Recently, there has been a serious reform of Russian education, including schools. There is a massive transition of OS to the use of modern educational and training technologies. They contribute to improving the quality of the educational process. In addition, there is an adjustment of work related to improving the professionalism of the teacher.
What determines the level of training of school teachers?
In order to teach and educate children, the teacher must own all the innovations introduced into the educational system. Further training is aimed at improving professional skills, acquaintance with new methods of teaching specific disciplines. The methodological topic that the teacher is working on can be presented to colleagues during the courses.
What is self-education?
According to the new Federal state educational standards, each teacher is obliged to constantly improve their pedagogical knowledge. To do this, he needs to have a personal development path, a certain individual plan of self-education. Math teachers are no exception. Moreover, the subject taught by them is required to obtain a certificate. The teacher’s self-education is a focused cognitive activity driven by a personality. Its purpose is the acquisition of clear knowledge in the pedagogical field.
Stages of teacher self-education
The teacher’s self-education in GEF consists of several stages that deserve attention:
- Selected direction, methodological theme.
- The goal is formulated, the tasks are set.
- Searches for sources for self-education.
- The form of training is selected.
- A plan of self-education is being drawn up.
- The results are determined.
- The activity in the course of self-education is analyzed and evaluated, a report is prepared.
- The results of the acquaint colleagues in the methodological association
In order to draw up your own plan for self-education of a mathematics teacher in the FSES, it is important to have a complete picture of all its details.
Determining the direction of self-education
The specifics of the teacher’s work is such that for a full-fledged activity he must own his subject, the basic teaching methods, pedagogy and psychology. A math teacher must have a high level of culture, have rhetorical techniques, be erudite, know the basics of monitoring. In order to achieve the desired result, you can choose the following areas of self-education:
- Studying the specifics of the taught subject.
- Pedagogical or psychological research related to parents and students.
- Teacher education in the field of communication art.
- The study of educational technologies, techniques and teaching methods.
- Prevention of premature emotional burnout of teachers.
Search topics for self-development
The plan "Self-education of a teacher of mathematics" should have a specific topic. There are a huge number of options. Each teacher has the opportunity to choose the direction for self-education, which corresponds to the specifics of the entire teaching staff, as well as to the personal interests of the person himself. A prerequisite is its focus on increasing the level of the educational process, the effectiveness of training. To help teachers of mathematics, we offer an approximate list of topics for self-education:
- Design training in mathematics.
- The interactivity of the methods of studying the subject in elementary school.
- ICT in the middle link.
- The development of critical thinking through oral counting.
- Portfolio of a math teacher .
- Propaedeutics in OS.
- Integrated lesson.
- Differentiated training.
- Improving teaching methods in mathematics.
- Identification and development of gifted students.
- Development of tests to verify students' knowledge of mathematics.
- Game technology in the classroom.
- Ways to overcome student overload when doing math homework.
Formulation of goals and objectives of self-education
As the goal of self-education, one can consider raising the level of one's own erudition, general and legal culture. The teacher can set a goal - to learn and implement new methods, forms, teaching methods. The plan of self-education of a mathematics teacher in the Federal State Educational Standard is a prerequisite for applying for a category (first or higher). The target should sound capacious. She is obliged to reflect the features of the teacher. Those tasks that are steps to achieve the goal contains this plan. The self-education of a mathematics teacher is similar to the activities of teachers of other academic disciplines. It is indispensable for fulfillment.
Often, self-education is aimed at the use of information and communication technologies in the teaching of mathematics. In this case, a detailed plan is necessarily drawn up for him. The self-education of a mathematics teacher in this direction has the following goal: the study and implementation of ICT in the subject. What tasks should be set for the teacher in this situation? First of all, you need to find material on this issue, take courses aimed at continuing education, become a participant in seminars and conferences, attend the lessons of experienced colleagues. Next, you can begin to develop a set of your own classes, the main element of which will be precisely ICT. It is important to test your development, and present the results to colleagues.
Search for a circle of information sources
Since the teacher must independently acquire knowledge, such sources of information can help him:
- Magazines.
- A television.
- Scientific and methodical literature.
- Master classes.
- Conferences and seminars.
- Lessons from other educators.
- Exhibitions.
There is a subdivision of forms of self-education into two parts: group and individual. In the latter form, the teacher himself is considered as the initiator. And the head of the methodological association can stimulate or initiate this process. In the group form, the work of a methodological association, continuing education courses is supposed. In this case, the whole group develops a general plan. The self-education of a math teacher is an ongoing process. In this case, the teacher has the right to change the selected topic.
Making a self-education plan
How does self-education of a math teacher take place? Topics, a plan, which the teacher chooses, are approved by the school methodological council or subject MO. Each educational institution has its own requirements. But there are general recommendations. The personal plan contains a name, goal, tasks, expected result, algorithm of actions, preliminary deadlines for each stage, a way to present the result of work, a report form to colleagues.
Features of the teacher’s self-education
The teacher, as part of raising his level of education, systematically watches certain television programs, reads pedagogical publications, analyzes materials on psychology, pedagogy, attends trainings, seminars and subject exhibitions, studies modern methods, takes periodic continuing education courses, holds open classes, organizes circle and extra-curricular activity, communicates with colleagues.
How to determine the result of self-education?
In any activity, some kind of final product must be created. In this regard, in the personal plan of a mathematics teacher, a list of the results that the teacher has achieved over a certain period is necessarily indicated. As a final product of the teacher’s self-education, at a separate stage, manuals, tests, didactic materials, speeches to colleagues, reports, scripts of open lessons can be presented.
Self-education process assessment
As common forms of presenting a report on the topic of self-education, one can single out a report, publication, presentation of the work done to colleagues in the Ministry of Defense. On average, work on the topic of self-education is carried out by a mathematics teacher for 2-4 years. Then a new direction of research is selected.
An example of a long-term plan for self-education
Let us give an example of the self-educational plan of a mathematics teacher of the first qualification category. His theme: "The formation of competencies in students through the use of ICT in the classroom." The goal is to create conditions within the framework of the GEF for the self-realization of the student’s personality, taking into account individual inclinations, abilities for revealing intellectual potential, independence and activity. Moreover, the results obtained are subject to standardization.
In this case, the teacher sets himself some tasks. He must:
- To study regulatory documents, methodological literature on the topic of self-education.
- Ensure the use of innovative modern technologies within the framework of GEF
- Learn the methods of teaching mathematics.
- To increase the interest of students in information technology, logical thinking.
- Diagnose the results, cognitive interests, creative motives of students.
- To create conditions for the full development of students' activities during the training in mathematics, for their moral, intellectual, spiritual development.
Estimated results of self-education can be as follows:
- Willingness to implement GEF.
- Development of teaching materials to ensure the implementation of relevant educational technologies.
Further, detailed information is provided on what exactly the teacher will do and what results he wants to get. A long-term plan is drawn up for the academic year. The teacher indicates in it the period of activity at each stage of self-education, as well as the form of the report on the work done.
In order to teach in a modern school as required by new federal standards, it is important to constantly engage in self-education and development. For this reason, the requirements for compulsory continuing education, self-study work were introduced in the job requirements developed for school teachers.