Probably everyone had heard about the benefits of baths with sea salt and soda to get rid of extra pounds. However, you can also achieve noticeable results if you drink soda for weight loss. Soda itself is extremely useful, because it is able to normalize and restore metabolic processes, saturate the body's tissues with oxygen.
In addition, it limits the consumption of an important element - potassium. Proper use of soda can significantly improve the energy and biochemical processes in cells and tissues, normalize blood circulation and the well-being of a person as a whole.
How to drink soda for weight loss? There are a huge number of secrets and prescriptions. For the first recipe, you will need a lemon. Its juice must be squeezed into a glass, and then diluted with warm water. The diluted juice should be drunk quickly, after which the mouth should be rinsed with soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda will be enough for 1 glass of water). You can drink soda for weight loss and without lemon, but this method has contraindications: the use of soda inside is prohibited for people with gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes. It is not recommended for pregnant women. At risk may also be:
- people suffering from chronically elevated blood pressure (hypertension);
- those who have untreated skin diseases or open wounds;
- persons suffering from varicose veins, as well as various diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- nursing mothers.
Some people prefer other methods. For example, you need to dissolve a small amount of soda in a glass of warm water. It is better to start with a very small amount: about a fifth of a teaspoon. Gradually, the dose can be increased to half a teaspoon. Drink a solution of soda should be every morning before eating.
Drinking soda for weight loss, according to some people, is quite effective. However, one does not need to get to fanaticism, it is important to listen to your body: if there is discomfort, malaise, then the use of soda is better to stop altogether. It is not bad to consult a doctor before using the substance.
There are several recommendations regarding how to drink soda for weight loss. For example, it should not be used immediately before meals or immediately after.
Ingesting soda can be combined with
soda baths. In water heated to 39 degrees, you should dissolve 500 grams of sea salt, as well as 200 grams of soda. Take a bath for 20 minutes. The course consists of 10-12 procedures, but they should not be carried out daily, since it can harm the body, and the interval between two courses of baths should be at least 2 months. After the bath, you need to rub with a terry towel and go to bed. You can also add
essential oils to the bath to combat cellulite (lemon, grapefruit, pine, clove, fennel, cedar, orange or lemon oil). Essential
oils of rose, sandalwood, mimosa, lotus, frankincense and geranium are recommended for skin rejuvenation together with soda.
Losing weight with the help of soda, reviews of which sound more often, will be safe and effective only if all of the listed recommendations are observed.