Who is this reproductologist? Gynecologist reproductologist

The birth of a baby is a real happiness for parents. However, not all couples manage to conceive a child. Chronic pathologies, abnormalities in the development of the genitourinary system, gynecological diseases in women - all this can lead to pregnancy malfunctions or infertility. A reproductologist may come to the rescue. Who is it? A reproductologist is a doctor who specializes in treating diseases that interfere with the normal conception of an infant.

What is the responsibility of a specialist?

A gynecologist-reproductologist deals exclusively with the problems of female infertility. However, it often happens that problems with conception are associated with diseases of the male genital area. In this case, the partner must also come for an examination. The man will pass a number of tests and will be sent for further treatment to an andrologist.

who is the reproductologist
When should I contact a specialist? Who is it? A reproductologist is a doctor to whom couples are sent when problems arise with conception over a long period of time (a year or more). If both partners are absolutely healthy, and at the same time they want to plan the birth of a healthy baby, they should also consult a specialist. A reproductologist will help in matters of family planning. Reviews show that in the medical institution, genetic abnormalities can also be prevented. For specialized help, it is also worth contacting couples with a Rhesus conflict.

Male and female infertility

Gynecologists-reproductologists are more demanded. The fact is that problems with conception are much less common than pathological miscarriage. This means that the couple manages to conceive a baby, however, the full development of the fetus is not observed due to various diseases in a woman. Even the best reproductologist cannot guarantee success if a representative of the weaker sex has abnormalities in the development of the uterus or fallopian tubes, endometriosis is diagnosed, etc.

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There are also many causes of male infertility. However, in this case, problems with conception will definitely appear. Problems can occur in representatives of the stronger sex, who in childhood suffered from complicated infectious diseases. In this case, the sperm may be "empty", without sperm. Such a pathology can respond to treatment if you seek help in a timely manner. Acquired infertility can develop against the background of testicular injuries, cryptorchidism, prostatitis, etc.

Who is this reproductologist? This is a specialist who should comprehensively approach the problem of infertility of a couple. A qualified doctor examines both partners and prescribes adequate treatment.

Hormonal imbalance

This pathology is rarely given great importance. In fact, hormonal imbalance carries a serious risk for a woman's reproductive function. If a representative of the weaker sex plans to become a mother, while she has problems with menstruation, you should definitely contact a gynecologist-reproductologist for help.

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There are many factors that can lead to a violation of the hormonal background in women. First of all, the specialist takes into account the genetic predisposition. If the mother had problems with conception, it is also necessary for the daughter to be observed by the gynecologist. Violation of sleep patterns, poor nutrition, frequent stresses - all this can also lead to disruption of menstruation. The specialist’s task is to find out the exact causes of the disease and choose the most suitable treatment method. Most often, hormone replacement therapy is performed.

Tubal obstruction

The disease often develops in young girls. The result is infertility. Who is this reproductologist? This is a specialist who will help to find out the cause of the adhesive process. If possible, surgery will be carried out, during which the pathology will be eliminated.

gynecologist reproductologist
Tubal obstruction most often develops against a background of various surgical interventions. So, if a girl in childhood suffered a difficult removal of the appendix, the risk of infertility in the adult period increases. Adhesions can also appear against the background of inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system. Therefore, it is so important to periodically undergo preventive examinations and treat any diseases in a timely manner.


The reproductive doctor also deals with the treatment of this ailment. Reviews show that 15% of women of childbearing age face the disease in one form or another. Pathology is characterized by the growth of the endometrium, the inner layer of the uterus. As a result, a woman cannot bear a baby; the fetus dies at the stage of embryonic development. The causes of the disease can be several at once. First of all, this is an increased secretion of estrogen (female sex hormone). The situation is aggravated by excess pounds, malnutrition, regular stress.

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Endometriosis at an early stage is treatable. The basis of treatment is the use of hormones. Failure to seek medical help can lead to irreversible infertility. In addition, endometriosis negatively affects the health status of women in general. Anemia, a decrease in the body's defenses, painful menstruation - this is only a small part of the troubles associated with pathology.

Early menopause

This is another problem that leads to infertility in women. Even the best reproductologist will not be able to provide assistance to a patient who has completely extinguished reproductive function. Therefore, help should be sought when the first signs of menopause appear. Normal is considered to be the extinction of reproductive function by 50-55 years. However, negative factors, such as malnutrition, stress, poor ecology, can trigger the onset of menopause as early as 25-30 years.

It is recommended that a woman seek help when the first problems with menstruation occur. It is necessary to carefully monitor the cycle and even with minor deviations make an appointment with a reproductologist. At an early stage, menopause will be able to move due to high-quality hormonal treatment.

If the disease cannot be cured

Unfortunately, infertility is not always amenable to therapy. However, modern technology allows you to feel the joy of being parents even hopeless couples. In vitro fertilization and surrogacy are a way out for those men and women who cannot conceive and bear a child on their own.

gynecologist reproductologist
Many couples manage to create a full-fledged family precisely thanks to the work of a qualified reproductologist. Reviews show that in recent years, future parents have become more responsible. Specialists in the field of reproductive technologies do not remain without work.

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