What to do in the hospital: ways to spend free time in the ward, recommendations and tips

No one likes being sick and lying in the hospital. However, it is not always possible to maintain health and recover at home without round-the-clock medical assistance. In order not to lose heart within the four walls, you need to take care of how to diversify your leisure and pass the time spent in the ward. There are so many ways to do things in a hospital when you're bored. Therefore, among them, you need to try to highlight the most useful and interesting.

Reading literature and self-development

The modern rhythm of life often does not leave a person time to read books of interest to him. Work, daily life, activities with children, going to the gym and meeting with friends - all this takes most of the day and does not allow you to be alone with yourself. While in the hospital, you need to take a moment of loneliness and devote this time to reading. You can take your favorite books with you to the room, which have been gathering dust on shelves for a long time, or download the latest literary news on the Internet and read them from gadgets.

Self-development is the best option for what to do in the hospital when bored. After all, you can qualitatively replenish your own knowledge. If you need to stay in the hospital for a long time, you can even start studying a new foreign language. There are a huge number of textbooks and audio programs that will help with this. You just need to purchase the appropriate literature, as well as grab headphones from home. Modern smartphones have almost identical capabilities with laptops, so learning from video or audio will be very convenient even while in the room.

reading a book in a hospital

Favorite movies and TV shows

When watching an interesting movie, time always flies by. That is why many busy people do not like to spend free hours on long series with an intriguing plot. They take a huge amount of valuable time and take away the opportunity to engage in urgent matters.

But such films are perfect for those who got a job in a hospital ward for a long time. You can turn on a series with a lot of episodes without a twinge of conscience and get comfortable in the crib. No one and nothing will interfere and distract from the plot. The time spent watching a movie or series flies by unnoticed, as does the entire period spent in the hospital. What to do after is everyone’s business. Most often, after several episodes of a good series, I want to relax and sleep.

watching movies in the hospital

Dreams and life plans

Very often a person begins to get sick due to negative thinking and constant stress associated with loved ones or work. In this case, being in the ward should be aimed at reassessing life values ​​and drawing up new plans for the future. Daily cares and affairs rarely leave the opportunity to think about yourself and listen to the urges of the heart.

First you need to rid your mind of bad thoughts. It doesn’t matter with what they are connected - with work, illness or a bad relationship. This is what you need to do in the hospital in the first place. You need to set yourself up in a positive way, make plans for the near future, dream about the good and figure out how to realize these desires.

planning for the future at the hospital

Chat with friends and distant relatives

What to do when you are in the hospital is not so difficult to find. Nevertheless, you need to try to allocate your free time to good use. It happens that a person, being in the constant cycle of daily affairs, does not have time at all for friendly meetings and conversations. The same applies to communication with distant relatives. Only the closest family members receive a share of attention in the evenings, and on weekends you still need to take care of yourself and ordinary household tasks. That is why the working circle of a working person often becomes extremely narrow, the necessary connections and old friends are lost, and news from relatives can be heard only when something very important happens.

Staying in the four walls of the chamber, you can pass the time for communication with loved ones, who eventually moved away. Telephone calls will distract from thoughts about what to do in the hospital. They will help strengthen friendship and communication, which can so easily break without a sincere and mutual interest. In addition, lively communication and pleasant memories of days together will enhance the production of the hormone oxytocin, which will help the body recover faster from the disease.

communication with loved ones in the hospital

Creative activity

For those who have the skills of a true creator, there are many ways to do things in the hospital. Such people will spend their free time to good use even in a hospital room. For example, the simplest notebook and pencil can captivate for a period of 1 to 3 hours, depending on the level of inspiration.

Even without an easel and paints, you will be able to create a unique and stunningly beautiful drawing. The most successful creations, pre-packaged in cute envelopes, can be presented to loved ones. Envelopes can also be made with your own hands from ordinary white sheets. Such gifts will be a pleasant occasion to meet with relatives, and will also help to quickly pass the time spent in the hospital ward.

creative work in the hospital

Useful Tips

In order not to torment yourself with the question of what to do in the hospital, you need to bring as many useful things as possible from your home. Of course, for many, the need for outpatient treatment is unexpected news. In this case, it is impossible to prepare for a long stay in the ward. But those who are scheduled to go to the hospital can gather more carefully. First of all, you need to put several books in your bag. No need to collect all the literature from home and drag it in a separate bag to the room. Such a huge amount will be completely useless. It is enough to take one or two books, but with the most interesting and addictive plot.

You also need to take good headphones, download more movies, TV shows and music to your phone or laptop. Lovers of knitting can not do without a ball of thread and knitting needles. In addition, we must not forget about a notebook, pencil and pen. You may have to write something down when planning for the future or draw with a pencil. If there are board games, you can also take them with you to the hospital. Roommates may not be so assembled, so you can spend free time with them much more pleasant and more fun.

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