How to relieve pressure and prevent hypertension.

Ignoring the right way of life and addictions lead to the fact that 65% of people after 60 years show signs of high blood pressure , more commonly known as hypertension. Currently, such a disease is significantly “younger”, so middle-aged people, unlike the elderly, often simply don’t know how to relieve pressure. Hypertension is a pathological violation of the natural functioning of the circulatory system and heart, in which the pressure in the arteries is constantly increased to a value 140 to 90 mmHg or more. Depending on the severity of the course and condition of the vessels, the disease is divided into three stages.

If at first the symptoms are limited to a general decrease in tone, fatigue and a decrease in working capacity, then the disease progresses, manifested by severe pain in the heart, visual impairment, headache, up to the threat of life (third stage). Every adult should “know the enemy by sight” in order to be able to recognize the symptoms of hypertension in time and take appropriate measures, rather than panic-seeking the answer and thinking “how to bring down high blood pressure”.

As you know, the heart constantly pushes blood through the vessels. While they are new, the whole system works smoothly. It is enough to show malfunctions in the kidneys, as the level of fluid in the body increases sharply and the heart has to pump more blood, and the pressure rises. Indirectly the same mechanism is affected by salt: it not only retains fluid, but also causes thirst. If a person has swelling under his eyes in the morning, then this is an occasion to seriously think about his health.

Normally, the walls of the vessels are elastic, which compensates for the effect of heart rhythm. Loss of this property also increases pressure. It can be caused both by a genetic predisposition and by overgrowth of the gaps in the vessels. Now they talk about cholesterol at every step, because it is its excess that provokes the growth of fats on the walls. Interestingly, the body needs cholesterol, and problems arise when there is an excess of it. Who has not heard about the effects of stress on health? The boss was rude, legs were squashed in public transport, wage delay, and as a result insomnia and worries? Well, you're at risk. Stress, acting on the heart muscle, is the cause of high blood pressure. Sometimes such a shake is useful, but if it continues daily, then soon you will have to think about how to relieve pressure. Famous heart surgeon Amosov N.M. argued that the older the person, the greater physical exertion he should be subjected to. At first glance, the paradoxical statement has a completely objective basis: loads stimulate all body systems, maintain it in good shape. It is not without reason that it is recommended to pass at least 6 km a day at a fast pace.

But, alas, the modern way of life encourages a person to live “one day”: consume McDonald's foods in large quantities, indulge yourself in fatty and fried foods, just read books about sports, smoke and, as a result, take the turn to the doctor, knowing how to relieve pressure. Is it correct? Perhaps it’s time to take life into our own hands, and not “go with the flow”? Everyone decides for himself.

Worldly wisdom says: "The best treatment is prevention." The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates claimed that human food should fulfill the functions of a medicine, and medicine should be food. Therefore, it is so important to follow generally accepted recommendations and know what lowers blood pressure. An accessible way for everyone to normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is to change their diet: less fatty and salty foods, and more fruits and vegetables. Before you relieve pressure, you need to remember that arterial hypertension is formed for a rather long time, and therefore should normalize gradually, without sudden changes.

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