Training of managers: programs: questions, topics. Executive Courses

The success of any business (be it a large company or a small company) depends on who runs it. Professional managers are able to achieve good results and indicators in the shortest possible time. But people who do not have the necessary knowledge base in the field of management will spend precious time building a proper working system.

This article will tell you what kind of training a manager should go through. As well as how to organize it, to whom to turn for help and what is needed for this.

Why does a leader need to learn?

As a rule, leadership positions are given to people who have behind them the proper level of professional training (university, life experience, etc.). Therefore, many believe that this is quite enough.

It is important to understand that from year to year the management system is being improved, new technologies and ways to reduce the cost of resources (financial, human, time) appear. If the leader has the opportunity to learn about them in a timely manner, then thanks to such knowledge he is able to regularly improve the business he manages.

what training should the leader

Even if we are talking about a manager who has a huge experience, this does not mean that he can not improve his skills. On the contrary, thanks to such a privilege, he has the opportunity to improve his work, to effectively manage people and himself.

In general, training managers can solve the following problems:

  1. To teach you to make the right and effective management decisions.
  2. To help shape strategic business goals.
  3. To teach you how to cope with current tasks and apply modern technology for the benefit of business.
  4. To teach the transfer of their knowledge to people downstream.

Why do some managers not want to upgrade their skills?

Most often, in practice, one may encounter the fact that a person holding a high-ranking post does not want to spend time learning. As a rule, the reason for this may be:

  1. Lack of time, effort or opportunity.
  2. Impeccable confidence of the head himself that he does not need training.

As a rule, in the first case, having an objective reason not to receive additional knowledge, the issue can be resolved through self-development. Such a boss can turn to his assistant for help and ask him to find modern literature or video courses in the public domain. In his free time, he will always have the opportunity to refresh his knowledge or receive new information.

The second case suggests that a person is confident in his professionalism and does not want to develop. In practice, such people are not able to benefit the company. Omniscient and proud personalities are often fixated on themselves rather than on a common cause.

Professional training of a leader is a process that will help to develop not only an individual person, but, subsequently, the entire company.

How is the commanding staff trained?

As a rule, managers are trained by attending various courses, trainings and group classes. All of them are designed to transmit useful information to a person in a short period of time. As a rule, training can last from 3 to 14 days. In some cases, longer courses for managers are also provided.

Curators or educators build this process taking into account the andragogical model. Its essence lies in the education of adults, formed people with established views.

leadership training questions

Andragogy is called upon to find the easiest ways of mastering information by an adult. As a rule, a formed personality is more difficult to learn. And if the teacher himself is the driving force of the pedagogical process at school or university, then the teacher acts as a curator or consultant in continuing education courses or trainings. How effective the training of managers will be will depend only on them.

Themes and areas of preparation

The training and development of leaders should pursue the goal - to replenish the knowledge that is relevant and necessary for a concert person. There is no need to improve qualifications in a direction that does not cause particular difficulties for a person.

It is worth considering what training programs for managers can be. So, the most popular and in demand are the following:

  • advertising and marketing;
  • sales and sales;
  • project management:
  • financial management;
  • personal development;
  • accounting and jurisprudence;
  • procurement and logistics;
  • internal control and personnel security.

Each of these categories can contain thousands of different topics. It is worth considering what knowledge can be obtained from each of them.

effective leader

Executive and marketing courses for executives

Without knowledge of how to promote and position your products or services on the market, achieving success in business is very difficult. Today's brutal conditions of competition are forcing to find new solutions to win their target audience. The boss is simply obliged to know what leverage you need to use in order to break into the sales leaders in your segment.

Questions on training managers in this direction can be considered:

  • marketing basics;
  • assessment of marketing effectiveness;
  • sales marketing;
  • B2B marketing;
  • marketing and advertising tools;
  • Internet Marketing;
  • retail marketing;
  • marketing research;
  • marketing management;
  • PR technology;
  • anti-crisis marketing.

Sales and Sales

Managers who are directly associated with the supply and sale of products need courses on this topic most. As a rule, they help to delve into such topics:

  • sales department management;
  • communication in business;
  • retail secrets;
  • service and customer service;
  • telephone sales;
  • distribution, dealer and branch networks;
  • communication in business;
  • sales in B2B markets;
  • receivables management;
  • sales management;
  • sales marketing.

Project management

To organize and direct all the business processes in an organization without the proper skills is absolutely unrealistic. Therefore, the leader must understand how to make decisions that benefit the company.

The training of project management managers may come from considering such important issues:

  • crisis management;
  • key managerial skills;
  • staff motivation and corporate culture;
  • managerial decision making;
  • industrial management;
  • strategic management;
  • business process management;
  • team management;
  • charisma and leadership leadership.

Financial management

If the responsibilities of a particular leader include resolving issues related to the financial support of management decisions, he needs to understand the whole complex of corporate management financial accounting. In this case, it will be extremely useful for mu to upgrade his skills on the following issues:

  • taxes and checks;
  • strategic financial management;
  • pricing
  • management accounting and budgeting;
  • financial analysis and control.
manager training methods

If professional financiers are subordinate to the top manager, he needs a common understanding of these issues. Then it is more advisable to focus on such topics:

  • tax planning;
  • strategic financial management;
  • budgeting.

Personal development

Each person has his own idea of โ€‹โ€‹what an effective leader should be. In general, he must possess such qualities as objectivity, the ability to find the right solutions in difficult situations, have the skills of clear planning, etc. But to become such a boss for his subordinates, a tremendous professional experience is required. You can get it by attending course training for managers. Topics that will help each boss to reveal himself personally highlight such points:

  • key managerial skills;
  • communication in business;
  • building a corporate culture;
  • ways of staff motivation;
  • mentoring;
  • presentations and public speaking;
  • managerial decision making;
  • time management;
  • Negotiation;
  • team management.
manager training

Accounting and Law

Training in this direction will be extremely useful for the personnel involved in tax audits, chief accountants, as well as security managers and accountants. The financial security of the company depends on the qualifications of these employees.

A clear understanding of the legal, financial and accounting aspects underlies the protection of the company from unlawful actions by regulatory authorities. Such useful knowledge will help to avoid mistakes leading to unnecessary waste. An effective leader is simply obliged to understand such complex, but important issues.

Purchasing and Logistics

Training managers who are responsible for procurement and procurement in this direction will improve the skills of managing and establishing contacts with suppliers. Managers will be able to gain additional knowledge in the field of:

  • foreign economic activity;
  • product certification;
  • transportation management in the transport logistics system;
  • anti-crisis actions in the procurement department;
  • disposal of illiquid assets;
  • supply chain inventory management;
  • increase product turnover;
  • categorical management when working with suppliers;
  • negotiation company.
training topics for managers

Depending on the direction of the course, training will provide an opportunity to learn about the basics of legal regulation of the transport aspects of foreign economic activity, the basic conditions of supply, methods of risk management in foreign economic relations, as well as the requirements for the content of international contacts. In addition, courses in this direction will talk about how to choose suppliers, how to plan purchases, how to reduce costs and work with stocks of goods.

Internal control and personnel security

Workshops on internal control and business protection today can help managers protect the company from the risks associated with oversight of personnel or unauthorized interference in the work of third parties. As a rule, training in this board provides an opportunity to gain knowledge on the following topics:

  • fraud protection;
  • creation of a compliance control system;
  • internal audits and financial investigations;
  • human factor and safety;
  • personnel risks, their prognosis and prevention;
  • work with personal data;
  • non-conflict dismissal;
  • the relationship of law and personnel policy;
  • enterprise security audit;
  • compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the security of critical information infrastructure;
  • assessment of counterparty reliability and security of business offers;
  • ensuring enterprise safety in crisis management;
  • conducting an anti-corruption audit at the enterprise.

Personal benefits for managers

A person must learn throughout his life. This makes it possible to keep your brain in a "mobile" state, which is very important for any boss. Having gained new knowledge, he can:

  • Learn how to solve problems in a faster and more modern way. In the age of modern technology, there are many ways to speed up your work with various technologies and smart gadgets. In addition, such training will help to be prepared for the fact that in the work you will have to face partners who already use similar methods. Their understanding will help bridge the gap between the companies in establishing contacts.
  • Improve his knowledge, which he managed to get earlier. Even if a person received knowledge in the field of management, he was given only the main base - economics, marketing, human resource management. However, the world does not stand still, and in order to keep up with it, it is necessary to constantly improve knowledge in these areas.
  • Rethink your experience. An analysis of his work, as well as an assessment of his own actions at various stages of life, allows the leader to understand whether he is developing as a person or vice versa. The acquisition of new knowledge gives impetus to such an analysis. This makes it possible to develop methods for assessing forces and capabilities, comparing them with external conditions.
management training

The procedure for training managers and specialists

Each enterprise independently determines for itself the need to improve the skills of its specialists (in addition to cases provided by law). However, the advance scheduling of a training course and the determination of the topics and content of the knowledge gained will be considered optimal collapse. This approach will allow:

  • prepare employees in advance for training;
  • calculate all financial expenses;
  • choose the most necessary occupation for specific employees.

If itโ€™s hard to understand what classes a particular employee or manager needs to attend, then HR personnel can โ€œgo the other wayโ€. Based on their areas of human activity, identify several key topics that cover his professional occupation, and conduct testing. Answers in the direction that will be the most disastrous will show what a person needs to emphasize in learning.


Experienced managers claim that the companyโ€™s team works the way it is managed by management. Subordinate to a good boss who knows how his business is organized and how to organize his work, wonderful subordinates will work. This also implies the inverse formula - "every boss deserves his subordinates." If the team has a spirit of connivance on the part of the management staff, after a while things will go down.

If the business collapses, and the financial results do not live up to expectations, then the team does not give all its best. If the leader sets a good example, his employees will follow him and be able to achieve their goals. However, in order to choose the path of business, you need to understand where it will lead, and without proper knowledge, you can hardly hope for fantastic success in business.

Having examined the basic principles, directions and methods of training managers, we can conclude that starting with an elementary visit to short-term courses or trainings, you can radically turn your mind and learn how to manage so that the effectiveness of actions is constantly increasing. Subsequently, the transfer of acquired knowledge to personnel (in the process of solving problems in practice) will allow the manager to develop his employees and receive from this the benefit in the form of cash income from their labor.

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