Is the questioner a request or humiliation?

Have you noticed situations when husband and wife support each other in any situation? But there are also couples in which one of the halves hears a categorical “no,” no matter what they ask. Psychologists believe that you need to be able to ask correctly. So, today we will find out what “interrogator” means.

what does the questioner mean


This word is often used in combination with the word "look." A questioner is one who asks. Moreover, the request is expressed as a question. But the most important thing is the intonation of the asker. After all, it is known that the same sentence, but pronounced with different intonations, changes its meaning. If intonation is of a questioning nature, then your interlocutor understands this and will be able to catch your mood and request.

Kitten with a broken paw

A small, delicate, fluffy lump meowes plaintively on dirty asphalt. Won't your heart tremble with what you see? Sometimes just such tactics are chosen by the requesting person. His eloquent look speaks for itself. And the petitioner - after all, this is in itself a vulnerable character, who is really scared to ask for something. Why? Because he is sure in advance that they will refuse him. So that same “questioning look” appears. Whether this is correct or not, one can answer only if one knows not only the subject of the request, but also the person to whom this request is addressed. And what is your opinion: is it possible to refuse a “kitten with a broken paw”?

asking this

What do women desire?

Lovely ladies often make the mistake of believing that a look that is especially questioning is a decisive maneuver in realizing their desire. It is worth remembering that you need to ask correctly. A questioning tone will by no means always help you, and the image of a “weak and defenseless” will get bored and become implausible after some time. With a man you should be confident. Confidence should not be confused with arrogance and impudence, but one should not pay attention to the grunt or lack of mood of a loved one.

But it also happens that women are often offended by a man’s reaction to their request. Because they are not used to talking directly to their beloved about their desires. We try to delicately hint to him what we want, while confidently believing that he will understand. Will not understand. Therefore, it is better to speak directly.

But female nature protests against this! Because in childhood each girl’s parents tried to instill modesty, explaining to her that asking is bad. So such funny characters appear, for example, as a dyed blonde, who, in a pretendingly questioning voice, speaking of herself in the third person, goes to her "cherished" goals: "Your lapule wants a warm fur coat!" It is quite possible, trying on such an image, the lady wants to protect herself real from a possible refusal. Even if she wants something very expensive, do not be ashamed of her for it. After all, she herself understands this. And proof of this is this questioning tone or look.

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