Social and pedagogical activity in raising a child

Socio-pedagogical activity is an activity that is directed to a specific child. It contributes to the solution of its individual problems with the help of knowledge of the individual and society, the search for adequate methods of communication, the discovery of tools to help solve your problem yourself. This is being implemented as a complex of rehabilitation and preventive measures. And also by organizing diverse aspects of life.

Social and pedagogical activity is based on such principles as confidentiality, reliance on an objective approach to the child, an individual, personal approach to the trainee.

This helps to solve the following problems:

  • formation of the foundations of a legal culture in a critical situation of modern society
  • formation of “survival” skills;
  • strengthening physically and mentally through the implementation of a complex of psychological, pedagogical, medical and other activities;
  • education of an active personality;
  • the formation of the qualities of a family man and citizen;
  • the formation of a positive self-esteem, versatile hobbies and interests;
  • creation of positive value orientations in the process of correctional and socio-pedagogical work;
  • creation of forms of active social and pedagogical protection and assistance for a particular child.

Pedagogical activity is a professional action of a teacher, with the help of various means of influencing students, he implements the tasks of education and training.

The pedagogical process is divided into educational, educational, organizational, propaganda, managerial, advisory and self-educational. The pedagogical process is a multifaceted and multifaceted type of activity that is related to education and training.

The psychological structure of pedagogical activity includes a motivational-orientational part, the task of which is the motivation to carry out actions. And also the teacher at this stage sets goals and objectives.

In the executive part, means of influence on the students are selected and applied.

In the control and evaluation part, pedagogical introspection is carried out using the control and evaluation of their personal educational influences.

Socio-pedagogical activity actually begins with the fact that a thorough analysis of the initial situation takes place, and not the identification of goals and objectives. The set of conditions under which the teacher sets pedagogical tasks and goals, educational decisions are made and implemented, called the pedagogical situation.

Any situation in which educational tasks and goals are realized becomes a pedagogical one.

The functions of pedagogical activity are divided into two groups: organizational, structural and goal-setting. These are functions such as: developing, constructive-organizational, diagnostic, coordinating, communicative, as well as maternal and transformative.

The social purpose of the profession of a teacher is the realization of the connection of generations. Entering into life, each subsequent generation should receive the experience of previous ones, which is reflected in the customs, morality, scientific knowledge, traditions, techniques and methods of work. It is precisely in the accumulation of this experience and its transfer to the pupils that the social purpose of the teacher consists. The development process of each student is controlled by the teacher, which largely determines the prospects for the development of society.

Initially, the teaching profession was one of the most honored, most important and oldest in society. Thus, the socio-pedagogical activity for the life of each child is quite significant.

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