Features of the gas mask PMK-3

In order to protect a person from the effects of the created poisonous environment, the use of a gas mask is necessary.

Gas mask PMK-3

Extreme situations of a technogenic nature are always accompanied by the presence of various damaging factors. Such cases can occur in chemical plants, during fires and other incidents that create hazardous conditions for human health and life.

Gas mask PMK-3

The model is the most suitable means of protection, ensuring for a person a safe stay in the infected area.

Scope of military gas masks PMK 3

The gas mask is used in the presence of poisonous substances, bacterial threats in the atmosphere, and also protects against the blinding effect of a flash of enormous power that occurs when an atomic bomb or other object in which a nuclear reactor is detonated. The climatic modification of the gas mask allows its use in any weather conditions at any time of the day.

At industrial enterprises, the means to ensure the protection of each specific person are used by personnel to eliminate or reduce the negative impact of adverse conditions that accompany the production process. This is necessary in cases where it is not possible to create security by using specially designed equipment and facilities with an appropriate layout.

The use of this device makes it possible to receive fluid in the area exposed to infection.

Are included in the package: mask, filtering - absorbing box (FPK), cape on the head, bag.

Design features

Compared to earlier models, the PMK-3 modification has extended viewing glasses. The product is equipped with an intercom and a system for receiving water.

Improved design has a higher degree of tightness, helps to reduce moisture condensation on the glass.

Gas mask PMK-3

Round cuts on both halves of the gas mask are designed to fix the FPK. This allows you to set it in the right position, which is required in each specific case, and also creates the ability to take into account the physiological characteristics of a person using a gas mask. The opposite hole is closed by a plug.

Inside the mask body there is a suction cup, which serves to divide the internal volume into separate zones. In addition, this element provides the creation of paths for air access to the glasses glasses.

To ensure the possibility of water intake, a design is provided that consists of a valve in the lower part of the mask and a device for connecting to a liquid tank.

This unit serves to prevent air from entering the atmosphere.

About other items included in the kit

Different types of filters are used depending on the type of harmful substances that need to be protected. It is possible to place several different filters in the box, which is reflected in the markings on the housing.

military gas masks pmk 3

Additional items included in the kit:

  • to protect the scalp and neck, a removable hood is used, in which a fireproof screen is provided;
  • for warming the head in the cold season, a heater made in the form of a helmet is provided.

The hood and insulation must be the same size.

The bag is designed to carry a gas mask and its components.

The weight of the PMK-3 gas mask is 0.96 kg.

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