Experts explain the appearance of fat on the knees with the physiological characteristics of a person. But if you perform a certain set of exercises on an ongoing basis, then this problem will cease to worry you. It is possible to restore health to the legs using a combination of measures, including masks, physical activity, proper nutrition.
When choosing foods, you should make sure that they are easily digestible for your body. We are talking about oatmeal, juices, vegetables, yoghurts and fruits. Avoid eating fatty, salty, or spicy foods that your body doesn't like. Ideally - meals on a schedule, eating food in small portions.
Physical exercise
Do not neglect physical education, the body "will not say" thank you for this. Remember that exercises for weight loss legs, knees are designed to burn fat. Therefore, if you still do not know what physical activity will be acceptable, prefer Nordic walking. Such walking means stepping at a certain pace without the presence of skis, but with ski poles. The advantage of this exercise will be that it is performed in the fresh air, which makes it possible to burn more calories than when doing indoor exercises.
Body masks
In order to achieve a positive result, in addition to proper nutrition and a sports regime, it is worth using special masks for the knees. One of the most popular recipes is a cabbage mask. All you need to do is finely chop the cabbage and add sour cream to it, you can replace it with kefir. All the substance must be thoroughly mixed and spread on the knee, leaving it under a closed film for no more than 25 minutes. You can also use honey, which is applied to the problem area according to the same principle.
Choosing exercises for body and soul
To date, there are a lot of physical exercises, including those designed for weight loss of the knees. Each of us can choose the option that suits us:
- Standard exercises for weight loss knees mean the transfer of body weight on one leg, while the second leg should be raised above the floor. All you need to do is perform circular movements, not forgetting to change the direction of rotation.
- The second exercise is as easy as the first. All you have to do is put your feet together, put your hands on your belt. When exhaling, it is necessary to lunge with one foot forward, and when inhaling, take the same position. Perform 15 times on each leg.
- During the third exercise, you need to raise your right leg with your hands on your belt. Your knee should be at the hip level. With the toe extended, set the outside of the foot forward. Such exercises for weight loss knees They mean twisting the legs in the opposite direction, so that the open part of the foot is in front of you.
- The fourth option is much simpler, but requires some physical preparation. You need to put your feet shoulder width apart and fix your hands on your hips. When you exhale, your right knee should bend, and the weight transferred to the other leg. Doing springy movements on the right leg for ten minutes, you need to breathe as deep as possible. After return to the starting position. At the next exhalation, bend your right leg and repeat the exercise.
These physical activities must be performed on an ongoing basis. Complex exercises for the knees (weight loss) with a photo that explains its essence will be much easier to perform. Therefore, illustrations can come in handy.
After a while you will see significant changes. When the body gets used to such loads, they will become commonplace for you. As an addition, you can go dancing or cycling.
Home Biking
Exercise "bike" is known to both schoolchildren and older people. Anyone who is not familiar with its benefits will definitely appreciate them. Thanks to such physical exertion, all the muscles that are responsible for flexion and extension of the knees are worked out. Moreover, the load on the joint itself is soft. Such exercises for losing weight on the knees suitable even for people who do not like to play sports. What could be better than lying down? Believe me, such a sport will benefit you.
All you need to do is take a horizontal position, place your hands behind your head, slightly raise your shoulders. And then spin an imaginary bike with an intensity that is acceptable to your body. The main rule - do not forget to stretch your left elbow to the knee of the opposite leg and vice versa.
Regular squats are the key to health
Each exercise is individual, and which one to choose is up to you. But in order to make it easier to determine, it is worth exploring as many variations as possible in order to understand which one is suitable at this stage of life. All exercises for losing knees at home are aimed at improving your physical health and do not require special training. Therefore, you can safely use them yourself. Regular squats will help get rid of fat on the knees if they are performed a certain number of times over a long time. Three approaches ten times a day will lead to the fact that your legs will return to their former shape and will gain tone.
Stand straight, turn your shoulders slightly and raise your chin. Place your feet shoulder width apart, with your feet parallel to each other. Place your arms bent at your elbows on your hips. When squatting, make sure your knees form a right angle to the floor.
Massage of fat deposits
Massage has never been superfluous in the fight against fat deposits in the knee. Rubbing and kneading helps improve blood flow, which is so necessary to neutralize the stagnation that occurs in your body. Applying exercises to lose weight over your knees, You can use a massage mitt. When you rub your knee, lubricate your skin with a nourishing cream. And remember that areas of body fat should be massaged carefully so as not to harm your body.
Salt baths are an ideal way to restore health
If you already follow proper nutrition, do physical exercises and apply masks to the necessary zones, it's time to talk about salt baths. This is a special and effective method. Baths with the addition of sea salt will accelerate the burning of fat and improve metabolism in the body. In addition, this procedure is very pleasant for the whole body, it has a calming effect. After such a bath, experts recommend rubbing the fat deposition zones, lubricating them with a nourishing cream at the end.
Standard bedtime movements
Already getting ready for bed, you can do another light workout. All you need is to lie on your back, feeling that you are comfortable. As you exhale, pull on your socks and relax as you inhale. This exercise is simple, but quite effective. It will strengthen muscles, improve blood flow and relieve cramping.
The fat that forms around the knee is not only an external problem. Each extra kilogram creates a certain load on the knee joints, which can lead to the development of varicose veins. Performing all of the above exercises, following a diet and making masks, you can return your legs to the long-awaited health. Care for him should be carried out constantly, and not only at those moments when the ailment makes itself felt.