Many people who want to quickly lose weight are always looking for easy ways to solve the problem. First of all, we are talking about miraculous pills, after drinking which, you can quickly get rid of the fat layer. Oddly enough, there are such products on the world market, and judging by the reviews of many athletes, the drugs are quite effective.
In this article, the reader learns what are the "Black Widow" fat burners, because this product is considered the most effective weight loss product in the world. Those who wish to quickly lose weight will be presented with the composition, instructions, reviews of athletes, as well as recommendations of experts, coaches and doctors.
The story of one deception
Many readers have probably heard that this product contains ephedrine, which, according to rumors, contributes to rapid weight loss, but few people understand what it is all about. Therefore, it is better to start from the very beginning. All products of Cloma Pharma, which includes the fat burner in question, are positioned on the world market as a mixture of ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin (ECA). It is she, again, according to the plan of the producers, that makes fat burn.
However, ephedrine is a psychotropic drug and is prohibited from free sale in almost the entire world. Accordingly, it simply cannot be in a fat burner. But what then in the preparation, and why is it so effective? This is a separate issue, which the reader will have to meet in this article. The main thing here is for the athlete to understand that he does not lose weight from ephedrine at all, and he does not violate the law of his state.
Strange set of ingredients.
Naturally, all people who want to lose weight quickly are interested in the composition. Fat burner "Black Widow" in addition to caffeine and aspirin contains many medicinal supplements, which are popularly called biologically active (BAA). This includes yohimbine, white willow bark, green tea, black pepper and many other components, whose names are more associated with cooking than with drugs.
All of the above, the manufacturer does not hide under the name "company composition", but is provided in open form indicating the amount of additive in one serving. A similar approach is regarded by many customers positively, because in this way the product does not fall under the definition of “chemistry” - all the ingredients in the composition are natural and affordable. In fact, you can create a fat burner yourself.
Instructions for use
Real legends or horror stories go about taking such drugs, especially when the Black Widow (fat burner) is in focus. "How to take the drug so that the heart does not stop?" - the most popular question among beginners who have read or heard reviews from experienced athletes. In fact, rumors are spread by people who themselves have never used this fat burner. It is simply interesting for them to intimidate others with another tale of a miraculous and deadly dangerous drug.
The manufacturer recommends taking Black Spider 3 times a day with food. True, there are many recommendations regarding the detection of tolerance to the drug - to start taking with one capsule, monitor the pulse, increase the dosage. This is the wrong approach. The manufacturer said "3 tablets per day", so you need to drink the drug according to the instructions.
Product Admission Features
There is an opinion that all fat burning products of Cloma Pharma should be taken only on an empty stomach. Yes, this technique is more effective for losing weight, but there are some risks that need to be familiarized with. The fact is that the composition of the product includes black pepper, which greatly irritates the gastric mucosa. Doctors recommend that all athletes who have health problems (ulcers, heartburn, low peristalsis) refrain from consuming a fat burner on an empty stomach.
There are also expert warnings regarding the time of taking the drug. It is not recommended to drink it less than 4 hours before bedtime. The fact is that caffeine, contained in the fat burner, excites the nervous system and makes the body awake. Problems can occur the next day, and they will arise from lack of sleep - fatigue, detachment, distraction.
Physicochemical processes
Probably, all readers are interested in how the "Black Widow" (fat burner) works, we will also consider side effects and the principle of action. In short, everything is simple:
- the composition replacing ephedrine raises body temperature and blocks the appetite-causing stomach receptors;
- caffeine excites the nervous system and makes the body work to the limit of its capabilities;
- aspirin enhances the action of all components and has a calming effect on the cardiovascular system.
What happens to the body? It works actively due to its own energy reserves (body fat) and sweats profusely due to high temperature (an average rise of 0.5-0.8 degrees Celsius, but this is enough to make the body secrete fluid for cooling).
Side effects
Fat widget "Black Widow" many professional trainers do not recommend for people with large excess weight. It is about a fat content of over 50%. The problem is that in an excited body, even with small physical exertion, a rapid increase in heart rate occurs. And this is fraught with a heart attack. Here it is better to find a compromise, and consult a doctor about not only taking the drug, but also physical activity. And if we talk about the side effects of the fat burner immediately at the time of administration, then the list is quite large, but all the symptoms relate more to the reaction of the unprepared body to some components of the Black Spider preparation:
- caffeine causes hand tremors;
- yohimbine causes a prolonged erection in men;
- redness (in allergy sufferers) may appear on the athlete’s face due to the zest of orange and black pepper.
You can also note the itching of the skin in the area of perspiration, which occurs due to inadequate hygiene, as well as dizziness and sharp mood swings, which are side effects of the body's overexcitation.
Training Features
Fat widders "Black Widow" by all experts in the field of sports, as well as doctors and nutritionists are recommended for admission only if there is physical activity. Yes, throwing pills in your mouth, lying on the TV with the next portion of food, you will not be able to achieve a result in losing weight.
The drug only makes the body generate a lot of energy and increases endurance, everything else is in the hands of an athlete who wants to get rid of excess body fat. Accordingly, you have to think through training. There are no restrictions for a beginner athlete: swimming, fitness, gym, hiking, cycling or badminton - it is important to be constantly on the move.
Sports nutrition
All readers who dream of burning fat with the help of a special drug do not need to talk about the need for diet and proper nutrition. A priori, getting rid of excess body fat is possible only when refusing fatty and sweet foods, as well as with the normalized intake of fast carbohydrates. No need to believe in fairy tales that tell about the possibilities of a fat burner to utilize deposits without diets. Professionals claim that this is impossible, even if you take ephedra extract (a fictitious drug obtained naturally from the foliage of the same plant, which means ephedrine under its name).
But as for sports nutrition, there are no restrictions. You can take amino acids, protein, BCAA, creatine, arginine, L-carnitine and many other dietary supplements that affect muscle growth. Naturally, there is no question of any anhydrous caffeine in the diet, including green tea and coffee.
If you close your eyes to all the myths and legends that the Black Widow drug (fat burner) has grown over, the feedback from the athletes is only positive. This is really a working mixture that makes the body quickly and physically lose calories. Yes, there are side effects, and the reaction to external stimuli is unpredictable, but this is only at the initial stage of taking the drug, which lasts 2-3 days at most. After the body adapts, and many people begin to torment doubts about whether the fat burner works. Works! This is easy to verify after weighing and measuring the waist with hips. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended dosage - 3 capsules per day.
As practice shows, the Black Widow Fat Burners, as well as other similar products of Cloma Pharma, are harmless to the human body. After all, otherwise they would simply be banned for sale. As for the side effects, the alertness of the novice athlete plays a role here, who feels a little discomfort at the initial stage of taking the fat burner. For example, the same ginger that is first tasted by a person causes both dizziness and nausea. This is the usual protective reaction of the body when the essential oils act on the nervous system. There is nothing to worry about, the main thing is to eat less, sleep more, play sports and believe in yourself!