Secrets of fishing: when is the best to bite carp?

Many domestic fishing enthusiasts are wondering when the best carp is to bite. It is found in almost all domestic reservoirs. It is the representatives of this species that most often fall for the bait. On the territory of the Russian Federation there are two subspecies of crucian carp. One of them is gold. It can be found in the reservoirs of the European part of our country and right up to the Lena basin. He likes to be in low-flowing water, therefore, his favorite places are ponds and lakes, as well as small rivers. In turn, the second representative - crucian carp - is most often found in the Far East and Siberia. The weight of the largest representatives can reach 1 kg.

When does a crucian peck?

Most favorable conditions

Now we will figure out when crucian pecks, at what time of the day it is best to fish to get the maximum result. In the afternoon, as practice shows, this fish is resting, the result from such a pastime will be bad. But in the early morning and late evening the most favorable conditions are created for such fishing. At this time, we can say that the crucian goes to "breakfast" and "dinner", and it is much easier to catch. Worst of all in such a situation pecks during the calm. If there is wind, then everything should work out.

Snap Selection

From the previous paragraph we know when crucian pecks. But this is not enough to get a successful result. You must also choose the right gear. Ordinary telescopic fishing rods or donks are best suited for such fishing. In the first case, hooks 5 or 6 are needed. Donkeys are recommended to throw up to a distance of 30 meters. The fishing line should be thin (up to 0.2 square millimeters in cross section) and strong (able to withstand weight up to 1 kilogram).

When does a crucian start to peck?


It is important to choose the place that is best for fishing. Usually this is an open water surface, near the thickets. The bottom should be covered with silt and algae - the fish loves to eat them, and here you can hide from predators. As we know from the foregoing, in the morning and in the evening - this is when crucian pecks best. Therefore, it is recommended to do bait per day (or at least 12 hours) in the place of future fishing. It can be bread, worm particles and other "delicacies" that crucian loves. Due to this, fish will be attracted in advance, which will significantly increase the bite.


Before fishing, you need to throw the bait again to attract fish. Suitable bread, dough or earthworms. They can also be used as bait. In this case, a telescopic fishing rod is much easier to catch. When the crucian begins to peck, the float jerks slightly, then it starts to be driven to the sides. Further, he can completely go under water. At this moment, the main thing is to hook the fish well and draw it out. If you caught one crucian, then there is no point in changing the place - they usually gather nearby. Where there is one, there will be others. If within 20 minutes there is no result, then it makes sense to change the place of fishing immediately.

what time does the crucian peck


In the framework of this article, an answer was given to the question of what time the crucian pecks most. It is morning and evening. In the afternoon, representatives of this species have a rest, and it is almost impossible to catch them. Therefore, it is best to engage in such fishing at the indicated time of day. It will be even better if there is wind, and on the surface of the water there is a slight wave. This greatly increases the chances of success.

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