Underarm laser hair removal: reviews, contraindications, possible consequences

Not only for many women, but also for men, the esthetic and hygienic aspect is extremely important today. Laser hair removal will solve the problem with unwanted vegetation on the body. Armpit reviews collected, probably the most numerous. And all because if people still think about hair removal in other areas, then everything is removed from this zone. Today we will talk about the most effective way to solve the problem of hair growth in the armpit area, we will find out all the pros and cons of the procedure.

armpit laser hair removal reviews

What is laser hair removal

The advent of laser technology in cosmetology has led to the facilitation of many procedures. The word "laser" is nothing more than a type of abbreviation. However, for a long time in Russian, it has become an independent word. If we consider the value literally, then it can be characterized as a light source with high energy. It focuses and transforms into a narrow beam. Today, technology can no longer be called a novelty; it is rapidly gaining popularity among the population. Perhaps, in a short time, laser hair removal of the armpit zone and other areas will be tested by every civilized person. Although today many men and women have already tested the methodology. And they all celebrate its effectiveness and safety.

Technology Impact Mechanism

Many women and men, before resorting to the procedure, study in detail how laser hair removal of armpits works. Reviews, consequences, and other information should be carefully studied before contacting the salon. Possession of information will help to form the correct expectation of the result from the procedure. Also, a person should be acquainted not only with the pros, but also with the minuses of such a cosmetic procedure. To begin with, how is hair removal removed?

As a result of exposure to laser energy on the pigments of melanin, which is responsible for the dark color of the hair, the structure is destroyed. What is the feature? After all, you can simply remove the vegetation using a razor, epilator or a special cosmetic product? The thing is that laser hair removal of the armpit zone completely inhibits hair growth. Technology allows many people to fulfill their dreams. Having completed several procedures, they now have the opportunity to get rid of unwanted vegetation on the body for several years. There is a possibility that she will never appear again at all! Thus, you can save time on regular hair removal, and reduce material costs for this. Indeed, if you calculate the approximate cost of funds for depilation, taking into account the long period, it will significantly increase the cost of the laser procedure.

armpit laser hair removal reviews consequences

What are lasers

The main two parameters of all laser equipment are power and wavelength. These characteristics and distinguish them among themselves, determine the functionality. It is the wavelength that enables the laser to neutralize pigments (melanin), which absorb thermal radiation. Optimum power in combination with the wavelength of light makes it possible to effectively eliminate body vegetation, tattoos, scars, etc. The devices are of the following type:

  • alexandrite;
  • ruby;
  • diode;
  • neodymium.

Further we will consider what is the peculiarity of these lasers. Indeed, many customers note the fact that salons offer a procedure such as laser armpit hair removal on various equipment. Reviews, consequences will allow us to determine the effectiveness of each type.

Ruby laser

Let's start with this type of equipment, as it first appeared in medicine. The laser was put into operation since 1960. The device managed to prove itself well over the past time. The equipment works thanks to a ruby ​​aluminum oxide rod with an admixture of an insignificant part of chromium. The wavelength of the ruby laser is 694.3 nm. Such characteristics ensure its effectiveness in removing pigmentation, tattoos and hair.

A feature of this type is the fact that it is used only in work with dark hair and fair skin. Its wavelength is considered short relative to other equipment. When working with dark skin, it is likely that white pigment spots will remain on it in the treated area.

armpit laser hair removal

Alexandrite Laser

It was developed as an alternative to the ruby ​​type. The laser in question is distinguished by its power. The wavelength of light is adjustable (700-820 nm). This allows for various procedures. The ability to adjust the apparatus manually makes it an effective assistant in carrying out such a procedure as laser hair removal of the armpit. Reviews of professionals say that excellent results are achieved in working with dark skin.

Diode laser

Now we turn to a short review of a semiconductor laser diode. It is actively used today in cosmetology. The device is distinguished by a powerful pumping of electricity. In this case, the radiation provides effective hair removal even from very dark skin integuments. This type of apparatus is very relevant for residents of southern countries. The laser under consideration has a wavelength of about 800 nm.

The low speed of the procedures can be attributed to the main disadvantages of this type of equipment. Increasing the time of the session and their number can cause some discomfort to the clients of the salon.

laser hair removal how many flashes are needed for armpits

Neodymium laser

The device of the new generation, having a wavelength of 1080 nm, is today considered the most effective. It is characterized by high power. All this provides a deep penetration of the laser beam into the skin. This has an active effect on the hair follicles. The uniqueness of the wavelength makes the procedure such as laser hair removal of the armpit even more effective. Reviews of experts suggest that, thanks to the type in question, bright hairs on the skin are also perfectly removed. Moreover, this version of the laser is actively used in other procedures. Thanks to him, non-surgical skin rejuvenation is carried out, for example.

What is the advantage of laser hair removal technology

The main advantage of the technology is the fact that the armpits after laser hair removal remain without vegetation for a long period (up to 6 years). In some cases, a person completely solves the problem of zone epilation.

An undoubted advantage of the procedure is its painlessness. The most powerful tactile sensations are slight tingling and tingling sensations.

The elimination of vegetation in this way guarantees safety. No scars or scars will remain. In addition, even people who are prone to the manifestation of allergic reactions can resort to this cosmetic procedure.

The session is carried out very quickly (from 5 minutes to half an hour).

The technology allows you to remove even ingrown hairs. Over time, even the holes overgrow, and the skin acquires a smoother surface.

Modern types of laser allow you to carry out the procedure on all types of skin, remove even blonde hair.

Undoubtedly, all these advantages have increased the popularity of such a procedure as laser hair removal of armpits. Reviews of both specialists and clients of salons agree that the technology quickly and effectively solves the problem with unwanted vegetation on the body. Thus, people get an excellent aesthetic result, facilitating hygiene procedures.

Is it possible to shave armpits after laser hair removal?

Underarm laser hair removal: contraindications

Before you go for a hair removal, you need to study all the situations in which it is impossible to carry out the procedure.

  • It is contraindicated to resort to the technology under consideration for any inflammatory processes on the skin in the armpits. Also in this area should not be moles. A prerequisite for the session is the absence of damage (abrasions, scratches, wounds).
  • Underarm laser hair removal can cause harm to people suffering from fungal, infectious diseases, oncology and diabetes.
  • Experts do not recommend using a laser for expectant and breastfeeding mothers. Also an obstacle are problems with the hormonal background. During menstruation, women should not have a session.

As we can see, there are not so many contraindications. Therefore, the procedure is so popular among the population.

armpit laser hair removal contraindications

The equivalent of laser hair removal

Devices have also been developed whose action is due to the intense emission of pulsed light. The principle of exposure is the same as in the procedure called “Laser Hair Removal”. How many flashes do armpits need on such equipment and what is the difference? They call the procedure photoepilation. The principle of action also lies in the effect on melanin. Moreover, at the time of the outbreak, many waves of different lengths affect the hair simultaneously.

The advantage of the device is only the fact that it can be adjusted manually. There are specific settings for each hair color and skin. The cost of this procedure depends on the number of flashes. Two armpits, as a rule, require from 20 to 50 times. And the average price of one flash is about 150 rubles. As a result, the photoepilation procedure costs customers more. After all, the cost of one session using laser equipment can be 1,500 rubles. In addition, photoepilation can be called a safe procedure only if it is performed by an experienced specialist. An error in the settings can cause burns.

After laser hair removal, underarm photos indicate that the skin remains clean, smooth, without any signs of damage. Although in this case, the client should pay special attention when searching for the master’s qualification salon.

Armpit laser hair removal: how many procedures are needed

This question is very important. Indeed, some clients of the salons suggest that they can solve the problem in one visit. Of course, even one session eliminates unwanted vegetation for a long time (up to 5 months). After it, hair grows back in smaller quantities. If the goal is to consolidate the result of the procedure, to solve your problem for the next 5-6 years, then you need to visit the salon 5 times. Owners of lush vegetation will need about 10 sessions at all.

Spend them with an interval of 30 days. During this period, experts do not recommend removing regrown hairs with an epilator. You must use a razor or cream. This is an important recommendation by a specialist. So, to the question of whether it is possible to shave armpits after laser hair removal, you have already received the answer.

Many clients of beauty salons say that regular sessions allowed them to remove all the vegetation in the armpits. After that, they note an improvement in the quality of life, the emergence of confidence that their skin always looks perfect in this area. Also, the fact that the need for frequent removal of hair with a razor, cosmetics or a regular epilator has disappeared is no good. Now you know how many laser armpit hair removal sessions will help get rid of vegetation for a long period or even forever. It remains to study the reviews about the procedure.

armpit laser hair removal

What to expect from armpit laser hair removal

Having studied the reviews of girls and men who managed to complete the procedure in question, we can safely declare its effectiveness. Customers notice a visible result after the first session. After 3-14 days, the hairs on the treated area fall off on their own. Experts warn that they should not be "helped" in this, trying to pull out. Such actions can lead to infection of the wound.

Depending on the color of the hair and skin, approximately 15% of the hair is destroyed after the first session. As a result of a full course and compliance with all the recommendations of a specialist, many girls managed to almost completely stop hair growth. Some customers note that they sometimes woke up "sleeping onions." In this case, they did the correction of the procedure about once every six months. It was necessary to conduct only one session.

There are negative reviews about the technology. Some girls drew attention to the fact that after the procedure white spots appeared on the skin. In this case, we can say that they were not lucky with the choice of a specialist. As we already mentioned in the article, laser hair removal should be carried out by a competent professional who will take into account all the individual characteristics of the client. Only in this case can the safety and good effect of the procedure be guaranteed.

As for the type of laser, diode and neodymium devices occupy leading positions in this matter. Thanks to the power and wavelength, a good result is achieved. These types of laser make it possible to work not only with dark hairs and fair skin.

Also, from the customer reviews of the salons, you can understand that many of them tested the technology first in one zone. They do not stop there. In the future, almost everyone decides to eliminate the problem of vegetation, not only in the armpits, but also in other parts of the body. All this characterizes the procedure as one of the most convenient and effective methods of eliminating body hair. In addition, many girls are happy to recommend this method of hair removal to their friends and relatives.

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