What is under the right hypochondrium in humans: internal organs and their purpose

Each person should at least in general terms know the structure of his body. This is really important, because many people, feeling any discomfort, find it difficult to answer what exactly hurts - since they are not interested in anatomy.

Of course, it’s unrealistic to immediately tell about all the organs. And so now it’s worth focusing on only one topic, and talk about what is under the right hypochondrium in humans.


This is the vital gland, the largest in all vertebrate creatures. This is indeed a very voluminous organ, the mass of which is approximately 1.5 kg.

The liver not only produces bile, which then enters the duodenum through the excretory duct. It performs many functions. Namely:

  • Barrier. The liver neutralizes the toxic products of protein metabolism, and also neutralizes the substances absorbed in the intestine.
  • Exchange. The liver is involved in all body processes. And it is in it that the carbohydrates that the intestinal mucosa absorbs turn into glycogen.
  • Hormonal It is in the liver that hormones such as estrogen, insulin, thyroxine and aldosterone are destroyed. Also included in this list are antidiuretic hormone and glucocorticoids.
  • Hematopoietic. This function is especially active in the children's body. The liver of each embryo and young child is involved in the production of red blood cells.

For the body to function properly throughout life, you need to eat right. For example, follow a diet number 5. If dysfunction occurs, the use of hepatoprotectors is necessary.

Since we are talking about what is under the right hypochondrium in humans, we must make a reservation that the organ, although it occupies a place under the diaphragm on this side, still a small part of it goes to the left. Interestingly, in infants, the liver occupies almost the entire part of the abdominal cavity. This is 1/20 of the total body weight. For comparison: in an adult, the ratio is 1/50.

which organ is located on the right under the ribs in front

Gall bladder

Talking about which organs are located on the right under the ribs in front, you need to discuss the gall bladder. It is located directly under the liver, and bile coming from it accumulates in it, from where it is subsequently released into the small intestine. This happens, by the way, under the influence of hormone cholecystokinin.

The gallbladder is located in the longitudinal right groove, on the lower surface of the liver. He has an oval shape, he looks like a small egg. Inside - bile, which has a greenish color and a viscous consistency. From the neck of the bladder goes the bile duct. Lutkens sphincter, which regulates the flow of bile , leads to it.

You should know not only what is under the ribs (right, back, left or front), but also what functions a particular organ performs. Those that are inherent in the gallbladder can be distinguished in such a list:

  • Accumulation and further concentration of bile.
  • Direct participation in the digestive process.
  • Protection of the digestive tract from infection.
  • Timely ingestion of bile in the optimal amount into the duodenum 12.

Biologically, the process itself is very interesting. When food enters the stomach, the gallbladder begins to contract. The composition accumulated in it is transported to the duodenum 12, where the digestive process begins. If the consumed foods are characterized by increased fat content, then the gallbladder begins to shrink at times more intensively, and the secret, respectively, is secreted in greater quantities.

The main component of this fluid is bile acids. There are several types, but all of them are derivatives of cholanic acid. Also in the composition are phospholipids, pigments, as well as trace elements and substances with antimicrobial properties.

The gall bladder is very important. After all, it is its protective function that prevents the occurrence of infectious and inflammatory processes in the digestive system.

what's right under the ribs in front

Common bile duct

Since we are talking about which organs are located on the right under the ribs in front, we need to tell about the bile duct. In addition, the bubble has already been discussed.

This duct is formed due to the fusion of the hepatic and cystic bile. Its length is 5-7 centimeters, and its width is 2-4 cm. At the very beginning of the common bile duct is the Mirizzi sphincter. This is a bundle of circular muscles.

In the common bile duct, four parts are distinguished:

  • Retro-pancreatic. It lies between the wall of the descending part of the intestine and the head of the pancreas.
  • Retro-duodenal. It is located behind the upper part of the duodenum.
  • Supraduodenal. Located above the duodenum 12.
  • Interpancreatic. It adjoins the pancreatic head and passes obliquely to the wall of the duodenum.

To each person who is interested in the question: “Which organ is located on the right under the ribs?” you should know that even though they do not often talk about the bile ducts, they are a complex transport route for hepatic secretion. They provide its outflow.

The common bile duct has a special structure and physiology. And diseases, as many may think, often affect him, not the bladder or liver. Canal blockage, cholangitis, dyskinesia, cholecystitis, or neoplasms may occur. Fortunately, modern monitoring methods help in time to identify a particular pathology, as well as accurately determine its localization.

what is in the right hypochondrium in humans


Continuing the topic relating to the question of what is under the right hypochondrium in humans, it is necessary to touch upon this unpaired muscle that separates the abdominal and chest cavities. In simple terms, the diaphragm serves to expand the lungs.

Conventionally, its boundary is drawn along the lower edge of the ribs. The diaphragm is formed by a whole system of striated muscles.

Her "dome" is directed up. Its upper surface forms the bottom of the chest cavity. And the bottom is the top, respectively. It is important to make a reservation that, like the dome, the diaphragm has peripheral attachments to the structures that create the chest wall and peritoneum.

The muscle fibers that converge from the attachments form the central tendon. It is it that forms the so-called crest of the diaphragm. And its peripheral part, in turn, consists of muscle fibers, the beginning of which is taken in the lower thoracic opening. They also converge into a central vein.

Discussing what is under the right hypochondrium in humans, one can not help but make a reservation that the diaphragm is pierced by a number of holes. Thanks to them, the structures located between the stomach and chest are connected. In addition to many small holes, there are three more large ones - venous, esophageal and aortic.

What functions does this muscle have? There are many of them, and everything can be singled out in such a list:

  • Respiratory It is the movements of the diaphragm in tandem with the pectoral muscles that provide inhalation and exhalation. Accordingly, there is a process of ventilation of the lungs.
  • Cardiovascular. What happens when you inhale? The heart bag expands, as does the lower part of the superior vena cava. Blood is squeezed from the liver, which is transported to the right atrium. And also, by the way, it is fluctuations in intrapleural pressure that contribute to the outflow of blood from the abdominal organs.
  • Digestive The diaphragm has a strong influence on the advancement of food through the esophagus. She can be said to be his pulp.
  • Static This function is to maintain a normal relationship between the organs of the abdominal and chest cavities. And it depends on the muscle tone present in the diaphragm. If this function is violated, then the abdominal organs will move to the chest.

The diaphragm is an important abdominal organ. While contracting with the abdominal muscles, it reduces intra-abdominal pressure.


What is located on the right behind the ribs? Of course, a kidney. This is a paired organ located on both sides. Both kidneys regulate chemical homeostasis through the function of urination. They are located behind the parietal sheet of the peritoneum (this is the lumbar region).

Each kidney is adjacent to the posterior abdominal wall. Interestingly, the right one is just below, and this is anatomically normal. Why? Because from above it directly borders on the liver.

which organ is located under the ribs on the right

In size, the organ reaches a length of about 11.5-12.5 centimeters, and a width of 5-6 cm. The thickness is 3-4 cm, respectively. A kidney weighs very little - from 120 to 200 g. It should be noted that the right kidney is usually smaller and lighter than the left.

Since we are talking about which organ is located on the right under the ribs, and what features distinguish it, it is necessary to discuss its anatomical specificity. The kidney is covered with a fibrous connective tissue capsule, and its system of accumulation and excretion of urine, as well as the parenchyma, constitutes.

This organ has a lot of functions - metabolic, excretory, osmoregulatory, endocrine, ion-regulating, and also hematopoietic. The main, of course, is excretory. It is achieved by filtration and secretion. How does this happen?

From the capillary glomerulus in the renal corpuscle, the blood content with plasma is filtered into the Shumlyansky-Bowman capsule. The fluid that forms as a result of this is primary urine. Then it is transported along the convoluted tubules of the nephron, where nutrients, electrolytes and water are absorbed back into the blood. Only creatine, urea and acid remain in primary urine. All this forms the secondary.

This urine from convoluted tubules is transported to the renal pelvis, and then to the ureter and already into the bladder. Normally, about 1700-2000 liters of blood passes through the kidneys in one day. How much primary urine is formed? About 120-150 liters! And it remains only 1.5-2 liters of secondary.

The filtration rate, by the way, depends on several factors. Among them:

  • Pressure difference in the discharge and delivery arterioles.
  • Properties of the basement membrane of the renal glomerulus.
  • The difference in osmotic pressure between the lumen of the Bowman capsule and the blood in the capillary network of the glomerulus.

Discussing the functions of the kidneys within the framework of the topic concerning the question: “What is located below the ribs in the lower right?”, It must be said that this paired organ plays a major role in maintaining the acid-base balance of the plasma. Thanks to him, osmotically active substances are in a stable concentration.

Of course, it is through the kidneys that the body leaves the end products of nitrogen metabolism, as well as toxic and foreign compounds.

This organ helps to get rid of excess substances of organic and artificial origin, it participates in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, helps to form the elements necessary for the body - renin, for example, which is necessary for regulating blood pressure, or erythropoietin, which regulates the rate of formation of red blood cells.

The descending part of the duodenum

Looking at the anatomical diagram of the human body, you can see what is on the right under the ribs in front. And the descending part of the duodenum belongs to the general list.

It starts from the upper bend, which has the shape of an arc. Then it drops down and turns to the left side - thereby forming the lower bend, which in medicine is called flexura duodeni inferior. From there originates the lower, horizontal part of the duodenum.

human anatomy right hypochondrium

The upper half, as mentioned earlier, is in the upper floor of the abdominal cavity. Lower, respectively, to the right of the root of the mesentery of the colon transverse intestine.

What about the sizes? The descending part of the duodenum is about 9-12 cm long. It reaches a diameter of 4.5-5 cm.

Interestingly, there is not a particularly mobile part of the gut, it is called pars descendens. It is most closely connected by vessels and ducts to the head of the pancreas. In some people, the posterior wall is in contact with the descending portion (this is colon transversum).

But this is not all that you need to know about the body under discussion at the human right hypochondrium. Behind the duodenum is the upper part of the right kidney, ureter and blood vessels. Behind - the lower segment of the paired organ. Also in close proximity is the transverse colon with the mesentery, the head of the pancreas and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is difficult to distinguish the individual functions of the lower part of the duodenum. However, since it is discussed which organs are located on the right under the ribs on the side, one can talk about the general tasks that it performs. The functions of the duodenum 12 are highlighted in the following list:

  • Bringing the pH of the incoming food from the stomach to alkaline, which does not irritate the distal small intestine. This is necessary for normal digestion.
  • Regulation and initiation of secretion of bile and pancreatic enzymes.
  • Maintaining feedback with the stomach. This is manifested in the opening and subsequent closing of his pylorus, as well as in the regulation of the acidity of gastric juice.

Ascending colon

Since the topic relates to the question “What is in the person under the ribs on the right?”, It is necessary to tell about the ascending colon. What is this organ? This is the name of the initial section of the colon (and, by compatibility, the continuation of the blind).

She is not directly involved in digestion. Its function is to absorb water and electrolytes. As a result, the liquid chyme, which is transported to the colon from the small intestine, turns into feces of a thicker consistency.

The ascending intestine is located in the abdominal cavity, in its right part. However, her position cannot be called permanent. If a person occupies an upright position, then the initial part of the intestine goes up.

organs in the right hypochondrium in humans

Its length is 24 centimeters. The inner diameter is about 7 cm. In the place where the ascending intestine borders the blind, there is the Buzi sphincter. This is the name of the circular bundle of muscle fibers, which has the form of a deep circular groove.


Answering the question: “What is located on the right under the ribs in front?”, Something should be said about the physiological characteristics of the cecum. What is she like? This is the first section of the colon that is in the right iliac fossa. It is from her that the appendix departs, which will be discussed a little later. And with it, just, the ascending intestine connects with the Busi sphincter.

As a rule, she is dressed on all sides with a peritoneum, and occupies an intraperitoneal position in the body. However, the cecum often lies also mesoperitoneally. This means that the peritoneum is covered only on three sides.

By structure, the cecum resembles a large one. The mucosa has small folds. They are similar to valves with many muscle fibers. There is a large fold, but it is single.

The mucosa contains goblet cells and liberkune glands. The cecum is directly involved in the digestive process. Thanks to the mentioned liberkune glands (they are also called crypts), which produce cells for villi, the intestinal surface is lined with mucous membranes. It is she who helps the chyme to move along the path.

In simple terms, the main function of the cecum is to absorb the liquid component of the mass, which later becomes feces.


Here is another organ located on the right under the ribs in front. More precisely, the appendix is ​​an appendage of the cecum and, of course, is located much lower than the ribs. It is located in the right iliac region and has a narrow cavity. It opens into the cecum with an opening that is surrounded by a valve - a small fold of the mucous membrane. Interestingly, with age, this clearance in some people overgrows - in whole or in part.

where is the right hypochondrium in humans

What function does this vermiform appendix perform? Protective. The accumulations of lymphoid tissue present in it make up the peripheral parts of the immune system. And in herbivores, for example, the microflora present in the appendix is ​​involved in the process of digesting cellulose.

Answering the question: “What is in the person under the ribs on the right?”, It should be noted that it is much more difficult for people with a remote appendix to restore the intestinal microflora if there was an infection with any infection.

In fact, this process is a repository for bacteria. , , . .

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But, as everyone knows, in many people the appendix is ​​removed. Why? Indication for this operation is chronic and acute appendicitis, manifested in inflammation of the appendix.

Why does the right hypochondrium hurt?

So, previously all the organs located in this area were examined. Now we can discuss another burning issue.

You can’t immediately say why the right hypochondrium of a person hurts on the side. Because in this area, as already could be understood, several organs are concentrated. And therefore, the reasons can be very different. And even the most qualified and experienced doctor will not be able to diagnose only on the basis of one complaint.

And sometimes, in fact, discomfort provokes harmless reasons. Excessive exercise, for example, or overeating. However, if the pain is constant, then it is likely that the reason lies in the pathology that has begun to develop. And all the most common conditions are worth considering separately.

Liver problems

This is the most common reason that people have pain on the right under the ribs. And what is there? That's right, the liver and bile ducts. With abnormalities in the work of this body, cramping or paroxysmal pain appears. In fact, its exact nature varies depending on how much a particular ailment progresses. The pain can be either dull or acute.

in the right hypochondrium

Here is what pathology can indicate discomfort tormenting a person:

  • Cirrhosis. Other symptoms include discolored eyes and skin, bloating, vomiting and weakness, as well as acute digestive upsets. In addition, the spleen increases in size, palms begin to redden, jaundice progresses. Esophageal varicose veins can also develop, internal bleeding often occurs, and blood pressure rises.
  • Hepatitis. And no matter what it is (drug, alcohol, A, B or C). The ailment is always accompanied by aching pain in the right hypochondrium. In parallel, a person overcomes weakness, the color of feces, urine and skin changes. And in the excrement appear impurities of bile and blood.
  • Fatty hepatosis. It develops in people with diabetes and obesity. It is often found in patients with metabolic disorders.
  • Liver cancer. Symptoms of this pathology are similar to manifestations of cirrhosis. In addition to pain in the right hypochondrium, a bitter taste appears in the mouth, the color of the skin and eyes changes, and the temperature rises. Often a person is suffering from cramps, muscles and limbs can atrophy. Also, the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, internal bleeding occurs.
  • Echinococcosis. The cause of its development is helminthic invasion. The main symptom is unbearable severity and severe pain in the right hypochondrium. Also, a person is faced with digestive disorders, suffers from fever and chronic lethargy.

When discussing the pathology of organs located on the right under the ribs, it is important to make a reservation that many conditions, if launched, are fraught with death. That is why, at the slightest discomfort, it is necessary to consult a doctor and urgently begin treatment.

Digestive problems

Earlier it was said that under the right hypochondrium in a person is, and it is logical to assume that any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract may be the cause of the pain. And if this is true, then in addition to this symptom, a person is still worried about diarrhea, bloating, “sour” belching, and also nausea, heartburn and a taste of metal in the mouth.

And here are the possible problems in such cases:

  • Pancreatitis It manifests itself in inflammation that affects the pancreas. A person is concerned about vomiting and a feeling of fullness in the stomach, there is flatulence and an active "rumbling".
  • Gastritis. With this disease, pain from the hypochondrium gives back to the lower back. Additional symptoms include swelling of the abdomen and bad breath.
  • Cholecystitis. With inflammation of the gallbladder, pain in the hypochondrium is a dull aching character. It is often accompanied by tingling localized in the abdominal region.
  • Appendicitis. Symptoms are characteristic - a sharp breakdown, nausea with severe vomiting, fever and unbearable pain in the right hypochondrium. In a person, organs in this state seem to acquire increased sensitivity - sensations are so pronounced. Not surprisingly, they are immediately hospitalized with appendicitis.
  • Pathology of the colon. These include ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, intestinal infections and disturbed microflora, as well as diverticulosis and irritation.
  • Perforation of the intestine. This condition is characterized by the presence in the colon of a through hole through which all food enters the abdominal cavity.

There is another reason worth noting attention when discussing the features of human anatomy. In the right hypochondrium, pain often occurs after physical exertion. If they appear stably, the cause lies in biliary dyskinesia. Usually, this pathology is eliminated independently after some time.

Genitourinary Problems

Earlier, in a story about where the human hypochondrium is located and what organs are located in it, kidneys were mentioned. They are part of the genitourinary system. And if it is affected by any pathology, then the person begins to worry about pain on the right, in the area of ​​the ribs, as well as burning in the groin, shortness of breath, bitterness and dry mouth.

In addition, signs of intoxication, extreme fatigue, fever and false urge to make themselves felt. Also, a person is concerned about lumbar pain, sometimes the lower extremities swell. If treatment is not started on time, an abscess may develop.

what is under the right hypochondrium in humans

Pathologies accompanied by such symptoms are distinguished in such a list:

  • Necrosis of the renal papilla. Often they are accompanied by infectious diseases and diabetes. Blood may appear in the urine; in worst cases, septic shock occurs.
  • Upper paranephritis. In other words, inflammation of the renal adipose tissue. The patient is disturbed by a breakdown, shortness of breath, discomfort in the abdominal region and aches.
  • Pyelonephritis. It is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature to 40 ° C, nausea, vomiting, severe weakness, loss of appetite, sweating and dull pain in the hypochondrium. Possible tingling in the lower back.
  • Tumor of the kidney. Symptoms are the same as pyelonephritis.
  • Renal failure. The pain is localized in the ribs and lower back, a person suffers from increased fatigue, swelling of the lower extremities and dysuric disorders. A rash appears on the skin, a metallic taste in the mouth.

Also, pain in the hypochondrium in men can indicate the development of prostatitis. Discomfort also appears in the lower back, potency decreases, and the patient himself begins to notice premature ejaculation. Other symptoms include weakness, aches, fever, and constipation.


Above, it was described in detail about what is under the right hypochondrium in humans and what functions these organs perform.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are much more causes arising in this area. And let the answers to the question: “What is the right side under the ribs?” it’s not necessary, you still need to know that the organ located in it does not always cause pain in this area.

Discomfort can provoke a disease of the cardiovascular system, herpes zoster, pregnancy, fracture, diaphragmatitis, pneumonia and much more. That is why it is necessary not to try to independently identify, but to make an appointment with a doctor.

Only a specialist, having carried out all the indicated diagnostic measures, can determine the factor that provoked the pain, and then prescribe an effective, competent treatment suitable for a particular patient.

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