Traditional Chinese medicine in China

Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the oldest healing techniques on the entire planet, and its history spans more than three thousand years. True, only in the last sixty to seventy years did the Western world become interested in a scientific explanation of the effectiveness of its methods and techniques. Many of the basics of treatment used in Chinese medicine are recognized as very effective, in addition, they are actively being introduced into the medical practice of Western doctors.

medicine in china

What is the main essence of the Chinese treatment?

The approach that medicine uses in China is fundamentally different from the usual Western ideas about human health. While specialists from Europe treat the disease along with its manifestations, the eastern representatives have for thousands of years regarded the human body as a single system in which absolutely everything is interconnected. According to Chinese doctors, the well-being of people directly depends on the circulation of the Qi life energy, as well as on the balance of the female component of Yin and male Yang. And if the energy metabolism is suddenly disrupted, it will certainly manifest itself in the form of diseases and ailments. Therefore, it is necessary to treat not the symptoms, but the cause, thus restoring the harmony of the body. Alternative medicine in China is becoming increasingly popular with us.

Such an unusual approach brings its results. So, according to the World Health Organization, the methods of Chinese medicine really help in the treatment of more than forty different diseases, ranging from asthma, ending with an ulcer and so on. But the practical development of the effectiveness of Chinese medicine began very recently and, most likely, this list will only be replenished in the future.

traditional medicine china

We will take a closer look at traditional Chinese medicine in this article.

An interesting fact is that in the People's Republic of China more than half a million medical institutions provide traditional medicine services. They also include about ninety percent of public and private broad-based clinics. Traditional treatment costs are covered by mandatory Chinese health insurance.

Diagnostics according to the rules of Chinese medicine

During the diagnosis, Western specialists rely on the results of analyzes, as well as on hardware studies and physical examination of their patients. But traditional medicine in China provides for completely different rules and diagnostic methods.

  • Examination of a patient in China is to check his condition. The doctor looks not so much at the signs of a particular disease, but at the appearance, while assessing the color of the skin and nails, the condition of the tongue and eye proteins. Since the disease is considered the result of an imbalance, it certainly manifests itself by any negative changes in the appearance that may seem completely unrelated to the patient's complaints.
  • Listening to the patient is another stage of diagnosis. Chinese doctors can establish the disease by ear, while assessing the sounds of breathing, the sound of speech and the pace of the voice. Oriental medicine of China is of interest to many.

china tibetan medicine

  • Do not be surprised if the doctor begins to ask the patient not only about general health, but also about the patient’s mental state, or his aspirations and desires, as well as about relationships with loved ones. Temperament, just like the character of the patient, will be no less important in determining treatment than his general physical condition. What else is interesting in eastern medicine in China and India?
  • The rhythm of the patient’s pulse can also tell the doctor a lot about the condition of the patient’s body. Chinese traditional medicine distinguishes up to thirty pulse scenarios that correspond to various disorders.

Chinese doctors, among other things, check the condition of joints and muscles, while assessing the skin and checking if there are swelling, some kind of muscle blocks. Based on the collected information, the doctor is able to understand what went wrong and prescribe the necessary treatment, which will purposefully affect not the disease, but immediately the whole body. In China, Tibetan medicine is very developed.

traditional medicine in china

Methods of Chinese medicine

Treatment in China is always selected individually, because there are no two similar people. In general, an individual approach in principle serves as a cornerstone in Chinese medicine. The doctor chooses a set of methods that are suitable not so much for the disease as for the person himself. Therefore, even herbal preparations, which are actively used in Chinese medicine, are collected for each patient in person. In China, there are dozens of different treatments. Consider the most common of them.


Oriental massage techniques are famous all over the world. Medicine in China uses many massage methods, which include such exotic variations as gouache, which represents therapy with a special scraper made of jade, as well as tuyna, a technique close to acupressure. In the process of Chinese massage, the specialist concentrates on the meridians, that is, the ways in which the qi energy passes through the body. Such massages effectively relieve pain, swelling and various inflammations, allowing, thus, deeply affect the tissue, improving blood circulation and metabolism in the human body. In addition, it can relieve muscle tension, which can lead to pathologies of the joints, spine, respiration and digestion.

What else does traditional medicine use in China?

china oriental medicine

Vacuum Therapy

Today, vacuum massages are actively used in Western medicine, as well as in cosmetology, but its initial foundations came to us from Ancient China. During massage use cans of various diameters. The doctor makes active movements, moving the banks around the body, exerting influence on the necessary points. Based on oriental medicine, this massage is able to improve the movement of energy flows. Western experts, however, believe that vacuum therapy helps strengthen capillaries, improving microcirculation, which helps the body remove decay products. Vacuum therapy strengthens the body's defenses and is often used to prevent infectious diseases.

Acupuncture as an effective therapy

In each of us, Chinese traditional medicine is associated precisely with acupuncture, or acupuncture, that is, exposure to active points with thin instruments. There are more than three hundred such points in humans, and each of them is associated with a particular organ or body system. The needles are so small and inserted so shallowly that, as a rule, there are no discomfort during the treatment. On the contrary, acupuncture allows you to cope with pain. It is also effective against many diseases of the internal organs, in addition, it copes with metabolic disorders, low immunity, insomnia and some nervous diseases.

oriental medicine china and india

Other techniques

The essence of heat puncture (cauterization) is that it is applied heat to a certain point (acupuncture) using special cigars that are filled with medicinal herbs. Often used wormwood cigars. Acupuncture and moxibustion are performed together.

Now Chinese doctors use 361 points, although electropuncture has given impetus to the development of modern acupuncture. Today, more than 1700 points are already known.

Acupressure is called acupressure, which is a method of treating and preventing disease by using finger pressure on specific points on the body. This is a type of reflexology. It is a simple, safe and painless treatment method, so anyone can learn it. There is even an atlas of points, they are located by and large on the palms and feet.

Auriculotherapy is considered a method in which the points of the auricles are stimulated for diagnosis and for treating the body. Affect active points with acupuncture or pressure with your fingers. In China, they believe that the points on the ears of a person are connected with internal organs.

Herbal medicine in China

The Chinese are very actively using herbal therapy against the most dangerous diseases. Herbal medicine is also no less popular with us, however, Chinese doctors have achieved excellence in combining all kinds of fees to achieve maximum effectiveness. Most of the herbs that form the basis of treatment in China are adaptogens that help the body cope with the effects of the environment, thus they are aimed at strengthening immunity, regulating blood pressure and blood sugar, and normalizing metabolic processes. Herbal medicine in traditional Chinese medicine in China uses herbal ingredients such as lemongrass, ginseng, ginger, goji berries, motherwort, and many others.

china alternative medicine


In conclusion, it is important to note that traditional medicine directly accounts for about forty percent of all therapeutic methods and methods. It is extremely popular not only in the homeland, but throughout the world. It is observed that in recent decades, the West has become deeply interested in ancient ways and methods of treatment. Almost all variations of medicine in China are non-invasive and not dangerous in terms of injuries, in addition, they have an insignificant list of contraindications and side effects, providing an extremely effective healing effect on well-being and the human body.

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