Bear fat: use for children. Bear Cough Fat

Bear fat is a valuable product that helps in various painful situations. Taking it, you can easily cope with colds, in particular eliminate the cough in babies. Today we learn about the beneficial properties of such an ingredient as bear fat. The use of this product for children is justified, and its use as a folk remedy for cough gives a positive effect.

bear fat use for children


This product is not a drug, it is a dietary supplement.

Many trace elements and vitamins are found in a cough remedy called bear fat. The use of this product for children is rarely prescribed by doctors, but every mother should know its beneficial properties and composition. So, bear fat is a substance that consists of such useful elements:

- vitamins of groups A, E and B;

- proteins;

- fatty oils and acids;

- glycosides;

- macro- and microelements;

- cytamines.

Beneficial features

Increasingly, you can find information about a miracle cure of natural origin, which helps kids cope with cough, and this is bear fat. The use of this substance for children in many cases brings the long-awaited positive effect, and the kids are recovering faster.

So, the useful properties of this product are as follows:

- It softens a cold cough.

- Good effect on the vocal cords.

- Thanks to bear fat, the process of sputum discharge is significantly accelerated.

- The condition of the mucous membranes of the larynx and pharynx improves.

- He is able to strengthen the protective properties of the child's body.

bear fat reviews


To the question: "Can children bear fat?" - the answer is yes, but there are nuances. It may not be suitable for all babies, so the circumstances should be listed when such a remedy should not be given to a child:

- With individual intolerance. If an infant has an allergic reaction after taking bear fat, then this means that the product did not fit him, and it is necessary to refuse it.

- It is forbidden to give this biological supplement to children under 3 years old.

- Pregnant, as well as nursing mothers, too, can not be treated with this tool.

- If a person has problems with the biliary tract, then bear fat is also contraindicated for him.

And yet, before treating a child with this drug, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Bear fat for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections in children

bear fat price per liter

In order to prevent the occurrence of respiratory diseases, this product is consumed twice a day half an hour before meals. Bear fat, the instructions for which must be attached to a jar of contents, must be melted before use. And for this, you can hold it for some time on the table, at room temperature. The prophylactic course of taking this drug is approximately 1 month. The frequency of use is 2-3 times a year with a break between cycles of several weeks.

The dosage of bear fat for prevention is as follows:

- For babies from 3 to 6 years old, give 1/3 teaspoon twice a day.

- Children from 6 to 12 years old - 1/2 teaspoon also 2 times a day.

- Boys and girls aged 12 to 16 years - a whole spoon twice a day.

And many current manufacturers make capsules that contain bear fat. The use (the instruction emphasizes this) of this tool is in many ways more convenient and should take place according to the following scheme:

- Children aged 6 to 12 years take 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals.

- Children over 12 years old take 2 pills twice a day.

The course of treatment is usually 3 weeks.

Cough Remedy: A Natural Medicine with Milk

This recipe is suitable for those children who are not allergic to lactose. Therefore, you can safely use such a folk medicine, the main ingredient of which is bear fat. The use for children is as follows: 250 ml of milk must be heated to a temperature of 60–65 degrees. Then, pour 1 teaspoon of fat into the hot liquid, stir well and drink in warm sips.

bear fat application instruction

Honey Cough Remedy

Although bear fat is a product without a pungent odor and a specific taste, many children still do not like it. And so that the children begin to be treated with this natural remedy, it is better to add honey to it. It will turn out both tasty and pleasant. After the child takes such an additive, it will need to be washed down with warm green tea, where you can add raspberries, blueberries or currants, these berries will enhance the effect. And if mothers do not want to mess with the preparation of such a mixture, then you can buy bear fat from cough in capsules with honey (in a pharmacy).

bear fat instruction


Massaging the child’s body with this tool should be performed before bedtime. The fat must first be melted (hold for a while at room temperature) and heated in a water bath. Then gently rub them with the chest and back of the child. The product must be rubbed into the skin, and not just smeared.

Note to parents: bear fat has a specific smell, and it is very poorly washed from clothes. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to put on the child such pants and a T-shirt, which will not be a pity.

Can massage

This method of treating cough is suitable for children after 12 years, not earlier. The child's back should be greased with bear fat, and then put the medical jar in the usual way . After the glass vessel adheres, it is necessary to drive it in different directions, without taking it off the skin. The duration of such a procedure should be no more than 5 minutes. After such a can massage with the use of bear fat, the baby's skin turns red, and this will be a signal that it is time to finish. The patient must then be well covered and left alone for 2 hours, and preferably at night.

Treatment with bear fat quickly gives positive results under one condition - if the product is of good quality.

bear cough fat

Bear fat: parent reviews

The opinions of moms and dads about the use of this product are different, but for the most part they are positive. People note a really excellent effect in the fight against cough in a child: in children, an excellent sputum discharge begins, and soon the symptom disappears altogether. Parents also speak positively that the product is natural, it does not contain any additives or chemical elements, which means that it does not harm the children's body.

However, bear fat reviews are not only approving, but also negative. Negative feedback about it is associated with hypersensitivity reactions of some children to this product. Therefore, before giving it to your children, you must first check the reaction of the body. And for this, a little fat should be applied to the skin in the bend of the elbow and left for a day. If urticaria does not appear in that place, then ointments with this ingredient can be used. The same applies to the use of fat inside: you need to start with minimal doses, gradually increasing them if the reaction is not observed.


So you learned about the healing properties of such a natural product as bear fat. The price per liter of this product ranges from 3-4 thousand rubles. It is expensive, of course, but not only children, but also parents can feel the benefit of its use. Bear fat, the price per liter of which varies depending on the manufacturer, the number of intermediaries, the brand, will become an indispensable assistant and defender against infections, especially in the spring and winter, when viral diseases worsen. Therefore, you can fork out once and buy yourself this natural product, because it will last for a long time.

Storage conditions

Bear fat, the use of which has already been described, should be kept in a dark, cool place and away from children. The permissible storage temperature of this product is within 2-23 degrees.

Shelf life of bear fat is 1 year from the date of its production. And at the end of this time, this supplement should be discarded if it suddenly remains.

Where is better to buy?

Of course, it’s best to purchase this valuable product from hunters who specifically catch bears, make this fat themselves, and know the technology of its extraction and warming. The obtained animal must be checked by a veterinarian, and this inspection must be documented. If a person has the opportunity to buy bear fat from hunters, he has the right to know that the right product is necessarily white, he should not contain any impurities of hair or blood. The product should mix well with honey, the smell of it, of course, will be specific, but not too intrusive.

Is it possible for children to bear fat

If there’s no way to buy the product from hand, then bear fat sold in pharmacies will do. And there he is released in two forms: in the form of capsules and just a mixture in jars.

Now you know that bear fat is a wonderful natural product that is an effective method of combating cough in children. We examined several recipes with such a product: with the addition of honey, milk - for oral administration, as well as can massage and rubbing. And we realized that despite the healing properties of this natural remedy, still before using it, especially in children, it is necessary to check their reaction to this supplement so that later there will be no negative reviews and unpleasant situations.

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