Quite often, the attending physician recommends that the patient pass the feces for analysis. Not everyone, however, understands why this is done and how to properly collect feces. This article will describe all the features and decoding of the results of the study on a group of pathogens of dysentery. Feces are the result of complex biochemical processes in the human body. He collects all the final products that are broken down in the intestines during digestion. This makes it suitable for this type of research. Analysis of feces for the disgroup allows you to detect the presence of pathogenic organisms in the intestinal microflora. With its help, you can find Escherichia coli enteropathogenic group, staphylococcus, salmonellosis and dysentery.
About infections
Infections localized in the intestine can dehydrate and deplete the body as a whole. This is due to the accompanying infection of vomiting and diarrhea. Such symptoms not only reduce the supply of water in the body, but also wash out mineral and nutrients, disrupting the microflora.
Vomiting and stool disorder is a manifestation of the body's protective properties in the fight against infection. It is not recommended to immediately seek to stop these symptoms, since in this case, detoxification may occur. First of all, the water-salt balance should be restored. A large amount of fluid will contribute to better bowel cleansing. In addition, you can take enterosorbents and other drugs that contribute to the mineralization of the body.
Who often needs stool analysis for a disgroup?
Children are most susceptible to intestinal infections. For this reason, particular attention should be paid to this particular category. Their organisms that have not been fully formed cannot adapt to the pathogens of intestinal pathologies. In advanced cases, the disease can cause complications such as kidney and liver failure, and even cerebral edema.
No less dangerous is the swiftness with which diseases develop. In some cases, it can even be fatal. Enterobacteria are the most common infectious agents.
Any intestinal infection manifests itself with approximately the same symptoms, which greatly complicates the diagnosis. Without laboratory tests, this is almost impossible, especially in terms of determining the causative agent of the disease.
Indications for analysis
Indications for the appointment of feces analysis for salmonellosis and disgroup are:
1. Abdominal pain.
2. General malaise.
3. Loss of appetite.
4. An increase in body temperature.
All these signs are the reason for passing such an analysis. Frequent complications of intestinal diseases are vomiting and nausea. Feces are characterized by the presence of blood, mucus and sediment in the form of flakes. The stool becomes loose and frequent.
Many people wonder how much fecal analysis is done for the disgroup?
Where do they make it?
You can take it at any nearby laboratory. It is especially important to recognize the need to take feces to parents of young children. After all, this study not only reveals the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, but also allows to determine the deficiency of enzymes. In this case, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract also occur. In such a situation, the attending physician may prescribe the missing enzymes in the form of special medicines.
Enzymes are replenished until the body begins to synthesize them on its own. No other modern study is capable of giving such an exhaustive picture of the state of the intestine as the analysis of feces for a disgroup. And in the case of the children's body, this is vital.
Collection of feces
To get a reliable result of the study, you must follow certain rules when collecting feces.
1. Bowel movement should occur naturally. The use of an enema is prohibited.
2. Before collecting feces, the vessel must be sanitized. Before emptying the bowels, paper must be put in the vessel.
3. It is best to use pharmacy disposable sterile containers for stool collection. The kit comes with a special spatula, which is convenient to gain feces.
4. You need to choose those areas of feces in which there is a clear presence of mucus, pus or a flaky sediment. Blood impurities, on the contrary, must be avoided. If the stool is very liquid, then you can use a pipette.
5. It is important to ensure that the stool does not mix with urine.
6. The patient needs to choose the right time for the collection of feces. After two hours, the material becomes unsuitable for research.
Rectal swabs are taken by a healthcare professional using a swab. The patient needs to lie on his side, press his knees to his chest and push his buttocks. A laboratory employee inserts a swab into the gut and cranks it. After that, the tampon is placed in a special container and sent for examination.
With loose stool, a special catheter is installed for the patient, equipped with a flexible tube that is inserted at one end into the intestine and the other into the container to collect material.
How is the analysis of feces for a disgroup performed?
Conducting research
To identify the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, several studies are carried out sequentially in the framework of one analysis. Bacterioscopic examination involves the study of simple bacteria and organisms through a laboratory microscope.
Feces are distributed in several tubes with a special environment that is favorable for the growth of bacteria. Under these conditions, harmful microorganisms grow. This procedure is called "stool sowing."
Modern research methods allow us to identify groups of microorganisms or their individual species. In some cases, it is possible to qualify the bacterium in appearance. The cost of stool analysis for the disgroup is not too high. It is approximately 750-780 rubles in the clinics of the capital. In regions, the cost may vary.
Found bacteria are checked for a reaction to various drugs.
The timing
How many days is fecal dysgroup analysis done?
Growing bacteria in a nutrient medium, as well as interpreting the results, takes a lot of time. Sometimes an analysis takes up to two weeks.
If salmonellosis is detected, a blood test may be required. This is necessary to confirm the presence of antibodies that are synthesized by the body in salmonella infection. Such an analysis is called serological diagnosis. The study is being prepared within a week. Salmonellosis causes structural changes in feces. Coprological examination takes place during the day.
How to prepare?
An analysis of feces for a dysgroup is necessary at the first sign of a disease. It is forbidden to take antibiotics before the analysis, as this will spoil the overall picture of the study. You can not use suppositories and oils, take activated charcoal.
Before taking feces for analysis, it is important to get advice from your doctor. This is especially true for those patients who have been treated. There are drugs that are not immediately excreted from the body. Therefore, only a specialist can determine when the most optimal analysis.
Decryption and treatment
Normally, a certain amount of fungi and bacteria is present in the intestines. Approximately 15 groups of microorganisms are useful, including lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, clostridia, enterococci and bacteroids. Anxiety should be caused by the presence of organisms alien to the intestines, such as salmonella, dysentery amoeba, shigella, trichomonads, cholera vibrios, etc. These harmful bacteria are dangerous not only for the intestinal environment, but also for the whole organism.
Detection of the presence of harmful bacteria in the intestinal environment should not be ignored. This requires special treatment. If such diagnoses as dysentery, coli infection or salmonellosis are made, then therapy should be carried out in a hospital. In addition, it is necessary to check the close environment of the patient. If the microorganism is detected, but the person does not have any symptoms of infection, then we can conclude that this patient is a carrier of the disease.
Better treatment is, of course, preventive measures. To protect yourself and your child from infection by bacteria from the dysentery group, you should carefully consider the rules of personal hygiene. After using the toilet and public places, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. The same applies to washing the child. Do not use untreated, contaminated water. Fruits and vegetables before use are best doused with boiling water. Regularly undergo examination and take tests in a planned mode for the timely detection of intestinal pathologies.
We found out that the analysis of feces for a disgroup shows.