Laser hair removal is a great way to get rid of excess hair for a very long time. The basis of this method is the impact of the laser beam on certain areas of the skin with excess vegetation. The hair follicles during the procedure are cauterized and destroyed under its influence. When it comes to facial hair removal in women, laser hair removal will be the best choice among any other methods. However, before deciding on this method, it is necessary to find out all about the features of the procedure, as well as its contraindications.
Facial Hair Removal Recommendations
Not all women with facial hairs really need their urgent removal. To determine whether such a radical method should be applied, it is necessary to determine exactly where the undesirable vegetation is concerned. If the face is covered with a subtle light fluff, this is not a problem. Laser hair removal on the face with a laser may not be necessary. After all, they are almost invisible to others, in contrast to dark and dense hairs, which really interfere and are striking. A light fluff on the face is the norm, and therefore there is no need to remove it with a laser.
In the presence of dark hairs under the nose, between the eyebrows or on the chin, laser hair removal of the face will be the best choice. After all, no woman does not paint such vegetation, but delivers a lot of complexes and discomfort. Other methods for removing unwanted hair are not suitable for local areas on the face. Depilation and shaving will only make them even thicker and darker. Because of this, the removal procedure will have to be done quite often, not paying attention to skin irritation and ingrown hairs.
Of course, for women there is no better way to remove hair than laser hair removal. After several sessions, you can get rid of vegetation forever, provided that the finished result is regularly maintained. To maintain the effect of a smooth face, it usually takes 1 procedure in 2-3 months, taking 5-10 minutes of time.
Despite all the benefits of laser hair removal, not all women can turn to this method. The problem is that some skin types do not respond properly to laser beams. Also, a lot depends on age and state of health. All these features must be considered before the first session. Knowledge will help not to harm your own health and save material resources that can be wasted.
Ethnic skin predisposition
There are a huge number of nationalities that differ in thick eyebrows, eyelashes, as well as a dark skin tone. Men of these peoples do not experience problems due to the thick and dark facial hair. But some eastern women are confused by the presence of dark hairs on the upper lip or between the eyebrows. Although they are not considered ugly in the East, many want to get rid of them in any way. Unfortunately, the laser does not work well on dark skin. Because of her, he simply does not see the hairs. Therefore, it is unlikely that women with such an ethnic predisposition will be able to remove facial hair with a laser.
As for girls with dark and black facial hair, but fair skin, they should not worry. The lighter the skin, the better the laser will act on unwanted hairs. It is because of this factor that it is not recommended to start laser hair removal of the face during the summer season, when the skin tans daily under the sun. The best period for hair removal with this method is winter. The skin at this time of year is the lightest and pallor, which is extremely favorable for such a procedure.
The effect of age on laser hair removal
An important role in laser hair removal for women is played by age. Over the years, facial hair becomes coarser and darker. Especially in those women who have hairs above the upper lip. This fact is explained by hormonal changes in the body. You can try to consult an endocrinologist to normalize the hormonal background and immediately start epilation. But most often in this case, the laser does not work at full strength, and some of the unwanted vegetation still appears shortly after the final session.
Even despite the possible risk of an inferior effect, do not despair and forget about this method of removing excess hair. After all, laser hair removal is the best method to get rid of this problem and cosmetic defect. Just when choosing a salon that provides such services, you need to choose a place where the latest laser epilators of the latest generation are used. This nuance should be taken into account for those women whose vegetation on the skin is too light or gray. Given these points, it will be easy to remove facial hair with a laser.
Hormonal disorders in the body
When a girl suddenly has dark hair on her face, this indicates a serious hormonal failure. It is he who provokes a sharp hair growth in unexpected places. Therefore, when they are detected, first of all, you need to go to the doctor and sign up for the test. Only after a thorough examination and restoration of the hormonal background will it be advisable to get rid of trouble. Indeed, otherwise the effect of laser hair removal on the face will be inferior, and the hated vegetation will reappear due to the lack of a solution to the problem. Of course, the presence of hormonal failure is not a direct contraindication to the use of the described technique, but the hairs after the procedure will begin to grow again, as if there were no sessions to remove them.
Why choose laser hair removal?
Since ancient times, women remove unwanted hair on the face and body. At first, the only methods were shaving and pulling out excess vegetation with tweezers. Over the years, they have been replaced by procedures such as depilation with cream, wax, the use of sugar paste and electric depilators. Despite the currently available variety of methods, all of them are short-term.
None of them makes it possible to get rid of hair forever. It is also important that it is extremely undesirable to use them on the delicate and sensitive skin of the face, since all of them cause irritation, redness, and also contribute to the appearance of ingrown hairs. Laser hair removal is devoid of all the above disadvantages, and is also suitable for use on even the most delicate skin.
The advantages of laser technology
About laser facial hair removal reviews are very good. The main advantage that all those who have undergone the procedure highlight is the long-term result. No method can eliminate unwanted hair for such a long time. Especially in the presence of unwanted facial hair. As you know, there they grow much faster than on the body. Therefore, a woman will have to spend a huge amount of time on the constant removal of a newly grown gun on her face, which with each similar procedure will become more dense and dark.
Epilation will help get rid of this problem for a long time, and after several months of maintaining the result - forever. Laser hair removal on the face is the fastest and most reliable way to make your face smooth and tender, as well as forget about the complexes that arose due to the vegetation in the wrong places. Even the darkest and thickest hairs succumb to the device and disappear as if they were not there.
Another obvious plus, as reviews on laser facial hair removal suggest, is the minimal effect on the skin. On the face, it is much more tender and sensitive than on the body. Therefore, if there are no traces left on the body areas after the razor or depilatory cream, then in any case they will remain on the face. At best, it will be irritation in the form of redness, and at worst, strong and numerous rashes due to ingrown hairs. In order to protect your own face from a long and exhausting treatment of such consequences, it is necessary to choose the most gentle methods of removing excess vegetation.
It is the laser that minimally affects the skin, destroying only hair follicles. It works selectively, without harming the skin and without exposing it to its influence. Another nice bonus from the procedure is that it does not bring any discomfort in the form of pain or discomfort. You just need to carefully prepare for the sessions, and then sign up to the cosmetologist you like, lie comfortably on the couch, close your eyes and relax.
Preparation for the procedure
You canβt just decide to do laser hair removal on your face and go to the first session the next day. The skin needs some preparation. It consists of the following activities:
- First you need to make sure that the tolerance of laser exposure is good. This must be done during the initial consultation with a cosmetologist.
- You should also consider the fact that the skin should not be tanned. Therefore, in the summer season, you need to start using sunscreens a few weeks before the planned hair removal. When the skin becomes lighter, you can safely make an appointment.
- About 3 days before the first session, you need to shave the hairs on the face with a razor. You should take into account your own hair growth rate, since at the time of the procedure, their length should not exceed 2 mm.
Immediately before going on a laser hair removal, you need to cleanse your skin well. It is forbidden to use any decorative or caring cosmetics on this day.
The success of laser hair removal largely depends on the qualifications of the specialist, as well as on the quality of the device itself. Therefore, you should choose a salon for the procedure very carefully, taking into account all the available reviews about laser facial hair removal. Before starting the session, the cosmetologist must make sure that his client is well. Then inspect your work area and check the health of the device. If everything is in order with him, the further actions of the specialist are divided into the following stages:
- He adjusts the device, taking into account the type of skin, as well as the density and color of unwanted hair.
- Then the woman is invited to lie down on the couch and put on special glasses on her eyes that protect her eyes from laser exposure.
- The cosmetologist begins a local treatment of the skin area on which hair removal will be performed with a special substance.
- After that, the rest of the skin is covered with a protective composition in the form of a gel.
- Laser removal of hair begins. Its impulses during the procedure are very accurate, and therefore the effect is exclusively on the hair roots. In the area above the upper lip, the vegetation is removed by a laser in 2 minutes. To eliminate the hairs on the chin or between the eyebrows, it will take a little longer.
- In conclusion, the skin is treated with a special protective composition.
After the beautician turns off the device, he must tell the woman about the rules for skin care after laser hair removal. After all, not all hair falls out immediately after the session. In some cases, this may take up to several days, and this is the norm. Therefore, do not panic if immediately after the procedure the effect seems insignificant.
The result from the first session lasts at least one month. Reviews of laser facial hair removal confirm this fact. Then the hairs will again begin to grow slowly. These will be those that were at the time of hair removal still in the growth phase. Before the next visit to the beautician, they will also need to be shaved off and the same preparation steps repeated. Depending on the initial thickness and density of the hairs, a course consisting of 10-15 sessions of laser hair removal may be required.
Contraindications for the procedure
Laser hair removal on the face is a very effective, painless, long-term procedure that can greatly facilitate the life of many women. But even she has a certain list of contraindications. Therefore, before you sign up for laser hair removal, you must make sure that they are absent. Doctors distinguish the following list of contraindications:
- The presence of diabetes.
- Skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.
- Oncological diseases.
- The presence of a large number of moles on the face and body.
- A predisposition to the appearance of scars and scars.
- Childhood.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
If there are diseases from the above list of contraindications to laser hair removal on the face, the procedure can be done after treatment and restoration of the body. Do not neglect the advice of doctors and ignore serious health problems. You can remove unwanted facial hair at any time, but it is very important to put your health in order in time so as not to start the development of diseases and not to aggravate your own well-being.
Laser Hair Removal Reviews
Numerous reviews of happy women who have experienced this method of removing excess vegetation indicate its high efficiency. In this case, special attention is paid to the speed of the procedure, its painlessness, as well as the availability of an amazing result in the form of the absence of unwanted facial hair. Women and girls of different ages claim that no other method can provide such an impressive effect. Many of them were so delighted with the removal of facial hair with a laser that they decided to get rid of the vegetation permanently in other parts of the body.
Many write about the rather high cost of the procedure, while noting the fact that it may take from 5 to 15 sessions. However, this point is hardly a significant disadvantage of hair removal. You can determine the approximate number of necessary sessions at the initial consultation with a cosmetologist who has enough experience in this field of activity. This will eliminate the moment of surprise and prepare for the use of the laser financially. It is also important to consider the fact that each session will need to be done with an interval of one month. Given the reviews on laser hair removal of facial hair, this allows you to not immediately spend a large amount of money, but to allocate them from the budget gradually, which is almost not felt on the financial condition.
In the reviews, many advise starting a course from laser sessions in winter, since the skin during the procedure should have the lightest shade. It is advisable to start hair removal in the first month of the cold pore, in order to save time for the following procedures. Not all unwanted facial hairs are thin and sparse. And the thicker and denser the vegetation, the more laser hair removal sessions will be needed for its final removal. The follicles of thin hairs will collapse under the influence of the apparatus in about two trips to the cosmetology salon. Two to four procedures are required to remove thick ones. The winter season will be enough to forever forget about the problem of excess facial hair.
Otherwise, laser removal of excess vegetation has more positive reviews than negative ones, and therefore is currently the best procedure for getting rid of unwanted facial hairs. It is only important to consider all contraindications to this method, as well as to study the features of hair removal.