Despite the abundance of existing diets and complexes that contribute to weight loss, overweight stubbornly does not want to leave their owners. Why? We will leave aside the cases of lazy people who are trying to outwit themselves (for example, after six, you should never eat, and after seven, furtively - please), such persons can only be blamed on themselves. Let's talk about those poor fellows (who knows, maybe you are just one of them) who, despite all the efforts and efforts, cannot get rid of extra pounds.
Probably, the reason for the unsuccessful fight against overweight lies in the lack of oxygen. Most people use shallow chest breathing, which the body cannot saturate with. Diaphragmatic breathing is considered correct , that is how a newborn baby breathes, it is this way of breathing that is most useful. With diaphragmatic breathing, the muscle septum separating the thoracic and abdominal regions is actively used. On inspiration, the diaphragm tightens, straightens and spreads its ribs, while the abdominal muscles tighten and bulge out like an inflatable ball. So the volume of the lungs increases, so that a person is able to breathe more oxygen. With an exhalation, the diaphragm relaxes and bends, while the abdominal muscles tighten and โhideโ under the ribs, the lung volume is sharply reduced, due to which the lungs are freed from carbon dioxide.
When breathing in this way, the body (in particular, the respiratory system) works at full capacity, which means that the process of losing weight will not take long.
How to breathe for weight loss?
When oxygen enters the body in limited quantities, energy cannot be released in large quantities, which means that part of it that was not involved in the oxidation of glucose and its stores (fats) will be transformed into fat. Therefore, to lose weight, you need to provide the body with as much oxygen as possible.
How to do it? By performing anaerobic exercises. True, during active physical exertion, fat oxidation will begin to occur only after 30 minutes from the start of the workout, and until the energy stores the glucose from the liver.
Therefore, it is better to master the technique of diaphragmatic breathing, which will saturate the body with oxygen. Diaphragmatic breathing is based on many therapeutic techniques and wellness systems. For example, it is diaphragmatic breathing that underlies such a widespread complex system for healing the body and saturating it with oxygen, like bodyflex.
According to the rules of body flex, in order to get the maximum effect from the exercises (i.e. get rid of excess weight and make the body flexible), you need to master the technique of five-stage breathing.
1. Exhale through the mouth.
2. Quick breath through the nose.
3. Powerful full expiration through the mouth.
4. Holding the breath.
5. Relaxation and calm breath.
Initially, breathing exercises began to practice yoga. Nowadays, this is a serious addition to the loads when doing aerobics. The methods of proper breathing may vary somewhat depending on the specific system (body flex, yoga, oxysease, respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova , etc.), but they all set as their goal the maximum oxygen saturation, due to which the process of burning fat occurs.
Proper breathing for weight loss. Learning Key Points
When playing sports, exhalation is done with effort, and breathing in with relaxation.
Under no circumstances should you hold your breath through force.
When performing exercises, you do not need to bring yourself to dizziness, with the first symptoms of malaise, you need to stop the load and analyze your mistakes.
Do breathing exercises for weight loss on an empty stomach.
To begin with, the simplest exercises are used, the transition to complex exercises is carried out gradually.
For example, the technique of repeated and purifying breathing is considered the simplest. It consists in performing the following exercises:
- three cycles of repeated breathing are performed three times a day (deep breath in four counts + breath hold in four counts + quiet exhalation in four counts). Prerequisite: the exercise is performed in the fresh air;
- cleansing breath is performed three times a day. It is identical to the previous one, with the exception of exhalation: with effort, air is exhaled through tightly compressed lips in small portions.
Proper breathing for weight loss. Eliminate side effects
You should not practice breathing exercises for hypertensive patients, pregnant women, those who suffer from urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, who have problems with the spine. Also, breathing exercises are not used in work with young children and elderly people, if there are no medical recommendations.
Proper breathing for weight loss. We train easily
The following exercises are quite effective, their correct implementation will prepare you for more complex exercises that are part of the cycle of a particular healing technique (say, yoga or body flex). In the meantime, we are mastering the correct breathing, which is the first step towards a slim figure and a healthy body.
So, lying on your back, put a not very heavy book on your stomach. Take a shallow breath, with an exhale try to clear the lungs of air as much as possible, for which use the abdominal muscles as well: draw in your stomach and feel how it sticks to the spine. In this case, the book seems to fall into the stomach. Inhaling sharply through the nose, fill the lungs with air as much as possible and inflate the stomach. In this case, the book rises up. Exhale sharply and draw in your stomach. Repeat this exercise five to six times. Perhaps you will feel light (!) Dizziness, this is normal: the body is saturated with oxygen; normal is also the desire to cough up: stagnant mucus in the lungs comes out.
On the way to work, while in transport, you can perform a square breathing exercise. For every four counts, a deep breath is taken - breath holding - exhalation - breath holding. Perform the exercise should be at least three minutes. It is very effective for stressful loads and nervous tension.
Another important issue for a losing weight is the question of proper nutrition. Moreover, the essence of this process is not so much in eating only healthy products, but in the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In general, it is ideal to develop a menu (with the help of a doctor) and follow it day after day. Take recipes of proper nutrition for weight loss (this is the topic of a separate article, so letโs mention it in passing), dishes prepared according to such recipes take into account the needs of a losing body, and therefore are the element that accelerates the process of acquiring the desired harmony.
Proper breathing for weight loss is the key to success. However, do not forget about a balanced diet and active physical activity. This is the only way to put the figure in order and, no less important, to normalize the work of organs and systems in the body.