Elimination is what? What can be elimination

Today in different branches of science very often they use the same term, the meaning of which varies depending on the context. For example, assimilation, pressure, isolation, induction, elimination, and so on.

The development of science has contributed to the need to exchange information using terms, since in this case the presentation of the material will be quite short, and the wording clear. However, very often new concepts are not found in dictionaries, so the expansion of the vocabulary is necessary. To expand the boundaries of human knowledge, began to use ambiguous terms. Today we’ll talk about one of them. It will be about elimination.

What is elimination?

Elimination is a multi-valued term. It can be found in many branches of science, for example, in mathematics, economics, pharmacokinetics, biology, and so on. This word came to us from Latin. Translated from the Latin language, the word eliminare means “expel”, “expel”, and in the literal sense - “expel over the threshold”.

Elimination in pharmacokinetics

presystem elimination is

In pharmacokinetics, the term "elimination" means the elimination of drugs from a living organism in a natural way.

There is a presystemic and systemic elimination. Presystem elimination is the removal of the drug at a time when the substance still passes through various organs (intestines, lungs, liver, and others), that is, until it enters the bloodstream.

Systemic elimination of a substance is its elimination from the circulatory system.

Typically, biotransformation of the administered drugs is carried out in the liver, but it can also occur in other organs and tissues. Special proteins (ligandins) that are in the blood are extracted from its plasma and bind chemicals in the cells, which are then excreted from the body.

elimination quota is

Biotransformation is carried out in two stages. First, some of the chemical compounds are converted into reactive metabolites, which form compounds with groups of endogenous substances. Such metabolites can accumulate in the body with repeated injections of drugs, which can lead to mutations, as well as cell necrosis or allergic reactions.

At the second stage, paired esters with various acids and glycine are formed in the body. Compounds appear that dissolve well in water, penetrate poorly into tissues and are inactive.

Elimination rate

The elimination coefficient (quota) is the daily loss of chemical compounds introduced into the body due to the elimination of the drug. This value is measured as a percentage, it is constant for each drug.

Thus, in medicine, elimination is the natural elimination of drugs from a living organism.

elimination of the virus is

Removal of the virus from the blood

Elimination of the virus is the removal of it from the patient’s blood cells. Recently, more effective methods are being developed to combat various viral diseases aimed at eliminating the virus after taking medications. The main goal of the development is not only to cleanse the body, but also to prevent the development of chronic forms of diseases.

Elimination in the economy

In economics, one can also find the term “elimination," which means the removal of certain products from production. The elimination of goods is the termination of their production, withdrawal from sales, withdrawal from the market as such in connection with the loss of competitiveness and demand.

product elimination is

To identify those products that need to be eliminated, they assess the volume of sales, consider the place of the product on the market, its turnover in the company's turnover, capital, as well as its profitability.

Elimination of price fluctuations is the elimination of price swings for certain products or goods.


In biology, elimination is the death of some individuals, organisms or their groups, populations, species due to various natural causes, that is, the influence of environmental factors. Most often, these individuals are not adapted to the process of struggle for existence, are the weakest among the rest. Elimination in this case is expressed as the reciprocal of survival.

The death of representatives of one species or another is physical when death occurs due to environmental influences, as well as genetic, when the genotype changes, which leads to a decrease in the number of offspring and their viability, to a decrease in their contribution to the gene pool of the next generation.

elimination is

In biology, it is customary to distinguish two types of elimination: selective and non-selective (or general).

General elimination is the impact on individuals of external factors of very strong intensity, which exceeds the ecological flexibility of these individuals. As a result of all this, the extinction of a class or species is observed, regardless of their individual properties. Factors affecting the death of individuals exceed the possibility of their adaptation. This may include natural disasters or the actions that certain human activities have. In this case, there is no selectivity for elimination, but there is a likelihood that the descendants of the individuals who are most fertile will survive.

Selective elimination is the extinction of some part of the population that is least adapted to the effects of external factors as a result of the struggle for existence. In this case, we are talking about the effect of natural selection. Here the most adapted representatives of the species survive.

Thus, the science of biology reveals the concept of “elimination,” as the elimination of the reproduction of individuals or an entire species, their death due to the influence of various external factors, both physical and anthropogenic. These, for example, include competition, natural selection.

elimination of the substance is


In mathematics, elimination is the removal of an unknown quantity from a system of equations. There is such a concept in this science as “elimination of quantifiers”, which denotes a process as a result of which one given logical formula generates another formula equivalent to it, one that is free from occurrences of quantifiers.

When a quantifier elimination algorithm is possible, it is of great use for research. The ways of finding these algorithms for different theories have something in common, so you can talk about them as one method. If you manage to apply this method, it turns out to be quite useful, because it allows you to get complete information about a particular theory. It also contributes to the emergence of a method by which it can be determined whether a particular statement of a certain theory belongs or not. In other words, he proves that the theory is decidable.

There are some theories in mathematical logic where quantifier elimination is allowed: queuing theory, term algebra, Presburger arithmetic, dense linear order, atomless Boolean algebras.

Thus, the elimination of quantifiers in mathematics allows us to prove theorems, since it generates a way to solve certain problems.


In sociology, the term "elimination" can also be found. This word denotes an exception to the analysis or calculation of factors, signs that are not associated with random relationships with the process or phenomenon being studied.

The term “elimination” is used in various sciences today, it has many meanings and interpretations, but it has one thing in common: however that may be, and elimination is the removal, elimination, elimination, exclusion of something.

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