Simple recipes for getting rid of dandruff at home.

How to get rid of dandruff at home? This question is very relevant today. It is known that every fifth person on earth suffers from dandruff. And the blame for everything is the fungus Pityrosporum ovale, which constantly lives on human skin and does not manifest itself in any way. But, if there is a violation of the function of the sebaceous glands, then the fungus begins to multiply quickly enough, since it eats sebum. As a result, small white scales appear, causing severe itching and capable of creating severe discomfort to a person . Therefore, people who have encountered this problem at least once have always been interested in the question of how to get rid of dandruff at home. You can cope with this scourge if you follow all the recommendations.

Of course, there are many ways to get rid of dandruff at home. To begin with, try to use special dandruff shampoos to wash your hair, which prevent the fungus from multiplying and improve the blood circulation of the head. Just be careful when choosing a shampoo. A poor-quality remedy can only aggravate the situation.

Pay great attention to your diet. Reduce your intake of sugary and fatty foods as much as possible, but foods containing a lot of fiber and vitamins should be eaten as much as possible.

In the presence of dandruff, you can not greatly dry the hair, so you still have to refuse the hair dryer.

Do not forget about the "grandmother" recipes, how to get rid of dandruff at home. All of them are time-tested and quite effective.

Yolk mask for dandruff. We take one yolk, mix with a spoon of vegetable oil (it can be almond, castor, peach or olive). Stir everything and apply to the scalp. We put cellophane on our heads, cover them with a towel and hold for about forty minutes. Then wash off the mask with shampoo.

Garlic mask. Squeeze out eight cloves of garlic through a garlic press, add a couple of drops of vegetable oil and stir well. Apply the mask to the scalp and leave for twenty minutes. After thoroughly rinse the hair so that the smell of garlic does not remain.

Curd mask. Pour a glass of beer into 150 grams of cottage cheese, mix and apply on the head. Hair before the mask is not recommended. After half an hour, we wash the hair.

Nettle broth will help get rid of dandruff quickly. 150 grams of dry nettle pour 0.5 liters of hot water and boil for forty minutes. Remove from heat, insist for about ten minutes and filter through cheesecloth. After the broth has cooled, add two tablespoons of vinegar (nine percent). These broth rinse the hair and at the same time massage the scalp. This procedure should be carried out daily until a positive result.

Pepper tincture . In one glass of water, add 250 milliliters of vodka and quickly dip a pod of hot pepper there. We insist tincture for a week. Using a cotton swab, rub pepper tincture into the scalp . We carry out treatment a couple of times a week.

Onion husk tincture . Fifty grams of onion husks pour a liter of boiling water and insist for thirty minutes. We regularly rinse this broth with hair. Be careful, the broth slightly dyes hair.

Burdock mask. Take the burdock root and chop. It should turn out about a tablespoon. Pour burdock with a glass of vegetable oil (refined) and mix thoroughly. We remove the mixture in a dark place and leave it there for two weeks. Filter the finished mixture and rub it thoroughly into the scalp. Make a mask before washing your hair, in about one hour.

All of the above methods, how to get rid of dandruff at home, are quite simple, do not require large expenses and are very effective. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to remember that only a specialist can correctly choose the right treatment for your hair.

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