Why muscle

It reduces muscles at the time of muscle spasm. The condition is complicated by acute pain. The vessels and nerves are pinched. Playing tennis, running, walking, sedentary work or sleeping - any activity can be interrupted by a cramp. Certain groups of people systematically experience inconvenience due to muscle tension.

1. In medicine, there is no consensus on the occurrence of muscle cramps. A provoking factor may be insufficient fiber elasticity, which can be eliminated with the help of special physical stretching exercises.

2. Doctors call one of the reasons why it reduces muscle fatigue.

The processes of the nervous system alpha motor neurons are responsible for involuntary contractions and reflexes of a person. Like wires, they are followed by commands in the form of electrical pulses. These commands come from the cerebral cortex and from its spinal section, creating, if necessary, reflex muscle contractions. Reflex is a protective mechanism of the body, among other things, from the load. In a state of fatigue, alpha-motor neurons continue to fulfill their function, but the impulse reaches only the muscle, and does not reach the tendon. The muscle strains from a large number of pulses, as it is not able to transmit them further. Vessels clamped by swollen muscle fibers do not pass blood. On the spasm site, oxygen starvation begins. Pressure on individual nerves causes pain.

3. Under conditions of excessive sweating, the body loses a lot of minerals along with water, upsetting the usual balance between potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium, which reduces muscles. It is these elements that determine the timely transmission of impulses from the brain to the destination. Their significant losses significantly disrupt this process. So, frequent muscle spasm is a marker of deficiency in the body of calcium and sodium.

But to this assumption that the loss of calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium leads to the appearance of painful tension in an individual muscle, there is the following correction. The mass of water in the composition of sweat is much greater than the number of electrolytes that conduct an electrical signal.

Conducted a study of the blood of athletes after intensive training. It turned out that the ion concentration almost did not change. So the question of electrolytic imbalance, as the cause of seizures, remains open.

4. Observations allow you to select a separate group of probable reasons why it brings muscles. Problems in the circulatory system, with nerves or the spine, for example, osteochondrosis often cause muscle cramps.

Metabolic disorders, hormonal changes are more often found in those people who systematically reduce their muscles. Medical experience suggests that a uniform diet leads, in addition to other symptoms, to convulsions. On the instructions for many medications, you can read about involuntary contractions in the listed adverse reactions.

5. Some vitamins affect the transmission of nerve impulses in the body. Thiamine, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine (these are B1, B5, B6). Their deficiency is often accompanied by cramping, but medicine has not established the exact mechanism for the occurrence of this painful tension.

6. It reduces muscles in patients suffering from complex diseases, with the defeat of several organs simultaneously. In this case, the diagnosis and identification of the causes of seizures is complicated.

At the doctor’s appointment, you should be careful. This will help to quickly eliminate such an unpleasant symptom and begin treatment. You need to mention your medical history, all past illnesses, allergic irritants, injuries and operations, drugs taken. Only a detailed analysis of the state of the body will help to find the true cause of seizures.

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