Secrets of character: shy and meek. Is this good or bad?

Most people prefer to fall in love and build relationships with vibrant and popular personalities. However, having gained life experience, as spouses, many choose partners who are calm, practical, kind and meek. All these qualities are really capable of making life in a marriage more calm and stable. But before making a detailed list of requirements for a future husband or wife, let's try to figure out: a meek person - what kind?

Humility and humility are virtues?

Meek it
It is important to understand that any quality of character is positive only in some life situations and areas. At the same time, in other areas it will be exclusively an obstacle to success and personal happiness. If you believe the definitions of explanatory dictionaries, the meek is a flexible, calm, peaceful, ready to reconcile person. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with such a characteristic. And if you think about it - very close to positive humility is such a feature as lack of initiative. Suppose having a meek spouse is really nice - family life will be measured, without scandals and quarrels. But sooner or later there will come a time when you have to compete for your happiness - to demonstrate your professional skills for getting a job or to persevere in some state organization to draw up significant documents. In such situations, meek people are lost, rarely they have enough perseverance and determination.

The origins of a gentle disposition

The meek girl is
There is no single answer to the question of character formation. Some psychologists say that the child receives personal qualities and behaviors at an early age, while other experts put forward theories of hereditary predisposition. We have already found out that a meek person is a calm and complaisant person. Why do people grow up like this? There are two most likely causes. The first is the features of education, and the second is self-doubt and self-reliance. Any parents wish only good to their own child, but sometimes this translates into excessive care. From birth, many girls are told that a woman should be completely subordinate to her husband, be modest and flexible. Similar stereotypes are found in the upbringing of boys - they are also told that a meek disposition is good, fights should be avoided, and one should not defend one’s opinion in “gangster” ways and exercise physical strength. These problems are most common in intelligent families, where parents are distinguished by a high level of education and morality.

How to win meek girl?

Despite their passivity and inaccessibility, modest girls really like guys. The problem is that many modern young people simply do not know how to make acquaintance and friendship with such ladies. The most important thing is not to behave too intrusively and cheekily. Even positive standard compliments during the first meeting can be perceived negatively. It is important to remember that a meek girl is a real princess. She will appreciate the romance and attention from the interlocutor. To please such a girl, you should give her the opportunity to tell about herself, ask suggestive questions. Show how interesting it is for you to listen to your interlocutor and be sure to praise her. There should not be too many compliments, otherwise it will be like flattery. Assess first of all the achievements, personal qualities and knowledge of the girl, it is worth talking about appearance in the last turn. It will be much more appropriate to say that she is a sweet and interesting interlocutor, rather than praise beauty immediately.

How to like a meek young man?

The meek disposition is
Modern girls are accustomed to the fact that guys always get to know them first, and then try to charm and endear them in every possible way. Let us not forget that a meek person is not at all an insidious seducer or “conqueror of female hearts”. In order to make friends or make love relationships with such a young man, the girl herself will have to try. The most important thing is to try to talk to such a guy, he will definitely be glad to an attentive listener. If possible - ask for help, for example, in study or work, demonstrate a desire to learn something that he is fluent in. All men love to share experiences and teachings with others, but for a timid young man this is a great opportunity to believe in themselves and their strengths.

How to get rid of modesty?

The meek man is
Obedient, humble, indecisive, meek - can all this be said about you or someone from the people closest to you? All these qualities are good in some way, but if they manifest themselves too strongly and interfere with life, you need to work on yourself. The main task is to learn to express your opinion, get rid of fear when communicating with other people and believe in yourself. It’s worth starting with determining the qualities of your own character that you would like to get rid of: shyness, passivity, meekness. This listing will help you understand exactly what you should work on. Highlight the main problems: communicating with new acquaintances, public speaking, being in crowded places. What exactly is given to you with special difficulty? There are many ways to improve your communication skills and get rid of complexes. You can try to act slowly, overcoming one goal after another. There are also “shock” treatment options - for example, forcing yourself to do something that you could not decide for a long time. For help in overcoming shyness, you can turn to professional psychologists.

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