Taekwondo (also called taekwondo) is one of the types of martial arts that originated in Korea. Its characteristic feature is the frequent and active use of legs in battle. Taekwondo legs are used both to strike and to block them. Have you always wanted to fight the way that it is cleverly and effectively done in Asian films? Or do you just want to understand where and how these or other unforgettable taekwondo hits were delivered to you yesterday in training? In this case, this article can definitely help you. The meaning, history and description of the technique of shock in taekwondo are discussed in this article.
What does the word taekwondo mean?
What is the meaning of the word "taekwondo" in translation from Korean into Russian? Let's figure it out. So, “tae” in Korean means “kicks”, “quo” translates as “fist” or, in other words, “punches”, and the last part of the word “do” means “path”. Thus, the word "taekwondo" includes two components. This is "taekwon", that is, the use of arms and legs for self-defense and its second component "do" - a life path that consists of moral and ethical education of an individual, intensive mental training for the development of consciousness by understanding culture and philosophy of taekwondo.
This is the meaning of the definition of martial arts, where Taekwondo strikes are kicked and kicked.
The ITF (International Taekwon-do Federation) - the so-called International Taekwondo Federation - aims to disseminate this martial art around the world and make it the most popular.
A bit of history
Taekwondo is a very young kind of martial art when compared to the rest. But despite this fact, it quickly gained popularity and today you can count about forty million people around the world who are engaged in taekwondo.
Initially, it was created in order to form a defense system for the army. The founder is General Choi Hong Hee. The training technique is designed for both men and women of all ages. In addition, the training requires minimal time and space, since in the army everything should be done quickly and clearly.
General basics of kicking
According to many teachers, the technique of kicking is considered to be much more difficult than kicking in taekwondo, and all because in this case your task is not only to strike the opponent, but also to maintain balance on one leg. Kicks can be applied to the area of the head or body of the "target" or your opponent. In order to practice perfect kicks in taekwondo, you need to achieve good (even perfect) stretching in the joints of the legs. For this, a taekwondo training program includes many effective stretching exercises.
Kinds of Kicks
In taekwondo, there are many techniques for striking with both feet and hands. But now we will consider only a few of them.
So, the first kick is called Ap Chagi. The arms are extended in front of you and slightly bent in the elbow. The knee rises forward, and the leg straightens up sharply. The blow should be applied to the point that is located at the level of your head. The blow must be fixed for a while in the position where the blow will be delivered to your opponent. The impact force in taekwondo depends on this.
The second blow is called Tole Chagi. The starting position is the same as in the previous stroke. Hands are in front of you, slightly bent at the elbows. The knee rises in front of itself, and then turns around. At the same time, you should definitely deploy the toe of the leg on which you are standing. Thanks to this, a turn of the body should result. The leg, which is in the air, is sharply ejected forward and, just as in the previous stroke, is fixed. After that, spinning on the toe of the supporting leg, we return to the starting position.
The name of the third strike is Nere Chagi. The original stance is exactly the same as in the previous two strokes. Raise your straight leg up and then lower it down. At the moment when the leg rises, her toe is pulled on itself, and when it is lowered, her toe is pulled to the floor. When the foot goes down, the body should be pulled back slightly.
The fourth strike is that of Ildan Ap Chagi. This strike is performed in the same way as Ap Chaga's first strike. But at the same time, we raise the leg, which was laid back, up with the knee, and on the other leg at this moment we make a jump and simultaneously hit Ap Chaga.
The fifth blow of Nare Chagi is again a double repetition of the blow of Tole Chagi (the second blow we examined). We make one hit to Tole Chagi, lifting the knee and straightening it, and after that, without lowering the legs, a jump is made and another hit to Tole Chagi, only with the other foot. The difficulty is that all this should be done very quickly.
Taekwondo kick basics
Before you master the punches, you should understand that in taekwondo there are two types of position of the hands. The first position is the palm of your hand. The second position is an open palm, fingers in which are pressed against each other.
- When a hand stroke is performed, it is necessary to move the pelvis and abdominal area slowly when the movement begins. You should move faster when the movement ends.
- In order for your hands to be as fast as possible, you must perform their rotation.
- At the moment when your body begins to contact the enemy’s body, you need to tighten the abdominal muscles with a sharp exhalation.
- In order not to be captured by the enemy, before starting a new action, you should each time take the initial position of the hands after the previous action.
- If the attacked opponent is in front of you, then your arms and shoulders should form an isosceles triangle.
Shot Examples
Taekwondo kicks have three levels. Are Chirigi - applied below the belt, Monton Chirigi - from the waist to the head, Olgul Chirigi - a blow to the head.
The stand from which punches are carried out - the legs are spread wider than the shoulders, the hands are placed at the waist, are slightly bent at the elbows. Beat should always start with the left hand. The left hand from the belt goes forward and, striking, turns around. This blow is called Monton Chirigi.
Tu Bon Chirigi are two Monton Chirigi hits delivered one after another. Xie Bon Chirigi is the same blows of Monton Chirigi, only now their number is increasing to three. These are some of the taekwondo kicks.