Police lawlessness: violation of law, abuse of authority, complaints about police actions and retaliatory measures of senior management

To date, the authorities have occupied too large a niche in society. Compared with other, more or less civilized countries, Russia is much inferior in the organization of human rights bodies. This can be judged from the opinions of others. Seeing a police officer on the streets of Europe, people feel completely safe. Unfortunately, the reverse process is taking place in Russia. At the sight of a policeman, people try not to get into his field of vision. You never know. Suddenly he will get stupid questions. No matter how funny it sounds, it is a serious problem in the modern world.

Nevertheless, it is worth sorting out specific examples of how chaos manifests itself among police chiefs in Russia and ordinary employees.

In 2017, one girl published a post. It contained a clear and intelligible explanation of how law enforcement agencies work. Namely, the next situation of police lawlessness was described.


In the evening, police detained her brother in the apartment. Without explanation for any reason, he was shoved into a patrol car and taken to a police station. Naturally, there was no news of what or where the relatives were. Only three days later, a warning came that his brother was in serious condition at the hospital.

chaos police chiefs

A huge amount of bruising and bruising was found on his body. On admission, there was a serious injury to the skull. As you might have guessed, the “werewolves” in uniform made an incredible mess in the police.

For three days they mercilessly beat the young man, as he was passing under the article of suspected of some kind of violation. Unfortunately, the girl’s brother died in the hospital. Doctors, intimidated by law enforcement, wrote in their report that the cause of death was unknown.

Further action

After this incident, the sister of the deceased did not put up with what happened and wrote a statement to the investigative committee. But in bureaucratized Russia, events unfolded incredibly slowly, and only after posting the record on social networks and mass unrest, finally, the officers who had organized lawlessness in the police in Russia were detained and placed in a pre-trial detention center.

Police response

Of course, not one of the three perpetrators confessed to anything. As written in their conclusion: the citizen behaved inappropriately and began to inflict bodily harm.

lawlessness of a police officer

Simply put, everyone began to defend themselves as soon as they could. One of them generally said that he was absent during the arrest and investigation.


As a result, they are most likely to be assigned a long stay in places not so remote. They are accused of two articles. The first, of course, is “Abuse of official authority,” and the second is “Intentionally causing grievous bodily harm”. Most importantly, because of such “werewolves," an innocent person said goodbye to life. At such moments, one involuntarily thinks about how to live in a society in general, where a person can easily be pulled out of the house on pseudo-legal grounds and brought to the grave.

Another example

The man returned home late in the evening in a completely sober state. From behind I heard the phrase: “Young man, wait a minute.” Naturally, the first thoughts were either some gopniks or beggars, so no reaction was caused. But here he is sharply grabbed by the shoulders and deployed with reproaches of disobedience to the call of the police. Then, holding hands, the employees dragged the young man to the department. At the same time, without explaining the reason and without even introducing himself. In the area itself, two "werewolves in uniform" tried to throw a man into the bullpen and take away the phone. Only their boss came to the rescue, who yelled at his subordinates and sent the young man to hell.

police mayhem

Unfortunately, the guy had to wait next to the train to the house, and at that time again law enforcement officers arrived in time. Here softer communication has already begun, but the share of rudeness did not end there. They demanded to go to the department again, as it turned out later, they were very embarrassed that everything was filmed on camera and they asked “humanly” to remove the video. What the man agreed to (just to be left behind) and fulfilled the request. But there was a small catch, in search of easy prey, the employees did not pay attention to the guy's profession, and he was a programmer, so without much effort, he restored everything and posted the video on the Internet. After that, you involuntarily torment yourself with the question: “Who should be avoided - police officers or gopniks?”

How is the police happy on the roads?

Almost every motorist has at least once encountered inadequate police officers, and this can manifest itself in completely different situations. For example, eternal scandals due to the movement of a patrol car in the stream. Unscrupulous police officers simply turn on the flasher and make any detours. Most often, such maneuvering forces other cars to disperse, and after that the traffic jam only increases. Someone will say that this is normal, but do not forget about other people who are also rushing home after a hard day.

Beating citizens

Another example is DPS. Here the maximum concentration of lawlessness of police officers. Often, after talking with one of these authorities, a citizen begins to doubt his competence. And so it is. People whose main task is to ensure the safety of citizens on the roads only spoil it.

Response measures

There are many different points where lawlessness is committed by the police, but many citizens are poorly aware of their rights, so they are blindfolded. This is a gross mistake, because everyone should get what they deserve. Now it’s worth deciding where to complain. Firstly, the department itself, in which an unscrupulous employee serves. Secondly, the prosecutor’s office, which is higher than the police. Although this is no less corrupt place. Thirdly, going to court. This is the right decision. There is already some kind of neutrality.

police chaos in Russia

It is also worth pointing out that an appeal to such an instance can take two forms. Or oral, where a person simply sets out the essence of the problem, but usually no consequences occur. Writing is another matter. Here everyone will have to fuss and try to punish the guilty. Moreover, the consequences in most cases will be visible, and the “reward” will find its recipient.

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