Atopic dermatitis. Treatment with folk remedies

In recent years, suffering from dermatitis - one of the most common skin diseases, there are many. This is due to many different causes and factors that are responsible for the appearance of this disease: allergic reactions, various traumatic effects, external irritants, etc.

Depending on the cause of the disease, several types of ailment are distinguished. The most common is atopic dermatitis - a disease that occurs as a result of allergic reactions to various substances. May occur in early childhood. The disease is usually provoked by various allergens of domestic origin, drugs, detergents, pets, etc.

And topical dermatitis. Symptoms of the disease: redness of the skin, rashes on the skin in the form of small bubbles filled with liquid, severe itching, burning, inflammation of the affected areas. Most often, the first signs appear in the neck, cheeks, bends of the arms, legs and in other places.

Atopic dermatitis is treated with both medication and folk remedies. The success of therapy largely depends on establishing the cause of the disease and the timeliness of treatment. Quite often, hormonal drugs are prescribed that have the ability to quickly relieve inflammation and reduce itching.

Many sick people and their relatives are interested in the question: “ Atopic dermatitis: treatment with folk remedies does it bring results?” . It is definitely difficult to answer this question. We all know that in each case it is worth approaching the disease individually. And dermatitis is no exception. One thing is for sure:

in combination with drug therapy, treatment with folk remedies often brings positive results.

Atopic dermatitis: treatment with folk remedies

In this case, treatment with medicinal herbs brings good results: chamomile, string, oregano, celandine, licorice root, mint, burdock, oak bark, valerian, etc. Herbs are used both for internal use (decoctions, infusions), and for external (lotions baths). For example, for the baths you can prepare the following mixture of herbs: 4 parts of a string, 4 parts of chamomile, 6 parts of celandine, 2 parts of oregano. A total of 200 grams of the mixture is brewed in 6 liters of water. Such bathtubs are especially good at the first sign of a disease.

For lotions, you can use a decoction of St. John's wort, oak bark, mint. All herbs in equal proportions (2 tablespoons) are poured into enameled dishes, ½ cup boiling water is poured, heated in a water bath for at least 25-30 minutes. Then insist for 10-15 minutes. Wipes soaked in a decoction are applied to the affected areas at least 3-4 times a day.

With severe itching, you can take inside decoctions of licorice root, nettle, mint. A nettle broth is prepared as follows: 4-6 teaspoons of grass per 400 milliliters of boiling water. It is taken hot. A decoction of peppermint is taken to cool at least three times a day, 200 milliliters (for 2 teaspoons –200 milliliters of boiling water).

In addition to infusions, decoctions, baths and lotions for the disease “ a t optical dermatitis”, treatment with folk remedies includes the preparation and use of ointments from medicinal plants. For example, you can prepare a tar ointment: mix 1.5 grams of birch tar with 15 grams of paraffin or vanillin. Celandine ointment: mix 1 part of fresh celandine juice with 4 parts of petroleum jelly. For the next recipe for preparing the ointment, you need to mix honey and aloe in a ratio of 1: 5. You can also prepare the product from such components (all components 1 teaspoon each): tar birch tar, natural honey of good quality, iodine, fresh village egg protein, interior pork fat, previously melted for a couple. Note: when using ointments, you should be careful. Before applying them, it does not hurt to find out if the sick person will have an allergic reaction to any of the components. To do this, it is worth initially trying to lubricate a very small area of ​​the hand and observe the reaction during the day.

In conclusion, I would like to note that with the disease “ atopic dermatitis”, treatment with folk remedies, although welcomed, should not be the only way. The disease is quite complex, it will require a lot of time and effort, as well as systemic and comprehensive treatment. And count on a quick result in this case is not worth it. Patience and success to you!

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