Exemplary classroom subjects in grade 9

The subject of class hours in grade 9 is determined by the class teacher. It depends on the psychological and physical capabilities of each member of the team. Note that the theme of classroom hours in grade 9 for career guidance should correspond to the needs of children and their parents. If the children’s plans include continuing education in grades 10–11, then the mentor must develop a plan for his educational activities so that the children can decide on a future profile.

work with teenagers

Purpose of elective courses

As part of the modernization of Russian education, preprofile training for schoolchildren was introduced at the main stage. The guys have the opportunity to independently choose a course in a subject that is associated with his future profession.

In order to identify the predispositions of each child, the GEF of a new generation involves a special course in the ninth grade on the vocational guidance of the younger generation.

how to spend a class hour

The formation of ideas about healthy lifestyles

Subject classroom hours in grade 9 on healthy lifestyle is chosen by the class teacher on their own. For example, during class hours, the following conversations can be held:

  • "Live healthy!";
  • “Take care of your youth”;
  • "How to become happy?";
  • "Life without bad habits";
  • "Healthy family".

Important aspects

Subject classroom hours in grade 9 in the areas of:

  • spiritual and moral;
  • aesthetic;
  • intellectual;
  • art.

In the classroom hours, the teacher expands the views of adolescents about the world of modern professions. It stimulates the teenager's reasoning about the prospects for self-determination of personality.

class hour

The subject of class hours in grade 9 contributes to the professional self-determination of each child.

Career Guidance Elements

For example, the class teacher in the classroom tells the children about the world of professions. Pupils learn that they distinguish these types by Klim:

  • man is a technique;
  • man is nature;
  • man is man;
  • man is an artistic image;
  • man is a system of signs.

The guys work in groups, picking out characteristic features for each type.

The subject of class hours in grade 9 is indicated by the teacher in planning. For example, as part of career guidance activities, the class teacher creates a system of activities: classroom hours, testing, practical work aimed at getting schoolchildren to understand the characteristics of professions and their relevance in the modern labor market.

The theme of classroom hours in grade 9 is an important aspect of the activity of the class teacher. The head teacher of educational work approves the planned work plan.

teenager education options

Class hour fragment

How can a class teacher be distributed rationally with a team entrusted to him? The subjects of class hours in grade 9 in quarters should correspond to the basic plan of the educational organization.

The lesson "My choice" is aimed at introducing students to the world of modern professions. The teacher offers the children to explain the essence of three factors of the strategy for selecting a profession:

  • "want";
  • "I can";
  • "Necessary."

The first part involves the recognition of the personal interests of the child, his abilities.

The second block is based on self-esteem and self-analysis of opportunities with desires. The third group is related to employment opportunities after completion of training.

topic of classroom hours for career guidance

Major mistakes when choosing a profession

Not all teenagers are able to independently understand their personal interests and creative abilities. Due to a biased assessment of abilities, lack of full understanding of the essence of the profession, orientation to the "prestigious" specialty, the guys make mistakes. Often the choice of a profession is influenced by the opinion of relatives, the desire to “get well” in life, to receive stable wages. What are the implications? Unloved work will cause serious psychological discomfort, adversely affect the physical condition of a specialist. How to make the right choice of a profession? The class teacher within the block of classes devoted to the vocational guidance of the younger generation, can offer a questionnaire to his students.

  1. Do you know about your features.
  2. Which books interest you the most?
  3. What subjects do you like most at school?
  4. What character traits in yourself can you highlight.
  5. Do you want to change your appearance.
  6. Do you like to work.
  7. What do you plan to become after graduation.
  8. Do you doubt that your dream will come true.

Diagnostics of independence

This aspect is especially important in the work of the class teacher. In order to create favorable conditions for the self-development of each child, the teacher conducts diagnostics, the purpose of which is to determine the level of independence of each child. To conduct the study, the class teacher engages a child psychologist.

As part of the diagnosis, the guys get ideas about the type of their temperament, its compliance with the professional field that the child chooses.

Only in the case when the class teacher takes his work seriously and responsibly, thinks out a system of measures that contribute to the self-determination and self-realization of each child, can we count on achieving the goal set for the school by modern society.

We must not forget that it is within the framework of educational activities that a personality-oriented approach is implemented that is recommended for use in second-generation FSES Russian schools.

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