Extract from the work book: sample and form of the document

It happens that the employee needs information from the workbook for a certain period, but making a copy is inconvenient, since the document itself is voluminous, and there are several inserts. An alternative may be considered an extract from the work book, a sample of which will be considered later.

What is a document for?

An extract can be made in handwritten form, as well as copy the necessary pages. The employee chooses the period he needs. It all depends on the purpose of its receipt. Registration and issuance of extracts are regulated by the Labor Code and Government Decision No. 225 of 04.16.03.

It is important to remember that for discharge from the employee are not allowed to charge money. And also he is not obliged to report on the purposes of its receipt.

An extract from the labor may be needed to present it to the following authorities:

  1. Social Security . In this case, the extract is included in the general package of documents for receiving social payments, maternity capital, or for adoption. Most often, information from the last place of work is required.
  2. FMS (for obtaining a passport) . If the document is executed online, then the citizen will need to provide all the data on the work in the questionnaire. Therefore, you do not need to take an extract. If the passport is issued through a visit to the migration service, you will need an extract from the work book (a sample for a passport will be presented later) with information for the last ten years.
  3. Pension Fund An extract in this case is needed to confirm the seniority. In general, an employee can provide the original labor certificate to the FIU, the law does not prevent this.
  4. The court . An extract may be necessary in the event of a judicial or enforcement process.
  5. Bank (for a loan) . This organization needs proof of employment for the past six months. Only then will the loan be approved.

Consider what the extract from the work book looks like. A sample document for obtaining a passport is presented below.

extract from the workbook sample

Copy or statement

You need to choose according to the situation, as you may need both a copy and the extract itself. The choice is based on the requirements that the organization makes. For example, a pension fund most often needs a copy, but an extract from the work book is suitable for social protection (the sample was discussed above).

The main difference between these documents is the total volume. Typically, a copy is much larger than an extract. Otherwise, both documents have equal legal force.

How to do

An employer or an authorized person is responsible for compiling a statement of employment. To obtain, you must contact the manual by writing a statement. It should include the following:

  • name of organization and details of the head;
  • employee details;
  • a request to issue an extract from the work book (a sample is presented below), specifying what information should be reflected in it.

extract from the workbook sample for a passport

It must be remembered that the document is submitted within 3 days from the date of transmission of the application.

How is the statement issued?

Consider the general rules for preparing a document.

The form of extract from the work book is regulated by law and contains:

  1. Information about the employer.
  2. Information about the employee's labor activity for the specified period of time.
  3. Information about awards and rewards (if necessary).

The extract necessarily contains information from the title page of the book:

  • details of the employee;
  • education;
  • specialization.

Next, you must indicate that the employee is currently employed in the organization issuing the statement. At the end of the document is the signature of the head and stamp of the company.

When a document consists of several sheets, you need to put down the page numbers, flash them and assure them.

form of extract from the work book

An extract automatically becomes invalid if an employee leaves the organization.

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