The best clinics of Nizhny Novgorod

Health is the most precious gift that has been given to people, but often taken by them for granted, and which will accompany them all their lives. Numerous clinics in Nizhny Novgorod, like any other city in Russia, say the opposite. If a person appreciated his health, carried out prophylaxis, eat right and did sports, then doctors would be needed for consultations, and not for treatment of diseases.

Healthcare in the city

The history of Nizhny Novgorod dates back to the distant XIII century, when in 1221 it was laid down by Yuri Vsevolodovich, grandson of the Grand Duke of Kiev Yuri Dolgoruky. The most successful place was chosen for the construction of the city - the arrow at the confluence of the Volga and the Oka River, thanks to which it quickly became not only an important strategic object for protecting the borders from the Bulgars and Mordovians, but also a center for trade and craft development.

At all times, this city was considered large in terms of the number of inhabitants, this has not changed in our days. Here, 1 million 270 thousand people live, whose health is monitored by the best clinics in Nizhny Novgorod: more than 30 hospitals and clinics, 9 emergency departments and 11 dentistry centers.

Clinics of Nizhny Novgorod

Much attention is paid to disease prevention and sports. Since the city administration understands that only a healthy population can make Nizhny Novgorod prosperous.

No less care and attention is shown in relation to pets of citizens. And at their disposal more than two hundred veterinary clinics.

Caring for our smaller brothers

Maybe the fabulous Aibolit could even cope with a horde of animals. However, it is good that real veterinarians use the best modern diagnostic equipment, effective medications and innovative treatments for pets. Veterinary clinics in Nizhny Novgorod are vivid proof of this.

Zoomir is a network of veterinarians with a wide range of services. Here we welcome every pet who is provided with:

  • A full range of clinical diagnostics: urine, blood and stool tests, biopsy and histology.
  • Cardiological diagnostics.
  • The provision of surgical care and rehabilitation after it.
  • Orthopedics and treatment of injuries.
  • Services of a dermatologist, dentist and gastroenterologist.
  • Therapeutic treatment and delivery assistance.
  • Call a doctor at home.

Veterinary clinics in Nizhny Novgorod

In "Zoomir" there is a hospital for seriously ill and surviving animals. As well as a hotel where you can leave your pet at the time of departure of the owners.

District veterinary clinics

It’s convenient when you don’t have to go to the doctor with animals across the city. The Veterinary Clinic of Nizhny Novgorod “Kot Matroskin” has 8 branches located in its different areas. In each of them, pets of any size, breed and type are assisted by high-level specialists.

For round-the-clock service of animals in the city there are 19 veterinary clinics. And even an emergency ambulance and a diagnostic center, which more than once saved the lives of four-legged friends by providing medical assistance on time.

Kid's health is the key to prosperity of the city

Children's clinics in Nizhny Novgorod, their main task is not only to maintain the physical health of children, but also their full mental and emotional development from the first days of life to adolescence. It’s good when there are such medical institutions as Persona Childhood, where attention is paid both to women who wish or have already become mothers, and their children.

dental clinics in nizhny novgorod

Among the services provided by the clinic:

  • Patronage for babies from 0 to 3 years.
  • Consultations and treatment at pediatricians.
  • Services of an orthopedist and surgeon.
  • For women - examination by a gynecologist.
  • The clinic employs an allergist-immunologist.
  • Treatment by doctors such as pediatric cardiologist, ENT and psychologist.
  • Services of a neurologist and speech therapist.
  • All types of diagnosis of diseases and laboratory tests.

Among the services and consultations provided are assistance in the selection of surrogate mothers, dentistry, medical cosmetology and plastic surgery. The clinic's patronage programs are aimed at making the doctor a personal doctor for the baby for the entire period of growing up. A separate card is opened for the child, in which all diseases and vaccinations are tracked, and the mother does not have to sit in queues with him in the clinic with the risk of infecting him with infection from other children. The contract concluded by "Person Childhood" with parents provides the baby with a full range of services and provides the necessary certificates and state sick leave.

This is not the only medical facility in the city. Such children's clinics of Nizhny Novgorod as Ultra KIDS not only provide consultations and treatment with doctors for all ailments, but also examine them in the functional diagnostics department equipped with the latest generation equipment. Here, kids undergo 3D and 4D ultrasound, FGDS and ECG and much more. Thanks to this comprehensive approach to children's health, the children of the city grow up healthy and strong.

Dental care

Dental treatment around the world is considered one of the most expensive types of medical services. Perhaps that is why in developed countries much attention is paid to the prevention of diseases, and from childhood, the habit of visiting a dentist twice a year is instilled.

children's clinics in nizhny novgorod

Dental clinics in Nizhny Novgorod are not far behind their Western counterparts. The network of Sadko centers provides its customers with the following branches and services:

  • Dental treatment, which includes both therapy and laser diagnostics.
  • Full or partial prosthetics (removable and non-removable).
  • Periodontics and surgery.
  • Aesthetic dental medicine.
  • Implantation and laser dentistry.
  • Prevention and hygiene of teeth.

The basic rule of specialists at Sadko centers is to take care of each patient with love. And the use of exclusively innovative methods of dental treatment on modern European equipment.

Other dental clinics in Nizhny Novgorod provide an equally large list of services. And in the center of Plant.RU clients receive an interest-free loan for the treatment and prosthetics of their teeth. The main task of this clinic is an individual approach to each patient, taking into account the characteristics of his body.

If we consider the round-the-clock clinics of Nizhny Novgorod, it should be noted dental center "Pearl". The doctor on call will provide emergency assistance or help to cope with a toothache until the problem is fully diagnosed.

Private healthcare facilities

An important point. An increasing number of clients prefer to visit private clinics in Nizhny Novgorod. And there are good reasons for this:

  • The equipment of such medical facilities is often much more advanced, since their owners are not dependent on the state budget, which is distributed among all state hospitals in the city. The latest diagnostic equipment is a guarantee of a correct diagnosis, which contributes to better, and often timely treatment.
  • The absence of queues makes an individual approach to each client real.
  • Doctors of private clinics undergo the same re-certification as employees of state institutions, which confirms their professional status.
  • Laboratory bases in such centers carry out not only general analyzes, but also biochemical, immunological and hormonal studies.

private clinics in nizhny novgorod

Among the city’s most popular private medical institutions are the Family Doctor Clinic, UltraMed, the Luven Diagnostic Center, and others. Particular attention is paid to the importance of disease prevention. This is due to the fact that cancer mortality in Nizhny Novgorod is 20% higher than in other cities in Russia.

State concern

Although the advantages of private medicine are on the face, many Nizhny Novgorod residents, especially the older generation, prefer regional polyclinics. This is largely due to habit, but more to the cost of the services provided. State clinics (Nizhny Novgorod is no exception) provide high-quality medical care throughout the country, but at the same time they suffer the same drawback - queues and appointments with a specialist for several days, or even a month in advance. Who needs an urgent result, turn to private doctors.

the best clinics in nizhny novgorod

State clinics of Nizhny Novgorod are represented by district polyclinics, infectious, regional, gynecological and clinical hospitals. Among them:

  • Budget medical institution "Plasir", the main direction of which is family planning, counseling and treatment of the reproductive system of women and men.
  • Regional diagnostic center.
  • State Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics.

These are not all the clinics of Nizhny Novgorod that provide planned and emergency assistance to the population. There are more than 40 state institutions in the city.

Prevention Wellness Centers

Disease prevention is the main principle of the work of Western doctors, which has been operating since the 80s of the last century. For more than thirty years, doctors abroad have managed to instill in the population the habit of taking care of their health, taking vitamins and dietary supplements, playing sports and undergoing preventive examinations by specialists. Russian doctors have yet to face this difficult task, since awareness of the importance of disease prevention among the population is extremely low.

government clinics nizhny novgorod

Clinics in Nizhny Novgorod, such as the AIDS and Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Center, Medina and DentalStudio dental clinics, and many others are promoting the city residents about the need for annual medical examinations, diagnosis and basic tests for disease prevention. In a word, they care about the health of citizens.

Nizhny Novgorod health in safe hands

And finally. Summing up, we can conclude that in Nizhny Novgorod, both private and state clinics for the population and their pets are at the highest level of service. This means that the city will flourish, because there is a rather high birth rate, a lot of attention is paid to introducing young people to sports and preventive work is being done to maintain health.

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