Technical documentation - list, development and design

For engineers of any level and any industry, the concept of “normative and technical documentation” is associated with volumes of explanatory notes and kilometers of drawings. The inhabitants are faced with technical documentation in everyday life. All operating instructions, user manuals and other valuable instructions for the correct and safe use of household appliances are also technical documentation.

But most often, design documentation is used in construction or in industrial design.

General concepts

According to the definitions of explanatory dictionaries, technical documentation is a set of textual, graphic and visualized (layouts, drawings) materials that define functional, technological, engineering and design solutions for the implementation of the production of any goods or for construction work and reconstruction.

To avoid discrepancies, all documents are created according to the established template. Moreover, international integration increasingly dictates the conditions for the work of engineers in all sectors. Modern project documentation is compiled in such a way that specialists from different countries do not have discrepancies.

To a large extent this is facilitated by the automated development of technical documentation. All kinds of computer programs are used around the world.

technical documentation

Safety Above All

Any project for the execution of work, and especially construction or reconstruction, can lead to unjustified risks to the lives of users in case of non-compliance with safety.

We are talking about the safety of not only the performance of certain works, but also the operation of the property or some unit. So, the ill-conceived design of the refrigerator can lead to serious health problems for its owners, and a poorly grounded washing machine will not only cause a short circuit, but it can also cause a fire. What can we say about “not enough right” angles during the construction of buildings.

Therefore, design and technical documentation is being developed in conjunction with the safety department. Any innovative design idea should be subjected to healthy criticism or tested in practice.

Safety service

In addition to the final safe use of the product, the safety service also monitors the progress of the work. In particular, the functions of the security department are:

  • monitoring compliance with safety in the workplace,
  • organizational work on sanitary-hygienic measures,
  • prevention of workplace injuries in the workplace,
  • preventive work to prevent the development of occupational diseases,
  • control over the use of protective equipment when performing scheduled work (if necessary),
  • Improvement of safety measures in the workplace and during construction work.

As already noted, all technical documentation should be studied by specialists of the labor protection department. The fact that such work has been carried out is indicated by a mark on the approval of drawings or an explanatory note on the cover pages.

Consolidated Design - The Modern Standard

The development of a project, especially in the construction industry, requires the collaboration of all specialized specialists. After all, the idea of ​​an architect can be put into practice in several ways. An economist and an employee of the safety department will be able to find the most suitable solution. A joint meeting of all narrow specialists involved in the design will allow you to choose the best option for solving the problem.

normative technical documentation

To facilitate the adoption of initial decisions, normative and technical documentation is used. This is a list of rules and requirements for the implementation of basic and auxiliary works, which are unified and should be used regardless of the specifics of the project. Such standards include various GOSTs and standards, rules and recommendations issued by state scientific and practical associations and organizations.

The regulatory framework for project documentation

In fact, drawings can be read by any experienced builder or locksmith. After working at the enterprise for a long time, the masters master the language of project documentation and are free to use it. But this is fundamentally wrong.

To ensure the quality of work and safety, it is necessary that all employees of the enterprise have at least a secondary specialized education. This will eliminate errors in reading the drawings and regulations and speed up the process of work.

The systems of technical documentation serve the same purposes. To facilitate the design, the basic requirements, norms and indicators are formulated and calculated; for a specific location, tolerances and deviations are defined; in order to avoid erroneous reading of the drawing documentation, uniform conventions and requirements have been developed.

development of technical documentation

GOST and SPDS systems (project documentation system for construction) are used not only in the domestic markets of the state, but also in international cooperation. As already noted, this is due to global production integration and the practice of attracting specialists from different countries.

Where does design begin

Any project cannot begin unreasonably. The basis for design is usually the technical task, initial data and wishes of the architectural design decision. On their basis, a package of documents is prepared for designers of related specialties - architects, designers, strength workers (those who determine the strength and wear resistance of used structures and materials), economists, etc.

All narrow specialists begin to work in a certain sequence. But this does not mean at all that, having completed his part of the project, the specialist literally forgets about it. On the contrary, with the arrival of each subsequent designer, the design team begins to interact closely. There may be situations where previous decisions preclude further design. Therefore, you have to go back and find other ways.

design and technical documentation

The volume of project documentation

Of course, there is no clear definition of the number of pages in the explanatory note or drawings, providing a complete picture of the project. But practical activity in the field of design suggests that excessive detailing also harms the final result, as well as a small number of drawings, diagrams and drawings.

For full coverage of the correctness of the work according to project documentation, a list of technical documentation is defined in the SPDS. It regulates the mandatory sections that should be worked out during the design.

list of technical documentation

The content of the technical documentation of the project

  1. Explanatory note - a text document containing the necessary explanations and calculations.
  2. Land plot planning scheme - determination of the relative position of objects on a selected land plot.
  3. Architectural solutions - determining the appearance of facades of buildings and structures.
  4. Constructive space-planning decisions - determining the possibility of implementing architectural ideas and the choice of structures.
  5. The list of engineering and technical measures - determining the possibility of connecting the facility to utility networks (electricity, water and wastewater, heating and ventilation; if necessary - gas and communications); design of internal networks.
  6. The project for organizing the construction of the facility is to determine the maximum rational use of construction equipment and human resources.
  7. Environmental protection measures - plans for the maximum conservation of the adjacent territory and its improvement.
  8. Ensuring fire safety - measures to prevent the occurrence and extinguishing of fires.
  9. The estimate for the implementation of the project is the total result of all costs for the construction of the object.

In some cases, technical documentation can be supplemented by sections that highlight the issues of energy efficiency of the project. Paragraphs rarely appear regarding access to an object (both under construction and already finished) for disabled people, demolition or dismantling projects for objects existing at a construction site, etc.

preparation of technical documentation

The design of technical documentation should also comply with the requirements and recommendations of GOST.

Innovation and project documentation

Often during the construction of an object it is necessary to apply various innovations. Most often this happens with the so-called piece objects. For typical projects of residential buildings and industrial premises, it is rarely necessary to remodel or apply advanced technologies. But the author's projects require innovative design solutions in order to fully realize the architectural idea.

In these cases, scientific and technical documentation is necessary, in which, in addition to all the above sections, there is also a chapter devoted to the scientific justification and explanation of the essence of innovation. Usually we are talking about the use of atypical materials or the use of non-trivial engineering calculations.

technical documentation systems

Project implementation and its paperwork

During the implementation of the project, it becomes necessary to fix certain actions and parameters - for example, the number of installed reinforcement in the walls of a monolithic structure. This can only be checked during the execution of work. At the end of the project, when the concrete hardens, it will be almost impossible to check the actual presence of reinforcement.

Therefore, each such action is recorded by performance technical documentation - the results of geodetic measurements, certificates of conformity and quality of materials, acts of covert work, reporting documentation on studies and tests, etc. Based on all these documents, when commissioning an object, it will be possible to take positive decision.

Project Expertise

With a few exceptions, all construction projects must be peer reviewed. It is assumed that experts will evaluate the submitted project for compliance with existing norms and standards and will give their positive (in case of compliance) or negative (non-compliance with applicable regulations) conclusion.

Exceptional cases that do not require expert evaluation can be described as follows: the construction of small insignificant objects for standard projects.

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