Anna Snatkina: filmography and personal life

Filming, filming, endless filming ... This girl sometimes has to act in several series simultaneously. One city in the morning, and in the evening you have to fly to another.

So, Tatyana Razbezhkina and Victoria Varshavskaya, Anna Nikolaevna Lazareva and Anastasia Vorontsova, Anna Lavrova and Natalya Goncharova, Grand Duchess Tatyana and Zhenya Azarina. Who unites these fragile women? The answer is very simple: the actress, who embodied on the screen the images and characters of so different, somewhere very tender and reverent, somewhere strong and persistent. Of course, this is Anna Snatkina, whose filmography includes dozens of roles.

The birth of a star

On July 13, 1983, a beautiful daughter was born to graduates of the Moscow Aviation Institute, which many years ago both her grandmother and grandfather graduated from. The girl’s mom worked as a teacher at the Moscow Aviation Institute, and dad was one of the chief designers of the Buran aircraft. Upon reaching the age of four, Anya was sent to the gymnastics section, and a little later, to the sports aerobics club. For thirteen years she devoted herself to sports, achieving results that deserve respect: she received the first adult category in gymnastics.

Anna Snatkina filmography

Admiring the success of her daughter, her parents were confident that their favorite after graduating from school would study at the gymnastics institute, and then work as a coach. After all, Ani had all the necessary documents in her hands for the school graduation, confirming her right to conduct aerobics classes. But the future actress Anna Snatkina, whose filmography is replete with a variety of female images, decided that this was not her way.

Girlish dreams of the great

Remembering herself eight-year-old, Anna once told reporters about the huge, strong impression she received after watching the film "The Bodyguard" with Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner in the lead roles. Even then, the girl began to think about who she would become in a few years. The final choice in favor of the acting profession happened in the eighth grade of high school. Parents were somewhat shocked by the situation, but, being wise people, did not object and did not repair their daughter any obstacles.

Anna, having made such an important decision in her life, began to intensely prepare for admission to the theater institute. She sat in the library all day, trying to find out as much as possible. She found out who the titans of the world of cinema - Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, understood the history of the theater, read about the system of Stanislavsky.

actress Anna Snatkina filmography

When Anna Snatkina, whose filmography is of interest to her fans, studied in the tenth grade, she enrolled in courses at the Schukin School. A little later, she attended courses at VGIK.

Moscow Art Theater or VGIK? What to choose?

year 2001. Anna graduates from school and immediately submits documents to several universities. She entered the Moscow Art Theater and VGIK. The choice fell on VGIK, because she was always more captivated by the movie. And here the bird of fortune not only turned to face it, but smiled at its full beak: Anya got into the studio of Vitaly Solomin, one of the greatest actors of Soviet cinema and the best teachers of our time.

Anna Snatkina, whose filmography began to replenish with the second year, was very glad to start fulfilling her dream. But the scholarship was not large, so Anya tried to somehow earn some money. She took part in a photo shoot for the covers of women's novels, traded tapes.

Not all theater universities were enthusiastic about filming students in films. But VGIK did not practice such prohibitions. Vitaly Solomin was sure that the most that real education is possible to get exclusively on the set. Therefore, there were no protests when Anya, then a second-year student, was invited to the Moscow Saga series for the role of Elka Gradova. Simultaneously with this role, she received another, opposite role of Nina Stasova in the series "Plot". Thus, the filmography of Anna Snatkina was steadily replenished.

“TV shows are my pride!”

The year 2005 has come. It would seem that he will bring something new, except for roles and pleasure from work? But no. Almost simultaneously, several TV shows began to be played on TV screens with Ani. But the role of Zhenya Azarina, a girl from a small coastal town, which, after the death of her mother, was raised by her aunt, mother's sister, brought immense popularity, recognition on the street and the warm love of a large number of viewers. This series was called "Doomed to become a star." And indeed, actress Anna Snatkina, filmography which every month everything expanded, as they say, woke up famous.

filmography of Anna Snatkina

By the way, few even very loyal fans know that about two hundred girls tried for this role, the role of Zhenya, so the movie screenings were not so simple, and the casting was rather unfriendly. Anna was offered the role of Natasha, even tried her strength, because the creators of this series had certain doubts and concerns. But the young actress was sure: she can and should play exactly Zhenya Azarin. How right she was! It was this role that brought the girl fame throughout the country and neighboring countries. So the actress Anna Snatkina continued her career. Filmography, main roles her in numerous series cause the most sincere and genuine interest among the masses of admirers of her talent.

Big movie roles

Anya is not at all shy of the label of an actress who starred only in soap operas. She is sure that this is a considerable experience for her career. The girl believes that if there is at least a slight development of the role of her heroine in the series, then she can draw useful moments for herself from this work. And if this work was a success, then you can be proud of it.

Anna Snatkina filmography

In the big movie, Snatkina Anna Alekseevna, whose filmography causes a certain respect, also left her mark. The film “The Duel and the Death of Pushkin” (directed by Natalia Bondarchuk) brought her a very interesting and significant role of Natalia Goncharova. Since Anna’s mother worked at the Moscow Aviation Institute, which owned the Goncharovs' estate in the village of Yarolets, and Anya and her mother spent many trips there, absorbing the spirit of Russian history, it was easy for her to cope with the role. Moreover, Anya read a lot of literature about this beautiful woman, was in museums and amazed herself with the hope of ever touching history, playing Natalia Goncharova. In the third year of the institute, this hope became a reality. Director Natalya Bondarchuk considered that, in addition to her undoubted talent, Anna Snatkina, whose filmography has now been replenished with this magnificent role, is also very similar to the poet’s wife. True, in order to achieve even greater similarity, Anya grew her hair and lost 10 kilograms. And during the actual shooting process, her waist was tightened as much as possible.

Love, family, daughter

Yes, the filmography of Anna Snatkina is like an open book for anyone who would like to know about this actress. But in her personal life, she tries not to let anyone in. Therefore, in the press almost nothing is written about this side of her life. Very little is known. The girl of 6 years had an affair with a certain businessman. She devoted another year to her colleague Andrei Chernyshov (starred together in the series "General Therapy").

Snatkina Anna Alekseevna filmography

Now Anna is married to the presenter of Yesterday Live (and part-time resident of Comedy Club) Viktor Vasilyev. The wedding took place on October 12, 2012 in one of the historical palaces in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. For each of them, this is the first official alliance. On April 18, 2013, the newlyweds had a daughter, Veronika.

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