442-ФЗ "On the basics of social services": general description

According to the Constitution, the Russian Federation is a socially oriented state. That is why high-quality social services should be provided to all categories of citizens, the procedure for which is regulated in 442-FZ. Some provisions of this normative act will be discussed in the article.

What is the law about?

Federal law No. 442-FZ enshrines a number of goals and objectives that are mandatory for the implementation of the relevant entities. Here it is worth paying attention to:

  • legal, economic, organizational and other fundamentals of servicing citizens in the provision of social benefits;
  • a number of powers and responsibilities of both recipients and suppliers in this area;
  • a number of rights of federal and subject instances of state power, etc.

What, according to 442-, is a social service for Russian citizens? Article 3 refers to the activities of officials in providing a number of useful services to the public. It is worth noting that social services must strictly comply with certain standards, that is, the requirements for the frequency, volume and quality of a service.

About the principles of social service

Such an important and vast area as the provision of social services to the population must necessarily be based on a number of principles, ideas and conditions. The most important principle here is, of course, the protection of human and civil rights. Work in this area should be humane, and also not to humiliate the personality and dignity of a person.

fz 442

It is also necessary to pay attention to the following principles:

  • voluntariness and confidentiality;
  • targeted service delivery;
  • equal access of all groups to social services;
  • territorial proximity of service providers to the recipient's place of residence, etc.

The functioning of the system under consideration will be impossible if at least one of the principles presented disappears.

About the service system

Article 5 No. 442-FZ "On the Basics of Social Services" provides a description of the structure in this area, which includes a number of government agencies, organizations and non-profit enterprises.

Federal Law 442 on the basics of social services

The Government, as the main instance of the executive branch, is the most important body in the field of social services. It is the government that is called upon to implement and develop public policy and legal regulation throughout the system. The federal executive body gives orders to regional bodies - the administrations of Russian entities. In addition, the government controls various private organizations of a commercial and non-profit type. The system may also include ordinary citizens who are individual entrepreneurs - but only those who are engaged in social services.

On the responsibilities of system entities

According to chapters 3 and 4 No. 442-, both recipients and service providers in the social sphere have a number of mandatory functions. To begin with, it is worth analyzing the obligations of the recipients, as enshrined in article 10 of the regulatory act in question. Here are some highlights:

  • provision of all necessary documentation to state bodies;
  • timely notification of suppliers of changes in circumstances that determine the need for the provision of services;
  • compliance with the conditions set forth in the contract with the supplier.

law 442 fz

According to article 12 of Federal Law No. 442-FZ, service providers have the following responsibilities:

  • the exercise of their professional functions in strict accordance with the law;
  • implementation of social support;
  • legal use of recipient information;
  • the provision of urgent services, etc.

It is also worth noting that service providers should not restrict the rights or freedoms of people, apply any kind of violence, allow ill-treatment, etc.

On the rights of system entities

What are social service providers entitled to? It is worth paying attention to Article 11 No. 442-FZ, which states the following:

  • the ability to carry out requests for all necessary information from public authorities;
  • the ability to be included in the register of suppliers - federal or regional type;
  • the right to refuse the recipient of services or the applicant in the event that the contract was incorrectly drawn up or all the necessary documentation was not provided.

442 Federal Law on Social Services

Recipients of the services have the right to a humane and respectful attitude, to the free choice of a provider, to receive information on their duties and powers in a free and accessible form, to participate in the compilation of individual programs, and much more.

About social services

In what types and forms can the system of providing social services be expressed? Article 19 No. 442-FZ "On Social Services" refers to the provision of services at home, in a stationary or semi-stationary form.

Home service does not have a time frame, but other types of services should be strictly regulated by certain hours. It is also worth noting that the purchasers of social services in stationary or semi-stationary forms must be provided:

  • the ability to accompany when moving around the territory of the provision of services;
  • the right to independent movement;
  • the ability to receive duplication of texts with voice messages, and vice versa;
  • the right to receive other types of assistance in accordance with the law.

federal law 442 fz

Social services themselves may have a social, medical, psychological, labor or other nature.

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