The story of N. V. Gogol "Sorochinskaya fair": a summary

Sorochinskaya Yarmarka, a summary of which we will consider, is the first novel in the collection Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka. Interestingly, there are only 13 chapters in the work. This leads to certain thoughts. And indeed, the story is about the line, or rather, the story associated with it.

The work begins with a description of the luxuries of a summer day. The action takes place in Little Russia. Carts filled with goods move amid the splendor of August afternoon. Walking people also hurry to the fair, which takes place in the town of Sorochinets.

Cherevik goes to the fair

Gogol Sorochinskaya Fair Summary

Solopius Cherevik wanders, languid by heat. He follows the cart loaded with bags of wheat and hemp, on which a black-browed girl and her wicked stepmother are sitting. Beautiful Paraska attracts the attention of local guys. One of them, who is dressed more dapper than the others, admires her and starts a skirmish with her stepmother. This episode cannot be overlooked in a brief summary.

"Sorochinskaya Fair" (Gogol), retold in chapters, of course, can not be compared with the original. We hope that this article will arouse your interest in the work.

Meeting with Tsybula

Here, finally, the travelers arrive at Kum, the Cossack Tsybul. Here they forget this incident for a while. Cherevik and his daughter will soon go to the fair. Hustling between carts, this hero finds out that the fair is organized in a "cursed place." Everyone is afraid of the appearance of the red scrolls. By the way, there are already some true signs that she is here. Cherevik is concerned about what will happen to his wheat. However, he quickly returns to his “former carelessness” with the sight of Parasky, who is hugging a guy he met on the road.


The aforementioned couple is introduced as Golopupenkov son. He uses old friendship to take Cherevik to the tent. Everything was decided about the wedding after a few mugs. However, when Cherevik returns home, his formidable wife does not approve of this engagement, and Cherevik retreats. A gypsy who sells oxen at the saddened Gritsk (that’s the name of the guy) is taken to help him, although not completely disinterestedly.

Trouble at the fair

Soon, rumors of a strange incident began to fill the Sorochinskaya fair. Its summary was as follows: the aforementioned red scroll appeared, which many saw. Because of this event, Cherevik with his daughter and godfather, who wanted to spend the night under carts, immediately go home. Frightened guests accompany them. Khavronya Nikiforovna, who delighted Afanasy Ivanovich with his hospitality, was forced to hide him on the boards under the ceiling, where household utensils are stored . She has to sit on needles at a common table.

The story of the red scroll

Further, the godfather, at the request of Cherevik, tells him about the red scroll in the work "Sorochinskaya Fair." A summary of the chapters of this story cannot be compiled without missing this story. This is a very important part of the work.

Sorochinskaya fair chapter summary

So, one devil was expelled from hell for some wrongdoing. With sorrow, he drank, nestling under a mountain in a barn. The devil drank everything he had. He had to lay his red scroll, but he threatened that in a year he would come for her. However, the greedy shinkar to whom he owed forgot the deadline. He decided to sell the scroll to a certain pan who looked into his passage.

When the devil returned, the shinkar pretended to have never seen this scroll. He left, but the evening prayer of the deceiver was interrupted by pork snouts, which appeared in all the windows. These pigs on legs “long as they walked” treated the shinkar with lashes until he confessed to the deception he had committed. But this didn’t help the devil much, since there was no way to return the scroll: the pan who left with her robbed the gypsies. He sold the scroll to a second sale, which again brought it for sale to the Sorochinskiy fair. However, trading for some reason did not work out. The woman realized that the matter was in a scroll, and decided to burn it, throwing it into the fire. However, the scroll did not burn out. Then the outbid decided to slip the ill-fated "damn gift" onto someone else's cart.

The new owner of the scroll got rid of it only when he chopped it into pieces, crossing himself. He scattered these parts around, and then left. However, the story did not end there. Since that time, every year the devil appears during the fair. He is looking for pieces of scrolls, and now he only needs the left sleeve. When the narrator reached this place of his narration, which was interrupted several times by strange sounds, the window suddenly broke and a "terrible pork mug" appeared.

General panic

Sorochinskaya fair summary for the reader's diary

Next, Gogol describes a funny scene of general panic. The Sorochinskaya Fair, a brief summary of which we compose, attracts readers not only with mysticism, but also with humor. So, everything mixed up in the hut: the priest fell with a thunder and a crash, the godfather climbed under the hem of his wife, and Cherevik rushed out, grabbing a pot instead of a hat. However, he soon became exhausted and fell in the middle of the road.

Events after the appearance of the trait

Sorochinskaya fair summary

The next morning, the events associated with the red scroll were discussed by the entire Sorochinskaya Fair. Their summary is overgrown with chilling details. Nevertheless, the fair was still noisy. And now Cherevik, who caught sight of the red crib of the scrolls in the morning, leads his mare for sale.

The hero goes to the fair, not having tea in advance from his trade. On the way, he meets a tall gypsy who asks him what he is going to sell. Cherevik is perplexed about this issue, however, turning around, he suddenly notices that he does not have a mare. The hero has only a rein in his hands, and a red sleeve is tied to it!

In horror, Cherevik rushes to run, but the lads catch him. The hero is accused of stealing his own mare. Together with the godfather who had fled from the devilry that had come to him, Cherevik was connected. He is thrown into the barn, onto the straw. Here Golopupenkov son and finds both godfathers who mourn their share. He asks Parasu to impersonate, for which he releases the captives. Solopius goes home. Here he is waiting for a mare, miraculously acquired, as well as buyers of it and wheat.

The final

So we got to the finale, describing the work "Sorochinskaya fair." The summary of this story is intriguing, isn't it? What ended this story? Do not worry, the devil did not appear again. And did he exist? On a rather optimistic note ends the story "Sorochinskaya fair." The summary of the finale is as follows: despite the fact that a frantic stepmother is trying hard to interfere with the wedding, everyone is having fun, dancing, including old women. True, they are carried away only by hops, and not by common joy.

short story Sorochinskaya Fair

It seems to be a happy ending. However, Gogol at the very end of his story mixes a note of aching sadness in a funny picture. He briefly notes that in this world everything is transient. Youth, joy, like life itself, once destined to be completed. And in the future work of Nikolai Vasilievich, this final chord of a sunny, bright story will be heard, increasing in strength over the years.

Summary Sorochinskaya Gogol Fair chapter by chapter

A very interesting work is Sorochinskaya Fair. You can compile a summary for the reader’s diary based on this article by including the necessary citations.

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