient and sends him to the laboratory to donate blood to the MPA.

In medical language, the abbreviation MPA refers to the reaction of the immune system in the form of a microprecipitate as a response to the interaction of a soluble cardiolipin antigen with antibodies produced by the human immune system. In other words, blood for MPA is a medical screening for the detection of antibodies to a pathogenic bacterium of pale treponema in the patient's blood.

The interpretation of the analysis is adopted uniform in all laboratories and is indicated by the signs "+". For example, “+” is a weakly positive result, possibly inaccurate or false, you need to retake. Two pluses “++” - the result is doubtful, three pluses “+++” - one hundred percent positive reaction, four pluses “++++” - a neglected disease, a sharply positive reaction.

blood analysis

How many days does syphilis appear?

Blood tests for sexually transmitted diseases, including syphilis, have been performed for a very long time. The founder was the scientist Wasserman. In total, there are 17 reactions to syphilis bacteria, one of them is named after the scientist by the Wasserman reaction.

The reaction manifests itself 10-14 days after infection or household contact with the patient. During this period, it makes no sense to conduct a blood test for MPA, it is better to carry out drug prophylaxis of the disease.

In everyday contact with infected syphilis, a healthy person becomes infected with pale treponema, due to which healthy cells begin to die in his body. In response to their destruction, the immune system instantly reacts and begins to produce antibodies - special proteins that are referred to in the medical terminology as immunoglobulins. Blood is taken on MPAs to determine the presence of antibodies to the syphilis bacteria and their concentration (titer).

gloved hand

Syphilis infection routes

The causative agent of the disease is pale treponema, it has flagella with which it can move inside the human body. The main method of infection is direct:

  • promiscuous sex;
  • needle addicts;
  • bites.

Household contacts through personal objects of an infected person are suitable for an indirect method of infection. Especially important in syphilis infection is that pale treponema does not penetrate through the integument of the skin. If there are abrasions, microtraumas on the skin, then infection is inevitable.

blood tubes

Indications for screening

Blood is donated to the MPA only because of obvious suspicion of syphilis, when the patient has signs of the disease. Symptoms of syphilis infection include:

  • low-grade fever;
  • aches and pains in bones;
  • ulcers and skin lesions on the genitals;
  • abnormal vaginal discharge in women;
  • rash on the body;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Often this dangerous pathology proceeds in a latent form. Given this fact, with the onset of various important events in a person’s life, he will still have to pass a non-specific test for syphilis.

Such life circumstances include:

  • employment and medical examination to obtain a health book;
  • preparation for surgery;
  • registration during pregnancy;
  • the birth of a child from an infected mother, the baby will urgently receive an MPA test;
  • imprisonment;
  • sexual intercourse with an infected person;
  • the appearance of signs of a sexually transmitted disease.

Patients undergoing drug therapy periodically donate blood to MPAs to evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen treatment. After completing the course of drugs, doctors prescribe a control test for syphilis.

There are categories of citizens who are required to periodically undergo a general MPA blood test to detect infection and prevent the spread of the disease. These include health workers, employees of the penitentiary system, “industrialists”, as well as drug addicts and alcoholics.

three analyzes

Responsible blood sampling

Blood is donated for screening as for biochemistry - on an empty stomach. Many patients who have a fear of blood or a high pain threshold are worried about where the blood is taken for MPA. Depending on the laboratory, from a finger or vein. If a pathogenic bacterium is detected - pale treponema - treatment should be started immediately. In 90% of cases, therapy is effective, and a control test for MPA will become negative.

In addition to negative or positive, the test can also show a dubious result. This indicates a running course of the disease.

How to take an analysis. Doctors Recommendations

Patients who first encountered the need to be tested for syphilis are wondering how to donate blood for MPA. There are several rules that are recommended to be observed before blood donation in order to obtain a reliable result.

Like many other tests, an MPA is given on an empty stomach. It is allowed to drink water, but a small amount without gas. Alcoholic beverages, as well as spicy and fried foods saturated with fats, are excluded. A diet must be followed if there is a need for blood donation for a precipitation microreaction. If a person takes some medications, then he must inform his doctor before taking a blood test. Perhaps he will stop taking the drugs for a certain period so that the result of the analysis is not affected by foreign drug impurities in the blood.

laboratory blood tests

False positive result - what is it and how to understand it?

The analysis does not reflect the pathogenic bacterium itself, but only the traces of its presence in the human body. An MPA test finds and counts antibodies in human blood that are produced in response to infection.

The result of the analysis in some cases can be false positive and this is due to certain conditions of a person.

These include:

  • pathology of the autoimmune system;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • pregnancy or recent birth;
  • diseases caused by other infections, viruses;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • history of transferred syphilis;
  • vaccination;
  • alcohol, drug intoxication.

In patients with tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis, leprosy, a test for syphilis can also show a false positive reaction. Surprisingly, even with menstruation in women, the result of the analysis can scare two pluses. According to statistics, 5% of the examined have a false result. In this case, you need to re-take a blood test for MPA.

How long does it take to get an analysis result?

Time and speed of execution depends on the laboratory and its capabilities. On average, a MPA blood test result can be obtained after 10 days. As far as the laboratory is technically equipped, the screening will be completed so quickly. This usually takes from a few minutes to several hours. If at the moment there are few analyzes for processing, the laboratory accumulates material for a full analyzer load. To find out how much a blood test is done for MPA, you need to find out this question in the laboratory where you plan to donate blood.

blood flasks

Human actions with a positive test for syphilis

If, when receiving the results of a blood test for MPA, the patient sees three or four pluses, which means a positive reaction of antibodies to pale treponema, then he should conduct a second or even third control test for syphilis, preferably in different laboratories. This is done to eliminate errors and obtain reliable results. You need to know in advance in these laboratories how much blood is made on the MPA and immediately contact a venereologist to prescribe treatment. To make sure the analysis is correct, a mini-test is performed in the laboratory: a cardiolipid antigen is applied to a drop of blood serum. The final diagnosis and the appointment of treatment are carried out by the venereologist.

The Ministry of Health has developed a number of syphilis prevention measures. For example, to prevent congenital syphilis in babies, pregnant women periodically donate blood to RW during observations in antenatal clinics. This is also a test for syphilis, future mothers must check the blood without fail. In case of detection of a pathogenic bacterium in a woman during pregnancy, complex treatment will be prescribed. Ignoring treatment is dangerously irreversible for mom and her unborn baby.

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