Passport of Ukraine: conditions of receipt, issuance procedure

A passport is the most important document of every citizen of a country, which identifies the identity of its holder and belonging to a particular country. The first official document confirming citizenship was issued back in the Roman Empire.

passport of Ukraine

Basic Rules

The current legislation provides for such circumstances and reasons for which it is necessary to issue a passport of Ukraine, namely:

  • Reaching 16 years.
  • Obtaining Ukrainian citizenship.
  • Return to the country after a long stay abroad.

In addition, the legislation provides for the issuance of a new main document in connection with the loss, theft, change of surname, name or patronymic.

Clearance procedure

The first passport receipt provides for the following procedure:

  • It is necessary to prepare a package of all necessary papers.
  • Submit them to the passport office along with a written application.
  • Pick up the finished passport of Ukraine at the agreed time.

Ukrainian passport

Where to get it?

To obtain a passport of a citizen of Ukraine, it is necessary in the established order to contact the migration office closest to the place of permanent residence. Documents are submitted here, and a Ukrainian passport is taken from here.

In 90% of cases, the list of required securities looks like this:

  • Statement.
  • 2 photos.
  • Receipt of payment of state fees.

Ukraine passport photo

As a rule, parents who are already familiar with the procedure help draw up the first document for children. What else can you need to get a passport of Ukraine? Documents for additional identification: a registration document, copies of parental passports, certificates from consulates (in case the family is international).

Terms of receipt

The passport of Ukraine is issued within about one month from the date of submission of a full package of documents to the institution. But now this issue can be completely resolved with the help of law firms, whose lawyers take care of paperwork, help to obtain documents quickly and without additional difficulties. In this case, the period may be limited to five working days.

biometric passport Ukraine

What passports do you have in Ukraine?

World practice connects the appearance of biometric documents with terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001. Paper certificates have outlived themselves because they do not provide absolute security, because they are very easy to fake.

New passport

Since the beginning of 2016, citizens of Ukraine also have the opportunity to obtain a biometric passport. Ukraine has joined the European countries, members of the UN, and now every Ukrainian can issue a universal ID-card to replace an old paper document. To do this, you just need to contact special services and exchange the old passport with a new one - biometric. Such a document is reliably protected from all kinds of fakes and excludes its use by other people.

An interesting innovation was that the younger generation will be able to receive this document from the age of 14. This law came into force on January 1, 2016, but the first ID-card for adolescents will be issued free of charge.

What is the new passport of Ukraine? A photo of the document long before the first issue appeared in the media, on television. On its surface, visually you can see all the personal information about the person along with a digitized signature and photo of the owner.

A biometric document involves the implantation of a microcircuit with data that is on paper.

One of the main features of the new Ukrainian document is the electronic signature of the owner. This will allow you to perform any operations with the document without leaving your home.

At the height of not only protection, but also the design of the passport. All elements of the country are used in its elements - a map, microtext of the anthem of Ukraine, coat of arms and flag holograms.

The appearance of a new document does not completely cancel the old paper version, and they have the same legal force. Each citizen of Ukraine has the right to reserve the choice: change the passport to a new biometric or stay with the same (paper).

what passports in ukraine

Are organizations ready to work with the electronic novelty?

Technically, very few organizations have at their disposal special devices for reading data from such a medium. Despite the fact that the cost of such an apparatus is relatively small, only a few banks and other services have them available.

In addition to the material base for these new documents, there is no legal one. After all, this plastic passport of Ukraine was supposed to be the last in the system of changes.

In the future, the migration and fiscal services should cooperate and introduce the identification number of tax payers into the chip of the new document.

Modern technology allows you to create a chip with a digital signature of the state that issued the document.

Receive or not receive

The introduction of this type of document is the most important requirement of the European Union. In addition, these passports are very easy to carry, they are not afraid of moisture, and they are very difficult to fake.

According to the new law, along with the issuance of the document, data on citizens will be entered in the only demographic register of Ukraine. Against this system are human rights activists of the country. Lawyers say that such a procedure directly violates the human rights to privacy and in many ways contradicts the country's main law. Accordingly, the possibility of such databases entering the black markets and their general access is increasing.

Ukrainian passport documents

It is possible to refuse such a document, especially the official church and other religious organizations call for this. By the way, from time immemorial it was believed that only a name can be given to a person. And to number it is disgrace (according to church concepts).

Whatever it was, but without a passport in the modern world can not do. Every citizen of the country should have a document that will help him organize life in society: study, work, rest, treatment and so on. And in order to avoid doubts about biometric passports, one should turn to the practice of other states that have been using this system quite successfully for a long time.

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