First aid for injuries

The speed of first aid for injuries is critical. Lost time can lead to sad consequences. Wounds are divided into the following types:

a) stab wounds that can be obtained by thin sharp
subjects. They are characterized by minor external damage and the absence of excessive external bleeding. Often stab wounds are accompanied by damage to internal organs and internal bleeding.

b) Incised wounds are cut with smooth edges of various depths and lengths. The most dangerous are cut wounds in the area of ​​large arteries.

c) stab wounds are a combination of stab wounds and cut wounds, with the predominance of one of the components.

d) Chopped wounds are obtained as a result of a blow with a sharp heavy object. They are extremely dangerous due to the significant penetration depth and related damage, sometimes incompatible with life.

e) Bruised wounds appear as a result of an impact with a blunt heavy object and are accompanied by a crushing of soft tissues.

f) Torn wounds are the result of injury by an object with uneven edges or irregular shape.

First aid for injuries is to stop bleeding. This can be a finger method, in which the artery is pressed with your fingers in order to stop the flow of blood to the damaged part of the blood vessel. First aid for injuries can be provided in the form of a tight compression bandage. This method is used to stop bleeding from small blood vessels of the limbs. The bandage should be applied with effort. An option would be first aid for injuries provided by applying a tourniquet. This method is used for damage to large arteries in the region of the thigh and shoulder, as well as in the case when professional medical care is delayed. The tourniquet cannot be applied for longer than 45-50 minutes, and in winter
no more than 30 minutes. Under the blindfold, you must definitely put a note in which
The exact blend time is indicated. A tourniquet is applied only over the fabric
bandages or clothes. First aid for injuries, if it is impossible to use these methods, is in the form of a tight wound tamponade. It is used to stop bleeding from arteries only when limbs are injured.

First aid for a gunshot wound consists in a quick assessment of the degree of danger of the wound. The nature of the damage can be different, it is important that the bullet does not touch the vital organs. Gunshot wounds are often complicated by contamination, the presence of bone fragments and damaged tissue. You can determine the severity of the wound by the location and type of the bullet hole, as well as by the behavior of the person who is injured. First aid for wounds involves replenishing blood loss with blood-substitute solutions. Be sure to introduce painkillers or antishock agents. You also need to examine the wounded for a broken bone. If they are found, the victim must be
immobilize, as sharp fragments can damage the arteries and aggravate
position. After providing first aid, a wounded person needs
lay in a horizontal position and call an ambulance. To transport
the patient alone is not recommended. In case of cardiac arrest, you need
hold artificial respiration. Indirect cardiac massage should also be done.

With internal injuries, bleeding occurs in the internal cavities, often complications in the form of pneumothorax or hemothorax occur. To prevent air from entering the wound, it is necessary to clamp it with a dense clean material and set the patient in a semi-sitting position. In order to avoid infection of the wound, it is necessary to treat its edges with an antiseptic preparation and apply sterile material.

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