The Five Tibetan Pearls is a long-standing practice of Tibetan lamas, which until recently was considered secret. These simple exercises give an incredible effect. You will maintain a slim figure and health for a long time. Saving energy and youth, cleanse the soul and body.
The Five Tibetan Pearls Yoga is suitable for both men and women. These amazing exercises, simple to perform, will make you more flexible, agile, return the joy of life, help to heal the body and restore strength.
Exercise Recommendations
Begin the workout described in The Eye of Rebirth. Five Tibetan Pearls, ”follows with three approaches for each exercise. After a week, you need to add two repetitions, gradually bringing their number to 21. Yoga lovers probably know the magic of these numbers. You can engage in at any time favorable to you, taking into account your own daily routine. But ideally, it is better to start training at dawn or at sunset. It takes very little time, only 15-20 minutes. But one condition must be observed - you need to be engaged every day.
Class Rules for the Five Tibetan Pearls Method
When performing exercises, a major role is played by proper breathing. You need to inhale deeply through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. Breathing out, you need to release all the negative energy from yourself. For the rest, you should remember the same rules as with regular sports training. That is, the lesson should be started approximately 30-45 minutes after eating and a few hours before bedtime. It is necessary to ensure that throughout the workout the muscles are in good shape: the shoulders are straightened, the stomach is picked up, the buttocks are pulled in. And another important rule - the sequence of exercises should not be violated.
Exercise one
To perform the first exercise from the practice of “Five Tibetan Pearls”, it is necessary to rotate around its own axis and always in the clockwise direction. So, put your feet shoulder width apart, spread your arms to the sides and bend them slightly at the elbows, palms looking down. If during the first exercise you feel discomfort, dizziness and nausea, then reduce the number of turns or do not perform it at all. You can return to the first "pearl" after a few months of classes using this Tibetan technique.
Exercise two
The second "pearl" is a twist of the body. This exercise should be performed from a prone position. Hands during its execution should be motionless and located along the body. The shoulders and legs should be torn off the floor at the same time so that a perpendicular to the floor is obtained. This position must be fixed and slowly return to the starting position.
Exercise Three
To perform the third “pearl”, one should kneel down, supporting the buttocks with palms, the chin is pressed to the chest. Then you should bend your back back and fix this position. Next, return to the starting position.
Exercise four
To do this, you need to sit on the floor - emphasis on the palms, knees straight, head down. From this position, we carry out the deflection of the body up so that it is parallel to the floor. The head is thrown back, we rest on the feet and hands. We fix the body in this position - and return to the starting position.
Fifth exercise
The last fifth “pearl” is performed with an emphasis on hands and toes, the back is bent back, the head is thrown back. Then we lift the tailbone up, trying to reach with the heels to the floor, knees should be straight. We fix this position and return to the starting position.
Having completed the training according to the Five Tibetan Pearls technique, you need to take a warm shower. After two weeks of regular training, you will feel an increase in vitality and muscle tone, will become more vigorous and flexible.