Almond face peeling - what is it? Description of procedure

To keep the skin young and beautiful, it is not enough to use only makeup products, from time to time it is necessary to do salon procedures. They will improve the condition of the skin, smooth the surface of the dermis, eliminate imperfections and small wrinkles, and start the regeneration processes. One of these activities is almond peeling for the face. What it is? A comprehensive answer to this question will provide this article.

Almond face peeling: what is it?

Almond peeling is a surface peeling that is done by ANA acid. In this case, it is an acid extracted from bitter almonds. The substance has large molecules that are not able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, therefore it belongs to the most gentle. It is used even with sensitive skin. Helps to get rid of imperfections of the dermis. Smoothes the relief, removes pigmentation, dries up acne. The procedure is safe, suitable for almost everyone.

The cosmetologist during the session regulates the degree of acid concentration, as well as the depth of its penetration. As a rule, after the procedure, the face turns red and peels, but these phenomena disappear in a few days. At the end of the procedure, a mask is applied to the skin, which contains collagen, algae and lactic acid.

almond face peeling what is it

Mandelic acid peeling removes dead cells from the surface of the dermis. It promotes more active production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, as a result of which the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, and small wrinkles are smoothed out. The process of tissue regeneration is stimulated. The inflammation decreases, the epidermis brightens. The procedure prevents the effects of free radicals, reduces the sebum of the dermis and narrows the enlarged pores. Has comedolitic effect. It is used in the treatment of acne.

Almond peeling for the face (what it is, was described above) after 14 days allows you to sunbathe and lead a full life, without any restrictions. Next, other important nuances will be considered.

Indications for the procedure

Like all similar procedures, almond peeling for the face (what it is, this article covers in detail) has certain indications and contraindications. Beauticians recommend this event in the presence of age spots, freckles, and also if the skin has a heterogeneous tone. Almond face peeling is widely used for acne and oily seborrhea. It helps eliminate acne marks, comedones. Prevents the appearance of rosacea and does not allow pores to become dirty, narrows them. Cleans facial wrinkles and prevents skin aging. The procedure for rosacea, increased sagging skin caused by excessive dryness is shown. Assign it with oily and problem skin.

almond chemical face peeling

Contraindications to the procedure

Almond face peeling (photo after the session can be seen below) has certain contraindications, these include:

  • hypersensitivity to mandelic acid;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin, the presence of wounds, abrasions, cracks, etc .;
  • foci of inflammation;
  • herpes;
  • pregnancy period;
  • rosacea.

Refuse almond peeling should women who are going in the coming days to go south, go to the solarium or to the beach.

almond peeling for face skin

Positive aspects of this event

Almond chemical face peeling is distinguished by its simplicity and ease of use. It thoroughly cleanses and heals the skin. Cleans small wrinkles, evens out the tone of the face, brightens. Fights acne and eliminates traces of them. Tightens pores and prevents rosacea. Promotes rejuvenation of the dermis, does not cause side effects. After its holding, the hyperpigmentation of the epidermis is minimized.

Often this type of peeling is done before more serious procedures, such as laser resurfacing of the skin or before the middle chemical peeling. It relieves the inflammatory process and prevents the development of side effects.

Mandelic acid treatment is safe. It is well tolerated by people with dark and dark skin, as well as people whose dermis is hypersensitive.

Almond peeling can be used in the summer and has a fairly short rehabilitation period, unlike other similar events.

almond face peeling for acne

Cons of almond peeling

In addition to the above advantages, the use of almond peeling has certain disadvantages, including:

  • The fragility of the procedure.
  • Cost (higher than glycol).
  • Causes severe peeling. A few days after the session will have to spend at home.
  • It has a weak effect, is not able to eliminate the problem at the root.
  • Soreness of the event.

For the proper effect, not one, but 8-10 procedures should be performed, which will take a lot of time and result in a round sum.

Stages of peeling in the salon

Almond peeling for facial skin is best done in the salon, since it is impossible to independently assess the state of the dermis and calculate the acid concentration. During the procedure, the specialist carefully monitors the skin reaction in those places where there is too much redness, the cosmetologist removes the acid ahead of schedule.

On average, an almond peeling session lasts an hour. It includes the following steps:

  • Cleansing the skin. At this stage, the beautician cleanses the dermis using milk or tonic, which contain about 10% mandelic acid.
  • Pre-peeling. Skin treatment is carried out with a composition containing a mixture of 5% glycolic and lactic acids. The skin is prepared for a uniform distribution of mandelic acid. Also at this stage, the skin reaction to the peeling substance is evaluated.
  • Peeling. The main part of the session. Its duration is 30-40 minutes. More concentrated solutions of mandelic acid (30-40%) are applied here.
  • Soothing mask. Impose for a few minutes. Relieves skin irritation. After it, a moisturizer is used.

After the procedure, the skin will be dry, tightened and red. During this period, cosmetologists advise her to actively moisturize and lubricate with a fat cream. The face may peel off, but the crusts lagging behind the surface cannot be peeled off, they must move on their own.

The cost of this event in the salon ranges from 1900 to 3000 rubles per session, and the full course will cost 20-25 thousand rubles.

after almond face peeling

How often do almond face peeling? The chemical peeling course consists of 5-10 procedures that are performed after 7-10 days. The scheme is prescribed by the cosmetologist individually, taking into account the condition of the skin. In addition to these procedures, antioxidant preparations with a large amount of vitamin C and E are prescribed. This helps to increase the body's defenses and stimulates tissue regeneration processes.

In order to prevent skin pigmentation after the procedure, visit to the solarium, sauna (bath) and beach should be excluded in the first days after the session.

Almond peeling can be applied not only on the face, but also in the dΓ©colletΓ© and on the hands.

Side effects

Any chemical peeling provokes negative reactions of the skin. This redness of the treated areas, peeling, burning sensation, excessive dryness of the dermis. There is an excessive appearance of acne, an allergic reaction, hyperpigmentation. In some cases, a burn occurs.

All these phenomena can be avoided if you carefully follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist on caring for dermis after peeling with mandelic acid.

After peeling care

Care after almond face peeling affects the final condition of the skin after the procedure. For those ladies whose skin is especially sensitive, specialists can recommend salon care. After this event, you should use a sunscreen with a high SPF factor every time you go outside. It is also recommended to cover your face from the sun with a hat, panama hat or cap. In the early days it is forbidden to use scrubs. Post-peeling care should include special creams and cleansers that will intensively nourish and moisturize the skin. They will prevent the inflammatory process. When peeling the skin, the "scraps" cannot be peeled off, they themselves must move away from the surface.

The main tasks of post-peeling care include maximum skin protection from the sun, reducing trauma to the skin, stimulating cell recovery and accelerating the healing process, as well as preventing possible complications.

Peeling (milk, almond or glycol) of the face: which is better?

The most popular surface peels are: almond, glycol and milk. The first is the most gentle. It can be used with sensitive dermis, as well as those who have a tendency to rosacea. Improves the condition of the skin, prone to acne. Glycolic, unlike the almond, has smaller molecules that penetrate deeper into the skin than the almond. Acts more intensively. Helps to fight with withering of the skin and remove post-acne. Not suitable for women with sensitive skin. Milk peeling moisturizes well, therefore it is often used for dry skin. It acts gently and delicately. Suitable even for those to whom other types of peelings are contraindicated. Eliminates only superficial problems, without changing them radically. Suitable for women under 30 years old.

There are many other peels with fruit acids, and when choosing them should be based on age, skin condition, the availability of material capabilities. It is necessary to pay attention to the rehabilitation period, the tolerability of one or another component, the direction of action and the depth of penetration of the agent should be taken into account.

The result after peeling

The face after almond peeling is completely transformed. The dermis is cleansed of dead cells, updated. The skin is smoothed. The inflammatory process and the release of sebum are significantly reduced. Almond peeling gives a light lifting effect and smoothes fine wrinkles.

The procedure positively affects the structure of the skin, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, increases its elasticity, smoothes the complexion, makes it more uniform, brightens. Successfully corrects age-related changes in the epidermis.

Almond peeling at home

If there is no way to do peeling in the salon, then you can carry out this procedure at home. To do this, you should buy a ready-made remedy for almond peeling. As a rule, it is sold in professional cosmetics stores, in beauty salons or directly with cosmetologists.

how often do almond face peeling

The composition for the home procedure can be prepared independently. To do this, take 50 grams of almonds, the same amount of oatmeal, a teaspoon of milk powder and olive oil. Grind nuts and oatmeal thoroughly in a coffee grinder, mix them with milk powder and olive oil. Apply the mask to the face for 15 minutes and then rinse off.

Such peeling is inferior to salon, but still its effect on the skin will be positive. The procedure should be carried out twice a week.

Consumer Opinions

Almond face peeling (reviews, photos confirm its effectiveness) is a fairly popular procedure. Women note that the skin after the procedure is completely transformed, rejuvenated, small wrinkles disappear, and larger ones become less noticeable. The skin is leveled. It helps almond face peeling (photo can be considered in detail in the article) in the fight against acne, dries acne, reduces the inflammatory process, cleanses comedones. Eliminates pigmentation. Derma becomes smooth and silky.

almond face peeling photo after

There are also negative opinions. During the session, many clients felt a rather strong burning sensation of the skin, and the epidermis after the procedure looked red and flaky for a week. Some have exacerbated acne, which disappeared after a few days.

Not everyone liked this procedure. Some ladies have a short-lived effect. It is said that after two weeks the pores became dirty, and the skin became oily and acne began to appear. Some do not want to endure such an unpleasant procedure for the short-term effect. It is noted that almond peeling does not justify its money and for such a cost the result could be better.

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