What is vegetation? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Today we have an interesting subject for discussion. Many in Russia think that their life is exactly like this condition. Intriguing We tried, and now it's time to open the cards. Let's talk about the noun “vegetation”, and it will be interesting, despite the emotional background that accompanies the word.

Office worker as a symbol

Girls are watching something in the monitor

Every person who has reached a conscious age knows the meaning of this word. Usually it is restored from context. This form of existence even has its own modern symbol - an office worker. It is believed that if we talk about vegetation, this is the image that will answer all the questions. Is such an attitude fair? Of course not! If people tend to humiliate those who endure the hardships of office work, then let them think about those who did not get any work at all. But the thing is that a person always looks from the window of his own subjectivity. He compares himself to those who are his equal, and he does not pay any attention to those who are worse, and in vain: he is very sobering. However, we were carried away.


Man in a state of hopelessness

Living is actually life without special career prospects. Yes, someone will say, but there are substantial activities - a teacher, a doctor. Of course, the only problem is that even these works from the inside do not seem so overwhelming, especially when there is a constant routine, and financial conditions do not shine.

To add weight to our words, we refer to an authoritative source, an explanatory dictionary, let him tell us about the object of study. So, the meaning of the word “vegetation” is the following: “Insignificant, aimless existence”. Well, yes, everything is as we thought. Only the trouble: it is not clear who exactly determines the richness of the content of life, we will talk about this in the context of the lack of full-fledged replacements.

Noun without analogues

No, of course, if you think about it, you can replace the object of study with phrases and words:

  • plant life;
  • miserable existence;
  • Smoke (in the first meaning).

We will reveal the last verb: "Live in obscurity, vegetate." As we see, only a verb can make a couple to our noun, otherwise its meaning is so complicated and ambiguous that it has no direct analogues, at least in dictionaries.

And this makes us think about the estimated species of vegetation. It seems to one that a person is vegetating because his life does not coincide with the gold standards of the observer. But each has its own standards, and do not impose oneself on them. Although others often do this. The theme is endless, and somewhere it is necessary to put an end, why not here. In any case, we hope that the reader understood two things: working in the office is also work, and the content of life is an undefined subject, so if it seems to you that you are vegetating, it is probably just a bad mood.

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