Genetic memory - the connection of the distant past and present

We know that memory is present in everyone, starting from the simplest animals. However, it reached the highest level only in humans. Animals have two types of memory: genetic and mechanical. If the latter is found in the form of the ability to learn and acquire some life experience, then genetic memory is manifested through the transfer of vital psychological, biological, including behavioral, properties from generation to generation. It contains many necessary instincts and reflexes. The most powerful instincts of procreation are considered.

In general, two lines are distinguished in the human genetic memory. The first is

Genetic memory
that its improvement occurs in all people as social progress develops . The second line reflects the gradual changes in each individual.

This modification takes place in the process of socialization, as well as the introduction into the cultural and material achievements of mankind.

Genetic memory is determined by information that is stored in the genotype, respectively, it is inherited.

In this case, the main mechanism of memorization is some mutations and, as a consequence, changes in gene structures.

The genetic memory of a person is different in that it cannot be influenced through training and the educational process.

It stores almost the entire

Human genetic memory
"Archive" of the life of a particular person. Moreover, everything is reflected at the cellular level: what we were in childhood and what in youth, what shape acquired in adulthood and what appearance in old age became.

According to some theories, if a person is sick, that is, in his DNA and a copy in which there is information about the time when the body was young and healthy. Scientists believe that genetic information can be “woven” from very distant memories that are stored in the deepest layers of the subconscious.

Consciousness protects a person from the obvious manifestation of genetic memory, however, according to some reports, it finds itself in a dream.

Today it is known that the baby, being in the stage of intrauterine development, sees dreams about 60 percent of the time. From the point of view of S.P. Rastorgueva, this is how genetic memory manifests itself, and the brain reads it, and thereby a kind of training takes place.

The child, being in the mother’s stomach, goes through the entire evolutionary cycle: starting

Genetic information
from one cell and ending with the birth of the light. As a result of this, the entire memory of the ancestors is recorded and stored. This theory is confirmed by the swimming skill that every newborn has, but which is lost after a month of life.

Simply put, children are born with a full arsenal of necessary knowledge that has been carefully preserved, having passed the path of evolution in genetic memory.

Thus, genetic memory is a person’s ability to remember something that was not in his immediate experience.

The energy potential of gene memory has been confirmed in medical and psychotherapeutic practice using methods of hypnosis, auto-training and a variety of meditative practices.

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