Many people know about the ancient Chinese philosophical methodology about living in harmony with their own environment - Feng Shui. This ancient art teaches the proper use of cosmic breathing, or qi, the force that circulates in our entire environment. The very meaning of the word is "wind and water energy." Chinese art teaches to use, attract and direct this energy and harmonize its environment.
Recently, the teachings of Feng Shui have firmly burst into the lives of fashionistas. According to a special calendar, girls make haircuts, paint nails, and take water procedures. Are you curious to know how to paint your nails in feng shui to attract love, money, good luck, wealth? Does this procedure really work? Well, let's try to figure out what colors to paint nails on Chinese philosophy to get not only bright, but also useful manicure.
The peculiarity of manicure in Chinese philosophy
You, probably, noticed at some girls the nails painted in different colors. Such a colorful design today is on the highest steps of nail art. But not all is a matter of fashion. Such ladies know what colors to paint nails according to Chinese ancient teachings. It turns out that even properly painted nails can add harmony with nature and oneself.
How to achieve good luck and success with the help of a Feng Shui manicure? The meaning of the fingers plays a big role here. The ideal design for Feng Shui is the use of the primary color, which suits you according to the elements, and the selection of fingers with other additional shades. These colors should be in harmony with each other. Then the manicure will not only be beautiful, but also give you the necessary energy. Well, we will help you determine your element in Chinese science.
Feng Shui interpretation of finger values
You can highlight one or two fingers in a certain shade, depending on what disturbs you and what you strive for. The Chinese believe that every finger on the hand is associated with certain events, feelings, emotions, negative and positive aspects of our character, acquaintances, sexuality and others.
Well, the meaning of fingers with manicure in Feng Shui will begin to be interpreted from the right hand. It is the right one that can give energy, and the left one can take. To get something, the nails of the right hand are isolated. This is due to the fact that the given energy will then double back. Chinese philosophy teaches first to give, and then to acquire.
Let's start the analysis of each finger with the right hand:
- Thumb. Focuses on success in business and business. Mental activity submits to him. Indicates errors and miscalculations.
- Pointing. It confirms its own egoism, misunderstanding of the world, the grumbling nature of the owner, contempt from others.
- The middle finger "controls" quarrels, misunderstandings, insults. Expresses dissatisfaction in sexual life.
- With the ring finger are the positive connections of the owner in friendship and sex.
- The little finger symbolizes well-being, an ideal family hearth, strong friendship, harmony with oneself.
Now about the left hand:
- Anxiety, futile efforts and unjustified hopes are associated with the thumb. He suggests that a person is wasting time.
- The index focuses on fears, human complexes, is associated with insecurity in one's strengths and oneself.
- The middle finger is assigned to the intimate sphere of its master. Associated with sensuality, sexual relationships and family happiness.
- The ring finger promises separation, sadness, loneliness, parting and disappointment.
The little finger is associated with wickedness, lies, betrayal, pretense, cunning, deceit and gossip.
Five Elements of Chinese Art
To make the best manicure according to Chinese traditions, you must also choose the right color. Here the clue will be your element. Money manicure by feng shui or any other is determined by the last digit of the year of birth. Take 1977 as an example. The last figure is 7. Now we turn to the elements:
- 0, 1 - the element of metal;
- 2, 3 - water;
- 4, 5 - wood;
- 6, 7 - fire;
- 8, 9 - land.
The ratio of elements and shades
Representatives of the element "metal" are erudite and financially secure. They should use varnishes in the following tones:
- Brown. Associated with warmth and serenity.
- Yellow. Promises joy, harmony in the soul, success in business.
- White. Connected with cleanliness, perfection, consent.
- Metallic shades. Indicate practicality and distrust.
Owners of water elements have an emotional nature and good financial security. Elements of water fit such shades:
- Blue and cyan. Associated with poise, calm, creativity.
- Black and white. Designate simplicity, tranquility, practicality.
- Any varnish with the effect of "chameleon".
The elements of the "tree" include strong creative personalities of a flexible mind. Their best options are:
- Green tones. They are associated with ambition, an excellent balance between physical and psychological, mental balance.
- Blue shades. Give creative energy, creativity.
- The black. Helps to find harmony and a path to self-improvement.
The fire element has active energy and strength. Sometimes owners are irritable. These girls are better off using:
- Red shades. They will give courage, passion, power and beauty.
With the element of "earth" associated comfort and stability. She will do:
- Pink. Associated with tenderness, femininity, unusual sensuality.
- Yellow. Symbolizes a good mood, encourages communication.
- Beige. Promises harmony with oneself and others.
It is not necessary to use just the above tones, you can pick up others according to your mood and appearance.
Detailed hue values
Perhaps you need to start characterizing the shades with white. It is universal and is used by almost all girls, there is almost no rejection from it. Many nations symbolize the white tone with goodness, justice, integrity, the perfection of the world.
Apricot blossom has a calming effect on the psyche . He positively tunes for the working day. He has a warming effect. Dark colors are diluted with apricot color, introducing a particle of the sun into them.
Turquoise varnish is associated with the famous gem. It symbolizes wealth, all beautiful and sophisticated. With the help of turquoise color they increase the body's resistance to electromagnetic rays. It helps to strengthen immunity, stimulate brain activity, and relieve fatigue.
The blue color balances and soothes the raging emotions. It helps to concentrate, tune in the right way.
Sunny yellow polish will always cheer you up. Associated with it are joy, fun, pep and optimism. It sometimes helps with physical fatigue and ailments. Yellow shade gives a person optimism, good spirits.
Nature and life itself is symbolized in green. It is chosen by confident, ambitious and ambitious people. Green tone restores mental and physical balance, increases confidence in one's own strengths and capabilities.
Golden color is a cross between brown and yellow. It is believed that it affects a person very much. Gold color strengthens the physical and mental strength of a person.
Brown lacquer is considered a symbol and personification of power, courage, beauty and brightness. Light brown tones give more warmth and tranquility. This recommendation is used not only for painting nails, but also for the manufacture of furniture. The dark shade of brown has a negative effect, it negatively affects emotions, thoughts and desires.
Brightness, beauty, power, courage, passion personifies red varnish. With such nails, joy, fun, happiness returns. Red color has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, increases blood pressure.
Lemon color is associated with freshness and purity. It strengthens the body's resistance, increases its protective properties, activates the lymphatic system.
Heraldry interprets the orange tone as a symbol of hypocrisy. But Chinese art connects it with openness, sociability, positive emotions.
Sensitive color that helps renewal, revival, spring trends is pink. To some, he seems cloyingly sweet. Feng Shui connects the pink tint with little girls, seeing in him trepidation, tenderness, femininity. It neutralizes and completely suppresses aggression.
Judiciousness, practicality and distrust are associated with a gray tint. This is a neutral color for people who choose a quiet life and prefer to stay in the shade.
Purity and spiritual elevation can be seen in blue. He is the personification of the blue sky. Blue tone has a calming effect on a person. He fights insomnia, suppresses aggressive thoughts. Its emitting light suppresses nervous excitement, negative. With blue, a person calms down and concentrates on his inner world.
Holiday and mystery blows from the purple. Intuition intensifies with it, the energy of the subconscious awakens.
Harmonizing colors and shades
The primary color can be combined with other suitable ones. Here are the most harmonious combinations:
- Red is combined with green, blue, golden yellow, gray.
- Pink - with burgundy, brown, gray.
- Orange - with sky blue, violet, purple, white, brown.
- Brown - with beige, gray, golden.
- Yellow - with green, brown, golden.
- Blue - with red, blue, light purple.
- Blue - with red, golden, burgundy.
- Violet - with yellow, green, aquamarine.
- Burgundy - with green, pink, blue.
- Gray - with black, red, pink, blue.
Feng shui manicure to attract money
In order to design marigolds for money gain, it is important to have a good mood so that the energy goes in the right direction. What fingers should be distinguished in a Feng Shui manicure? Here you need to focus on your element and the meaning of shades. Such a design can be decorated with a picture or supplemented with a hieroglyph that is specifically responsible for monetary increases.
Career feng shui manicure
If the nails of the index fingers are highlighted in bright color, then there will be luck in the career sphere. This is especially true for the index finger of the right hand. On top of the varnish you can apply a golden pattern. It is preferable to attract career growth with bright red, purple, gold or turquoise color of varnish.
Attraction love
To improve relationships, romantic meetings use red shades. The emphasis is on the middle finger of the left hand. This attracts new partners, enhances the attractiveness of men. Girls prefer pink and lilac shades.
Dot design
For some girls, the best manicure is a dot design. He looks beautiful in his arms. A modest manicure with feng shui dots does not seem empty. Most often use black dots, as you see in the photo above. Feng Shui recommends making dots on light varnishes.
Two Finger Feng Shui Design
Christina Fitzgerald at one time came up with a two-finger feng shui manicure. This idea was confirmed by a certain ideology. This technique consists in the fact that all nails are covered in one color, and the middle and nameless on the right hand are painted in the other, to attract the necessary energy.
Family Relationships
The pinky is responsible for family relationships. If this nail is highlighted in a different color, then Feng Shui predicts an improvement in understanding with your loved ones. The highlighted little finger of the right hand is especially successful. You can paint it in the same color scheme with all the nails, only a little lighter. For quick changes, apply a brighter color on the little finger.