The problem of the role of childhood in human life: arguments from the literature. Composition on the theme of "Childhood"

Becoming a person begins in early childhood. It was at this time that the basic moral principles were laid down, the norms of communication and cultural characteristics were assimilated, which will guide the adult throughout his subsequent life. On how a person’s character is formed in childhood, his environment is very much affected. Children form ideas about how to communicate with other people and attitude to their own “I”, focusing on their loved ones and copying parental behaviors.

Where happy adults grow up

Happy adults grow up in happy families. Therefore, it is so important that the child feels the joy of childhood, receives enough love and attention from his relatives. A sense of security, self-need, constant care of father and mother affect the cognitive abilities of the baby, helping his personality to develop harmoniously. The problem of the role of childhood in human life and arguments in favor of the special influence of this period on success in adulthood can be found in the works of famous psychologists: Karl Gustav Jung, Sigmund Freud, Lev Vygotsky.

the problem of the role of childhood in human life arguments

Emotional development in early childhood is reflected in the ability to withstand stress, negative influences in the future, helps to learn how to adequately evaluate different people and be able to communicate with them. Based on his own and parental experience, the baby receives the concept of good and bad, forms an idea of ​​family values. Growing up, happy children turn into successful and contented people who are able to take responsibility for their actions.

Problems of adults with difficult childhood

What happens to children who have had a difficult childhood? If the mother and father are not engaged in the upbringing and development of their child, do not pay due attention to each other and are constantly quarreling, the adult grown up in such an environment has distorted ideas about family values. They consider their behavior the only and natural norm. Due to the psychological phenomenon of “infectious emotions”, if parents are torn between family and work, and at home they are in a constantly depressed and gloomy mood, children “adopt” their condition and begin to feel the same way.

difficult childhood

Often, children who have experienced abuse by relatives, growing up, begin to "educate" their children in the same way, not knowing another attitude. Some psychologists believe that such behavior is caused by an unconscious desire to put oneself in the place of the aggressor, so as not to be a defenseless victim anymore.

How childhood difficulties affect character

People whose childhood was not happy often have many psychological problems that prevent them from living a full life. These problems make them commit inappropriate actions that are harmful to themselves and to others. If the parents did not take care of the child and did not instill moral guidelines, the adult will not have a clear value system. He will not feel remorse when committing a “bad deed” and will not receive satisfaction from a good deed.

joy of childhood

Of course, a “difficult childhood” is not a sentence. Not necessarily a child, deprived of the love and attention of parents, grows up a criminal. But such people are much more difficult to understand their desires and motives, they often underestimate themselves and constantly feel miserable, unworthy of a good relationship.

A book as a help to a child in a difficult period

Disbelief in one's own attractiveness forms such unpleasant character traits as deceit, greed, and hypocrisy. Children who have grown up completely without guardianship or with only one parent can envy “happy children” from complete families. They do not know how to communicate and hardly make friends.

the role of childhood in human life

On the other hand, the ability to overcome difficulties can positively affect the future life of the child. Someone who is used to coping with difficulties, defended his point of view and independently learned to build relationships, often becomes successful in adulthood. Literary works are able to help children overcome difficult periods, to understand complex moral issues and the actions of other people.

Discussion of the role of childhood in literature lessons

The behavior of book characters, the experiences associated with them, make it possible to feel like someone else, to understand the motives of the actions of different people. Trying on all kinds of roles, the kid gets acquainted with a variety of moral systems, forms his own values ​​and personality. Speaking through the feelings and feelings associated with a particular hero, the parent contributes to the emotional development of his child, teaching him to be kind, caring, attentive to the needs of other people.

Discuss the problem of the role of childhood in human life, arguments in favor of the influence of early years on the formation of personality, children can at school in literature lessons. This question is raised in many classical works. The theme for the essay "The role of childhood in human life" is found at the exam. To get a high grade, students need to formulate their own point of view on the problem and substantiate it using their knowledge, personal experience and arguments from several literary works.

The role of childhood in the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

To disclose the topic of education as a way of personality formation, it is worth paying attention to the novel by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. The protagonist is a nobleman, since childhood he has been surrounded by the culture and life of the capital. Onegin’s personality is extraordinary, therefore he does not feel satisfaction from social life, although he was brought up among the noble intelligentsia. This contradictory state manifests itself in the episode of the duel with Lensky, which leads the main character to the loss of the meaning of life.

Tatyana Larina, the heroine of the novel by A.S. Pushkin, received a completely different upbringing. Her personality was influenced by Russian culture and Western novels. She absorbed folk traditions through the environment, thanks to fairy tales and legends told by the little nanny. The childhood of the heroine passed among the beauties of Russian nature and folk rites. The influence of the West reflects the Pushkin ideal of education: the combination of European education with the national traditions of Russia. That is why Tatyana stands out for her strong moral principles and strong character, which distinguishes her from the rest of the heroes of the novel "Eugene Onegin."

The issue of the influence of upbringing on character in Leo Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace

Pupils can be recommended to take as an example for composition one of the works of L. N. Tolstoy. In the novel War and Peace, Peter Rostov, who inherited kindness and openness from his parents, shows the best qualities in his first and only battle, right before his death. Other heroes of the epic, Helen and Anatole Kuragin, who did not know the love of their parents and brought up in a family where money was valued above all, grow up selfish and immoral people.

how the character of a person is formed in childhood

Goncharov: the problem of the role of childhood in human life, arguments. "Oblomov"

The writer I. A. Goncharov in the novel "Oblomov" focuses on the problem of the role of childhood in human life. The main character of the work, Ilya Oblomov, is completely unable to take care of himself, as he grew up in “greenhouse conditions”. He does not complete his decision to the end and does not even try to start doing something, but only mentally imagines how good it will be in the end. His friend - an energetic and active Stolz from childhood accustomed parents to independence. This hero is disciplined, hardworking and knows what he wants.

the problem of the role of childhood in human life arguments from literature

Impressions of childhood in the work of V. Soloukhin "The Third Hunt"

In a literature lesson, a teacher may suggest analyzing a passage from the collection of Soviet writer V. Soloukhin, “The Third Hunt”, to help students understand the problem of the role of childhood in human life. The arguments in the text of Soloukhin relate not only to the formation of personality, but also to the influence of childhood impressions on the fate of an adult, his relationship with his homeland. He colorfully illustrates his thought with detailed metaphors associated with nature, and sketches from the life of Russian poets. The author claims that the foundation of personality is laid in childhood, and the memories and impressions of youth are always reflected in the future.

The upbringing of the nobility in the "Little Growth" by D. I. Fonvizin

The famous comedy by D. I. Fonvizin “Undergrowth” is also devoted to the problem of the role of childhood in human life. The author’s arguments and thoughts show how his family has a strong influence on the personality of the child. The main character is Mitrofanushka, whose name has become a household name, takes over the greed, cruelty and other vices of her mother. He received slavish inclinations from a servant nanny and the quality of a tyrant from his own parents, which affects his behavior and treatment of people. The image of Mitrofan indicates the decline of a noble society caused by improper upbringing.

The problem of the role of childhood in human life: arguments from the literature of foreign writers

The works of Charles Dickens, where people with a difficult childhood often become the main characters, are perfect for illustrating the problem of the influence of young years on personality formation. In the novel "David Copperfield", in many ways autobiographical, the writer portrays a man who remained good, despite the constant humiliation, difficulties and injustice of life. Little David is constantly helped by ordinary people, which allows him to maintain faith in their sincerity. The boy himself learns to distinguish good from evil, to adequately evaluate himself. He has the ability to see positive traits in every person.

Roman Margaret Drabble's “One Summer Season” shows that childhood is not just a period limited by a certain age, it is also associated with psychological maturity. An adult is responsible for his decisions and actions, he understands the importance of mutual assistance and has worldly wisdom.

The role of childhood: arguments from journalism

Journalism also often addresses the issue of the role of childhood in human life. The arguments for an essay on this topic can be taken from the article by A. Zamostyanov, "Childhood and adolescence in the fate of Suvorov." In his work, the author says that the mother’s personality was greatly influenced by the stories of his mother about the famous military leaders of the past: Alexander the Great and Alexander Nevsky. The parent accompanied her narrative with a comment that the power of a person is in the head, not in the hands. It was after such stories that this sickly boy began to develop and temper himself, because he wanted to become a military man.

the problem of the role of childhood in human life arguments according to the text of soloukhin

The period of childhood is very important for the full and harmonious development of the individual. It is the basis for an adequate perception of oneself and one's strengths, the world around and the further happy life of a person.

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