Braid weaving machine - what is it and how to use it?

Many small braids, which are called afro-braids, are a stylish and at the same time practical hairstyle - the hair does not tangles and does not need to be styled using various chemistry and electrical appliances. This hairstyle is universal, as it is extremely multifaceted. How to braid pigtails at home? Everything has become much easier thanks to modern technology. In particular, a braiding apparatus has recently appeared on the market, which allows you to quickly braid many small braids quickly and without unnecessary movements.

braiding machine

The electric machine for weaving makes it possible:

  1. Braiding a very different number of braids (it all depends on your imagination).
  2. Brush your hair in just a few seconds, regardless of type.
  3. Braid pigtails in various ways (you can separate the hair to create pigtails into 2, 3, 4 strands).
  4. Save time on styling while creating a perfectly neat hairstyle.

In addition, the device does not damage the hair, which is very important for any woman, especially if her hair is not thick.

How does the device work?

The device for weaving braids is used as follows:

  1. Separate a lock of hair, comb it and carefully divide into 2, 3, 4 parts.
  2. Place the ends of each strand on the rotating fingers, holding them. It is recommended to twist each strand additionally for greater efficiency (this can be done using the weaving apparatus, turning on the desired mode).
  3. After the pigtail is ready, remove it from the nozzles, holding by the ends so that it does not lose shape.

pigtail machine reviews

A few extra points

Firstly, you should know that it is best to use an apparatus for braiding braids on hair of medium (and lower) length, since on short hair they do not look so impressive.

Secondly, take a responsible approach to dividing hair into strands - they must be carefully separated at the roots.

Thirdly, the set usually also includes elastic bands, which help not only to fix the braids, but also to give the hairstyle brightness, given their color.

"Make" a hairstyle

If you bought a braiding machine and don’t know which hairstyle to make, don’t worry, there are many options. Pigtails are collected in a tail, in a double tail, left loose. It is quite possible to create a more intricate hairstyle, but it, of course, requires time and skill. However, even the most familiar creation of braids will look original.

The braiding machine, which is mostly positive, is a great way to create a trendy, stylish hairstyle. Its price varies from 200 to 600 rubles.

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