How to put your hair in order: balms, restoring masks, styling, haircuts, the use of folk methods and the use of professional tools in the salon

Many girls are faced with the fact that the condition of the hair leaves much to be desired. Constant experiments with color, thermal effects, poor-quality care are the main reasons that spoil their condition. How to put your hair in order in various situations?


Every day, curls are subjected to physical and thermal effects: combing, styling, drying with a hairdryer or using styling devices. All this leads to dryness, brittleness, split ends appear. And also many different factors affect the condition of the hair: sun rays, lack of moisture, low-quality care products. And the girls are wondering how to put their hair in order.

Hair care

The first thing is to understand the cause of the poor condition of the strands. If it is impossible to exclude daily thermal effects, then it is worthwhile to buy good care products. Drinking inadequate water will cause hair to dry out. To eliminate this cause is quite simple - you need to drink more fluid during the day.

To completely restore the structure of the hair, it is really necessary to cut off the damaged part. However, many girls do not want to part with the length. In this case, you can visually improve their condition using various methods. How to tidy your hair?


Quite often, women neglect such a cosmetic product as hair balm. But it is able to protect curls from the harmful effects of external factors and close the scales after washing. The balm gives the hair softness, smoothness and incredible shine. It contains many useful components that eliminate dryness and facilitate combing.

Long hair care

The cosmetic market has a huge amount of hair balms of different cost. It has long been proven that the price of these funds is not of particular importance and their compositions are almost identical. Using a balm is the first step to getting your dry hair in order. To do this, the list of ingredients should contain oils, keratin, vitamins, plant extracts, various proteins and minerals. The balm should be applied to wet hair after washing and left for 5 minutes for a full exposure, then rinse with water.


Using hair masks is a great way to get your hair in order quickly. Unlike balms, they deeply penetrate the structure and with the help of many useful ingredients, restore, moisturize and nourish the hair. But the mask does not exclude the use of balm, because thanks to the complex effect, the condition of the strands will improve much faster.

Hair masks

The composition of this cosmetic product should include various oils that moisturize the hair and glue split ends. The mask, which aims to restore the length, does not need to be applied to the root zone, since contamination can be caused. Manufacturers produce products that prolong the purity and absorb sebum. These masks are a great way to put oily hair in order.


Plant base and essential oils have a positive effect on the structure of the strands. They can be used both in pure form or added to care products. The best and most effective oils are coconut, olive, almond, argan, essential oil of lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang and lemon.

Hair oil

Using oil in your care is a great way to clean your hair after dyeing, heat and sun exposure. As part of cosmetics, oils are especially appreciated by buyers, and they effectively restore the structure.


Various hairstyles help mask dirty or withered hair. To do this, you need to select the appropriate option and use it until full recovery. A poor state can be hidden with the help of various spikelets and natural curls. In order to wind your hair without damage, you can use foam rubber curlers or braid a few braids at night.

Pretty haircut

In order to tidy dirty hair, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • apply dry shampoo to the root zone;
  • comb hair thoroughly and give it volume with your fingers;
  • braid a pigtail, make a bunch or a high tail, leaving a small volume.

With these styling, you can give your hair a beautiful and well-groomed appearance, as well as mask their poor condition.

A haircut

This is a pretty radical way to quickly put your hair in order. Using a haircut, you can get rid of the dried-up length, split ends in a few minutes and give a neat appearance. Professional stylists recommend this method to girls after unsuccessful discoloration and when all other methods have not brought visible results.


Also, a correctly selected haircut can prolong the purity of the strands, and this is a good solution to the question of how to put oily hair in order.

Folk methods

In combination with purchased cosmetics, you can use folk methods. How to tidy your hair with grandma's recipes? One of the most popular and effective ways is an oil mask:

  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive;
  • 1 tablespoon of vitamin A and E;
  • 10 drops of essential oil of chamomile, tea tree and lavender.
Oil mask for hair

This mask is heated in a water bath and applied to a length of one to two hours. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to wear a warm hat or wrap your head in a towel. After rinse with shampoo and use a balm and moisturizing mask. This method is the most effective, with its help you can put your hair in order after lightening.

If in the morning there is not enough time to wash your hair and there is no dry shampoo on hand, you can use baby powder. It perfectly absorbs grease and dirt, makes hair more fresh. But these methods cannot be used constantly, because the pores on the skin will clog and oxygen will not enter the roots.

A quick way to clean dry hair is to use dry hair oil. This cosmetic product gives the hair shine, smoothness and glues split ends. Oil must be used immediately after washing your head on wet strands and before each use of styling devices. The tool perfectly protects the hair from the harmful effects of external factors.

Salon means

After visiting professional stylists, hair always looks like from the cover of a glossy magazine. This is because in the salons they use professional cosmetic care products. Today, many of them are sold in the public domain and can be used at home. This is one of the best ways to tidy up long hair.

Hair restoration

The composition of professional products includes an incredible amount of useful ingredients, as well as silicones, which give the hair a well-groomed appearance. Long curls need enhanced hydration and nutrition, which salon products can do. Their cost is slightly higher than that of other cosmetic products, but the effectiveness has been proven by many stylists and ordinary buyers.


Professional stylists, when asked about how to put their hair in order, say that it is important not to bring them to a poor state. To do this, you must follow a few rules:

  • do not rub your hair with a towel after washing;
  • use products with the effect of thermal protection before using styling devices;
  • Do not wear tight hairstyles throughout the day;
  • use shampoo, balm and a mask that are suitable for a specific type of hair;
  • Do not dye your hair too often;
  • protect them from exposure to sunlight.


In order to achieve good condition and appearance of the hair, you need to stock up on time and patience. You should try all methods and follow the advice of professional stylists on how to quickly put your hair in order. But it’s best to constantly look after them, drink the right amount of water and use suitable cosmetics to maintain their good condition.

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