"Novopan No. 1" for weight loss: reviews, composition, instructions for use, contraindications

Today, when HLS, PP and body cult have become trends, being overweight is not just not beautiful, but embarrassing. Many women, flipping through a ribbon on Instagram, dream of a thin waist and elastic buttocks. Reinforced training in the gym, diet, and nutritional supplements come to the rescue in such situations. If diet and exercise are more or less clear, then nutritional supplements require special attention. Manufacturers do not hesitate to talk about how to speed up metabolism and lose weight with the help of their drugs. But is it really so? Are there any substances in such supplements that can really affect adipose tissue in the human body?

Today we’ll talk about a drug made on the basis of Altai maral. We will find out what it consists of, how it works, whether it is worth spending money on this supplement.

What is Novopan No. 1?

The drug "Novopan 1"

The Pantoproject company launched the Novopan No. 1 slimming drug on the market. Reviews on the Internet and the statements of some sellers assure us that thanks to this drug, you can easily lose weight, remove inflammation, get rid of toxins, toxins, cure hormonal imbalances, and so on. Capsule supplement is available. In one standard package, 100 capsules of 0.35 mg are placed. The cost of one package will vary from 600 to 700 Russian rubles.

The composition of the drug

Slimming supplements

The composition of "Novopan No. 1" is very simple:

  • deer meat powder (200 mg);
  • MCC - 150 mg (microcrystalline cellulose).

As you can see, there are no chemistry, harmful additives and scary names in this dietary supplement. The composition is almost natural, can be proudly called "eco-product".

Who is maral? How does the drug work?

Noble deer

So, in order to understand whether it is possible to believe the reviews, the drug for weight loss "Novopan No. 1" must be disassembled by composition. Let's start with the main component - meat of Altai deer. For those who hear about this for the first time, we explain that we will talk about a red deer. This is one of the largest species. It is found in Altai and in the eastern part of Siberia. The animal is incredibly beautiful and valuable. Meat, fat, horns - all this is of particular value. It is the meat of this animal (which has undergone appropriate processing) that is in miracle capsules. Therefore, attention, vegans and vegetarians: this product is not for you.

The properties of this product are virtually the same as any meat product. This is a common protein product. True, if you take into account the small content, then you will not be able to feel any quick effect and result.

Microcrystalline cellulose

MCC preparation

This is the second substance contained in Novopan No. 1 capsules. What is she like? This is cellulose after a chemical treatment (destruction) procedure. At its core, MCC is a sorbent. Like fiber or activated carbon. This substance can really be called to some extent working. Only directly on adipose tissue, hormones, glands and appetite, it does not affect. It simply improves digestion like regular fiber. By the way, the cost of MCC in a pharmacy in Moscow is an average of 100 rubles. For this small amount, we get 100 tablets of 500 mg of the active substance. In the pharmaceutical industry, this substance is used to make tablets.

"Novopan No. 1": instructions for use

How to use the supplement to reduce weight? The instruction says: to reduce weight with the help of this drug, you should take 2-3 capsules instead of a single meal. It is advisable to replace dinner with an additive.

The second option is the use of capsules: 1-2 pcs. 30 minutes before meals.

It is this diet that will help reduce weight. The manufacturer also recommends that we tune in to a positive result and go through the entire course to the end. The duration of the course is different for everyone. That is, you need to take the drug until you achieve at least some result.

Contraindications, side effects

“Novopan No. 1” has few contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to the components.

Add something else to this list. But there are some side effects. These include bloating and increased gas formation.

"Novopan No. 1" for weight loss: reviews

Weight Loss Supplements

Finding unpaid reviews about the drug "Novopan No. 1" is very difficult. In most cases, these are stories about the magical properties of venison, naturalness, and that chemistry is bad. What do we write consumers in reviews of "Novopan number 1" for weight loss?

First of all, people report that, adhering to the food system recommended by the manufacturer, you can really lose weight. This is due to a decrease in the calorie content of the daily diet. Simply put, the patient begins to eat less. As a result, the weight really goes away.

Some have noticed that the amount of food eaten has decreased, and the feeling of fullness comes faster. This is due to the action of the MCC. It swells, filling a part of the stomach with itself. Thus, a person does eat less, and a sense of fullness comes faster.

Side effects in the form of bloating and gas formation are almost inevitable.

Should I buy Novopan No. 1?

Diet food

And now to summarize some of the results. "Novopan No. 1" is a dietary supplement with a straightforward composition. The manufacturer claims that the capsules are a unique protein product. Of course, for the average resident of Russia, the CIS, Europe, venison is a rare product. Even unique. But it has nothing to do with weight loss. In addition, deer meat undergoes a fairly serious mechanical and chemical treatment. It is hardly possible to fill the need for amino acids thanks to 2-6 capsules of biologically active additives.

As for the MCC, it is really used by those who want to reduce excess weight. Treated pulp tablets are recommended by dietitians for some patients. The drug is safe and effective for prolonged use (from 6 weeks). But MCC alone does not interact with fat in our body. Its main function is to fill the volume of the stomach, nothing more. You can buy the drug at any pharmacy. It costs a lot on a budget. Everyone who has no problems with the gastrointestinal tract can use MCC tablets.

But according to reviews, Novopan No. 1 for weight loss is an effective supplement. In some places, you can really read that people lost 2-5 kilograms in a week or two. How is this possible if there are no active substances in the preparation? Everything is simple. Following the instructions, in order to start losing weight, it is necessary to replace one meal (dinner) with 2-3 capsules of the drug. Thus, instead of the usual 3000 kilocalories, a person eats 2500. Such a small change in calorie content is enough for the weight to move and begin to leave at the first stages of weight loss. If at the same time to refuse flour, sweet and increase physical activity, the result will improve twice.

And now to summarize:

  • Plus of the drug "Novopan No. 1" is a natural composition.
  • Cons - the lack of substances that affect fat burning, high price, not suitable for vegetarian food.

We cannot say that all drugs on the market are dummies. In pharmacies, funds are really sold that are designed to help people lose weight, get rid of food dependence, and put their figure in order. But before you get your wallet, familiarize yourself with the composition. Many manufacturers are not averse to making money at the expense of a person’s desire to stay healthy and beautiful for many years. Instead of effective medications, they try to slip us dummies that have nothing to do with diet and proper nutrition.

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